6 research outputs found

    Operational Research Project Management, Experiences, Challenges and Lessons Learnt

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    Introduction: Effective project management revolves around Strategic Management. Logistics seem simple and straight forward but, often the role  it plays in scientific undertakings is overlooked. It is usually assumed that research starts and ends in the laboratory. It is a fact that, for research activities to be successful, it requires exceptional planning to ensure that, resources are available as per the approved work-plan. This entails  determination of what, when, who, why and how it is to be done. Recent studies indicate that, logistics-related activities' impact on research  undertakings significantly. Objective: To document the project management experiences and lessons learnt in coordinating and implementation of East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project –Operational Research (EAPHLNP-OR) activities in five East African countries, namely: Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Tanzania. Methodology: The operational research component of the EAPHLNP, KEMRI established an OR Secretariat to coordinate the project activities in  Kenya and provide leadership to regional principal investigators. In consultation with the project Secretariat, the role of the administrator involved Work plan and budget preparation, planning, organizing, communicating, coordinating local and regional meetings, linking KEMRI research team with the study site (Hospital Administration) and Research Teams in the various counties. The site Teams obtained informed consent, recruited respondents, collected specimens, analyzed the specimens and shipped a portion of the same together with the results to KEMRI. Key Activities Of The Project: Managing financial aspects (budget and financial report preparations), logistical coordination, and procurement of training materials, organizing for meeting venues, taking minutes, travel arrangements and participation in scientific report writing. Control mechanism such as dairies, ledger books, work plan charts and schedules, managing and monitoring the progress of the project activities. Lesson Learnt & Challenges: Interpersonal skills were essential at all stages of the project. The critical stage was the forming, storming, and  norming stages. Here, group dynamics and conflicts took center stage. This threatened to stall the OR Project. Timely and constant communication with the study site coordinators, prioritization of scheduled project activities, was essential. Ensuring all parties are kept informed on the progress of the OR activities. The information in user-friendly format dairies and schedules provided the necessary feedback at administrative level, on project performance and at research findings. Key challenges included fluctuating funding, group dynamic conflicts and staff transfers. Discussion: EAPHLNP-OR was a Seven (7) years project undertaking, which for effective management involved understanding of the operating environment, strategic planning for short and long term goals, constant communication, review of priorities, documentation and practise of goodinterpersonal skills. Conclusion: Successful project management in OR required an administrator to coordinate the utilization of the available resources both capital and human. This is the second supplement in this issue only aspects on findings from TB and Enteric studies done in Kenya have been addressed.Three regional policy briefs on TB Enteric and malaria have been included

    Exploring the nexus between health status, technical efficiency, and welfare of small-scale cereal farmers in Tanzania: A stochastic frontier analysis

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    This articles was published by ELSEVIER,2023Cereal production is important component of Tanzania’s agricultural sector, as it provides food security and income for a significant portion of the population. However, low levels of technical efficiency and the negative impact of ill-health on cereal productivity have posed significant obstacles to the welfare of small-scale farmers in the country. This study estimates the technical efficiency of cereal producers in Tanzania, investigates the relationship between farmer health and cereal productivity, and establishes a link between technical efficiency and the welfare of smallholder farmers. Using data from the Tanzania Agriculture Sample Census survey 2019/ 20, the stochastic frontier production function was used to estimate technical efficiencies, while Tobit and instrumental variables models analyzed the impact of health on cereal production efficiency and the effects of efficiency on the welfare of cereal’s small-scale farmers respectively. The findings indicate that the overall technical efficiency of cereal producers in Tanzania is 44.44%, with pure technical efficiency standing at 56.50%. In addition, poor health reduces the likelihood of cereal productivity efficiency by 0.297 (p < 0.01). In addition, efficiency was found to significantly improve household welfare, as it increases food security (0.35327, p < 0.01), household income (0.2914, p < 0.01), and nutrition status by reducing malnutrition (− 0.36607, p < 0.01). The study recommends that rural agriculture development programs include health components to increase productivity, sustainability, and ultimately the standard of living of rural communities

    Transmission networks of SARS-CoV-2 in Coastal Kenya during the first two waves: a retrospective genomic study

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    Background: Detailed understanding of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) regional transmission networks within sub-Saharan Africa is key for guiding local public health interventions against the pandemic. Methods: Here, we analysed 1139 SARS-CoV-2 genomes from positive samples collected between March 2020 and February 2021 across six counties of Coastal Kenya (Mombasa, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Tana River, and Lamu) to infer virus introductions and local transmission patterns during the first two waves of infections. Virus importations were inferred using ancestral state reconstruction, and virus dispersal between counties was estimated using discrete phylogeographic analysis. Results: During Wave 1, 23 distinct Pango lineages were detected across the six counties, while during Wave 2, 29 lineages were detected; 9 of which occurred in both waves and 4 seemed to be Kenya specific (B.1.530, B.1.549, B.1.596.1, and N.8). Most of the sequenced infections belonged to lineage B.1 (n = 723, 63%), which predominated in both Wave 1 (73%, followed by lineages N.8 [6%] and B.1.1 [6%]) and Wave 2 (56%, followed by lineages B.1.549 [21%] and B.1.530 [5%]). Over the study period, we estimated 280 SARS-CoV-2 virus importations into Coastal Kenya. Mombasa City, a vital tourist and commercial centre for the region, was a major route for virus imports, most of which occurred during Wave 1, when many Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) government restrictions were still in force. In Wave 2, inter-county transmission predominated, resulting in the emergence of local transmission chains and diversity. Conclusions: Our analysis supports moving COVID-19 control strategies in the region from a focus on international travel to strategies that will reduce local transmission. Funding: This work was funded by The Wellcome (grant numbers: 220985, 203077/Z/16/Z, 220977/Z/20/Z, and 222574/Z/21/Z) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), project references: 17/63/and 16/136/33 using UK Aid from the UK government to support global health research, The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the funding agencies

    An optimisation of four SARS-CoV-2 qRT-PCR assays in a Kenyan laboratory to support the national COVID-19 rapid response teams

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    Background: The global COVID-19 outbreak relies on a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), to facilitate the roll-out of patient care and infection control measures. There are several qRT-PCR assays with little evidence on their comparability. We report alterations to the developers’ recommendations to sustain the testing capability in our setting, where the supply of testing reagents is limited. Methods: Standards generated from a serially-diluted positive control and previously identified positive/negative samples were used to determine the optimal volumes of the qRT-PCR reagents and to evaluate the validity and performance of four assays: Charité Berlin and European Virus Archive – GLOBAL (EVAg) primer-probe sets, and DAAN and Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) premixed commercial kits. A multiplex and singleplex RT-PCR kit was used with the two primer-probe sets and the recommended assay volumes of the two premixed kits were altered. Results: In comparison to the multiplex RT-PCR kit, the singleplex RT-PCR kit combined with the primer-probe sets yielded consistent cycle threshold (Ct) values across the different titrations tested. The DAAN premixed kit produced comparable Ct values across the titrations, while the BGI kit showed incomparable Ct values and inconsistent results between batches using the manufacturer’s recommended volumes. Conclusion: We achieved a 2.5-fold and 4-fold increase in the number of tests/kit for the premixed kits and the primer-probe sets, respectively. The primer-probe set assays were reliable and consistent, and we preferred a combination of an EVAg and a Berlin target. Any inconclusive result was repeated by different individuals following the same protocol. DAAN was a consistent and reliable assay even at lower concentrations from the stated recommendations. BGI in contrast, required dilution to improve its performance and was hence an assay that was used in combination with EVAg or Berlin targets.</p