59 research outputs found

    Impact of moral sensitivity on moral distress among psychiatric nurses

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    Background: Moral distress occurs when one knows the right thing to do, but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action. Moral distress was found to cause negative feelings, burnout, and/or resignation. Not only external factors such as lack of staff but also internal ones affect moral distress. Moral sensitivity, which is thought of as an advantage of nurses, could effect moral distress, as nurses being unaware of existing ethical problems must feel little distress. Objectives: To examine the impact of moral sensitivity on moral distress among psychiatric nurses, and affirm the hypothesis that nurses with higher moral sensitivity will suffer moral distress more than nurses with less moral sensitivity in two different samples. Ethical consideration: The study obtained ethical approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine at Mie University (# 1111, 20.4.2010), and by the Turku University Ethics Board (29.5.2012). Permissions to undertake the study was obtained from the in two hospital districts and in one city ( 48/4.10.2012, 63/4.9.2012, 51/2012 27.8.2012). Informed consent was not formally obtained, because the questionnaire was anonymously reported by the participants who volunteered to answer. The participants responded voluntarily and anonymously. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire containing the Revised Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire and the Moral Distress Scale for Psychiatric nurses was conducted to 997 nurses in 12 hospitals in Japan, and 974 nurses in 10 hospitals in Finland after obtaining of approval by research ethics committees. Data were analyzed using a multi-group structural equation model analysis. Findings: A set of analyses imply that the association of moral sensitivity with moral distress is significant and similar between Japan and Finland, whereas the factor structures of moral sensitivity and moral distress may be partially different. Discussion: The result of this study may indicate that nurses with high moral sensitivity can sense and identify moral problems, but not resolve them. Therefore, supporting nurses to solve ethical problems, not benumbing them, can be important for better nursing care and prevention of nurses' resignation. Conclusion: Moral sensitivity and moral distress were positively correlated among psychiatric nurses in both Japan and Finland, although the participating nurses from the two countries were different in qualification, age, and cultural background. Nurses with high moral sensitivity suffer from moral distress.Peer reviewe


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    This study was performed to examine the conditions surrounding the existence of mentors on Japanese nurses, and to examine how the existence of mentors affects the workplace environment and associated occupational stress as well as the influence on willingness of nurses to continue working. Data were collected in a cross-sectional manner using a questionnaire distributed to a total of 1,517 nurses working in seven hospitals in Japan. The number of valid survey responses was 1,275 (average valid response rate = 95.0%). The Japanese Mentoring Functions Questionnaire with nine items, the Japanese Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS), and the Japanese Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) were used in this study to examine mentoring, the workplace environment, and occupational stress, respectively. We created an original scale to measure willingness to continue working. Approximately 60% of the nurses had mentors. Notably, more nurses in their 20s and 30s had mentors than those in their 40s or older. Nurses that had mentors showed significantly greater willingness to continue working. On the AWS, five scales of control, reward, community, fairness, and values, except workload, revealed a significantly higher accommodation state in the workplace. On the MBI-GS, those nurses that had mentors reported significantly lower levels of exhaustion and cynicism, while professional efficacy was significantly higher. In analysis by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), “mentors affect community in the workplace environment” and “mentors affect feeling of professional efficacy” were selected as the final models. The final model showed a significant relationship between the existence of mentors and the desire to continue working in the current place.本研究の目的は、日本の看護師を対象として、メンターの存在に関する実態を調べ、メンターの存在が職場環境や職業性ストレスにどのような影響をおよぼすか、さらに看護師の就業継続意思への影響を検討することであった。 質問紙法により横断的にデータ収集を行い、対象者は、7 つの病院に勤務する全看護者とし、合計 1,517 名であった。有効回答数は、調査票 1,275 票(平均有効回答率= 95.0%)であった。メンターは日本版 Mentoring Functions Questionnaire-9 items、職場環境は日本版 Arear of Worklife Survey(AWS)、職業性ストレスは日本版バーンアウト測定尺度 Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey(MBI-GS)を用いて測定した。看護師の就業継続意思は、独自に作成した尺度を使用し測定した。 約6割の看護師がメンターを持っていた。特に、20 歳代や 30 歳代の看護師の中でメンターを持つ者の割合が、40 歳代以上の看護師と比べて高かった。メンターを持つ看護師のほうが、就業継続意思が有意に高かった。AWS で測定した職場環境に関しては、仕事の負担を除く裁量権、報酬、共同体、公平性、価値観の 5 つの側面による職場適合状態が有意に高くなっていた。また、MBI-GS に関して見ると、メンターのいる者の疲弊感とシニシズムが有意に低く、逆に職務効力感が有意に高くなっていた。最終的に共分散構造モデル解析をした結果、メンターは、看護師の職場環境の中でも共同体に影響を、また職務効力感に影響をおよぼしているという最終モデルが選ばれた。就業継続意思との関係については、メンターは今勤務している部署で働き続けたいとの間に有意な関係が認められた

    Process of Returning to Work for Mid-Career Nurses Who Continue Working After a Sabbatical or Leaving Work Due to Mental Health Disorders

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    本研究は,キャリア発達の視点を踏まえた支援体制構築のために,メンタルヘルス不調による休職・離職を経て復帰し看護師として働き続けるプロセスを明らかにすることを目的とした.3 年以上の職務経験の後にメンタルヘルス不調による休職もしくは離職を経験し,看護職に復帰した看護師 9 名に半構造化面接を行い,複線径路・等至性アプローチを用いて分析した.その結果,「見通しをもって看護師を続けていく」という等至点に至るまでのプロセスにおいて,「心身に強く仕事の負担がのしかかる」「現状と先行きへの不安に職業継続意思が揺らぐ」「何もしていない焦りと不安を抱え葛藤する」「看護師としての自分を立て直す」という 4 つの分岐点(BFP)が見出された.また,キャリアを中断するまでの時期では,<看護を担う専門職者としての信念>がキャリア発達の促進要因かつ阻害要因として働いていることが明らかとなった.本研究の結果から,メンタルヘルス不調による休職・離職経験のある看護師へのキャリア発達支援には,何らかの迷いや複線性が生じる分岐点に着目し,経験に応じた細やかな支援が必要であるとともに,様々な予期せぬ出来事をキャリア発達のチャンスとして捉えるスキルを培い伸ばせるような支援が望ましい.さらに,組織が期待する役割と看護師個人が大切にしている信念が大きくかけ離れないことも大切である.This research was designed to determine the process of support system construction by nurses returning to work after taking a sabbatical or leaving work due to mental health disorders from the viewpoint of career development. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine nurses that had left their jobs due to mental health disorders after more than 3 years of employment and then returned to the profession. These interviews were then analyzed using the trajectory equifinality approach. The results indicated four bifurcation points (BFP) on the process of reaching equifinality so they could continue their nursing careers with prospects: “The burdens of work weigh heavily on both the body and mind,” “The willingness to continue working changes due to current conditions and anxiety about the future,” “Experiencing tension from the frustration and anxiety of not doing anything,” and “Gearing oneself toward being a nurse.” In addition, the results indicated that up to the point where they discontinued their careers, “Belief of being an expert who has assumed a nursing career” worked to both promote and obstruct career development. The results of this study indicated the necessity of career development support for nurses. To provide career development support to nurses that have taken sabbaticals or left work due to mental health disorders, it is necessary to pay attention to their BFP, which may cause some ambivalence and develop multiple possibilities, and provide detailed support appropriate to the person’ s experiences. In addition, support is preferable to provide opportunities for nurses to see various unexpected incidents as chances to develop their careers and nurture their skills to overcome problems. The roles that the organizations for which they work expect nurses to adopt and the beliefs that nurses value should generally be in accordance with each other


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    Objectives: To explore the psychosocial process in mothers that continue to fulfill their parenting responsibilities despite a depressed mood.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were performed with 11 mothers with suspected depression based on Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (≥ 9) or with strong anxiety about parenting that was detected at the 1-month postpartum examination or the 2 ‒ 4-month newborn house visit. The grounded theory approach was used for the analysis.Results: The mothers found , and ultimately reached a state of either or through various routes. For example, depressed mothers, without help from their own mother and/or husband, felt lonely and isolated in . Gaining «awareness of the current situation» was a decisive point. Those that gained awareness of their own effort became able to have a and , while those that did not gain awareness of their own effort underwent , leading to . Upon encounters with difficult during parenting, the lack of immediately led depressed mothers to .Discussion: Mothers with depressed mood, without support, have limited capability to continue fulfilling their parenting responsibilities. The results of this study suggest that depressed mothers require support to prevent exhaustion from their own mothers, psychological support from their husbands, and support to reduce the sense of loneliness and isolation from their social networks.目的:抑うつ状態にありながらも育児を継続している母親の心理社会的プロセスを明らかにする。方法:産後 1 か月健診時または生後2~4か月の新生児家庭訪問時、エジンバラ産後うつ病自己調査票による抑うつ状態が疑われる 9 点以上の高得点者あるいは、育児不安が強く抑うつ傾向が高いと判断された母親 11 名に半構成的面接を行った。分析にはグラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いた。結果:抑うつ状態にある母親は、日々≪子どもへの対応の困難さ≫を感じていたが、その後に辿るプロセスはさまざまな形を呈しており、最終的に≪できない自分の自覚≫あるいは ≪子どもの対応への自信≫のどちらかに至っていた。母親は身近にいる実母や夫からの支援や理解が無いと≪自分ひとりの育児≫となり、孤独な孤立した育児となっていた。しかし、育児プロセスの中で【現状への気づき】ができるかどうかが重要な分岐点となっていた。現状の自分の頑張りに気づけた場合は≪気持ちの切り替え≫ができ≪子どもの対応への自信≫となっていた。自分の頑張りに気づけなかった場合は≪あきらめの育児≫となり≪できない自分の自覚≫となっていた。また育児中、対処困難な≪突発的な出来事≫が起こった時、≪ソーシャルサポートとつながる≫ことができないと、直ちに≪できない自分の自覚≫となっていた。考察:抑うつ状態にある母親が自ら持つ育児能力だけで育児を継続するには限界がある。抑うつ状態にある母親が安定して育児継続できるためには、支援者である実母には疲弊防止の支援、夫には精神的サポート、ソーシャルサポートには孤独感・孤立感の解消が求められていることが示唆された

    Effects of a Worksite Stress Management Training Program with Six Short-hour Sessions: A Controlled Trial among Japanese Employees

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a multi-component worksite stress management training (SMT) program among employees belong to Japanese steel company. Methods: Five workplaces were assigned to an intervention group and two workplaces to a control group. SMT with monthly 30-min sessions were provided to the intervention group for 6 mo. Intention-to-treat analyses were conducted among respondents of the intervention (n=96) and control groups (n=53). Results: Significant favorable intervention effects were found on knowledge (p0.05). However, in per-protocol analyses of those who attended all sessions, significant favorable effects were observed on psychological distress and job performance, as well as knowledge and professional efficacy (p<0.05). In addition, subgroup analyses revealed that those with initial low job control showed a favorable intervention effect only on knowledge (p<0.001), whereas those with initial high job control showed favorable intervention effects on knowledge (p<0.001), professional efficacy (p=0.023) and anxiety (p=0.033). Conclusions: The results suggest that the multi-component SMT program is effective at improving knowledge and professional efficacy, although job control appeared to moderate the effect of the program on professional efficacy. The program may also be effective at reducing psychological distress and increasing job performance, if participants complete all sessions


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    This study was performed to elucidate the framework of subjective cognition about themselves and their life to date in individuals with schizophrenia who had experienced long-term hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital and were currently living in the community to support the life of these individuals in the community. Semi-structured interviews (about 30 minutes × 3 times per person) were conducted with eight individuals with schizophrenia living in the community for ≥ 1 year after having been hospitalized for ≥ 3 years in total (including one hospitalization period lasting ≥ 1 year). The KJ method, an affinity diagram developed by Kawakita that serves as a tool for organizing ideas and data, was used to divide interview data into 10 groups, or islands: “wanting to escape from the negative situation,” “being admitted to hospital = assurance of security,” and “turning to religion for salvation” indicating hospitalization as an uncontrollable situation with a strong sense of powerlessness, and “not being afraid of the past” and “fighting to avoid re-hospitalization,” showing that after hospital discharge, individuals with schizophrenia looked for a place where they could keep some distance from their past and exert some control over the present. While living in the community, they were secretly “yearning for marriage,” while “keeping an easygoing attitude about their position in society,” “trying to overcome the barriers between themselves and healthy individuals,” and “being encouraged by the realization of being ordinary,” suggesting that they longed for their own place in the community. Finally, “learning from agonizing events to change oneself” suggested that individuals with schizophrenia intend to change themselves through their various experiences during and after hospitalization. Taken together, these findings suggest that to provide adequate care to individuals with schizophrenia living in the community after long-term hospitalization, it is necessary to understand their views about community life, in addition to understanding their past medical history, especially prolonged hospitalization, which constitutes a large part of their outlook on life and the world. It is also important to conform to their pace because individuals with schizophrenia tend to have challenges with voluntary impulse control.本研究は、統合失調症者の地域生活を支援するため、精神科病院で長期入院を経験し現在は地域で暮らす彼らの、今までの自分自身および生活に対する主観的認知の構造を明らかにすることを目的とした。通算 3 年以上(継続 1 年以上を含む)入院し、現在は 1年以上の地域生活を送る統合失調症者 8 名に約 30 分の半構造化面接を 3 回ずつ行った。面接内容は、KJ 法により 10 のグループ「島」に統合された。入院とは【理不尽な状態から抜け出したい】【病院=守られる安心】【信仰に救いを求めて】といった、コントロール不能で無力感の強い状態であった。退院後は【過去に怯えない【】再入院しない闘い】といった、過去と距離を取りつつ、コントロールできる立ち位置を模索していた。地域生活では【結婚生活への憧れ】を秘めつつ、【社会的なポジションにおいて無理しない】【健常者との壁を越えたい】【普通の実感を励みに】といった、自分に合った居場所を希求する意識がみられた。【苦悩からも学び、自分を変えていく】ことで、入院中・退院後のさまざまな体験の意味を考え、自己を変容する姿勢がみられた。長期入院後に地域で暮らす統合失調症者に適切なケアを提供するためには、本人の人生を構成する過去の長期入院を含め、地域生活に関する現在の本人の見解を理解する必要がある。そして、主体的なコントロール感覚の獲得は彼らの課題であるため、統合失調症者本人のペースに合わせることも大切である


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    This study presents the process of associating with experiences by parents of children with schizophrenia from onset to continuation of life in the community. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 14 parents of children with schizophrenia. The results were analyzed using Kinoshitaʼs modified grounded theory approach. Based on the results, two categories and 13 concepts were extracted. When children with schizophrenia experienced onset, their parents ʻcontinued living without consideration as hallucination/delusion.ʼ When the children were diagnosed as having schizophrenia, the parents were shocked by psychosis, and started the process of the [expectation of independence as parents.] This shock was influenced by the parentsʼ prejudice. The parents associated with their experience by ʻbelieving full recoveryʼ of children, and ʻtried every possible means to keep pace with others of the same generationʼ when children showed recovery. They also associated with their experience by ʻreprimandʼ children when children experienced recurrence. The parents repeatedly experienced these two associations and ʻwere not able to decide what to do to address hallucination/delusion.ʼ However, they were gradually able to ʻrespect their childrenʼ and ʻenjoying oneʼs own life apart from the role of a parentʼ based on the central concept of ʻfeeling relief from a family association,ʼ and entered the process of the [recognition of the recovery limits.] The parents were able to ʻaccept a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ by ʻaccepting the child with schizophrenia,ʼ which led to continuation of the childʼs life in the community. Associates of ʻaccepting the child with schizophreniaʼ and ʻaccepted a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ were influenced by ʻabandoning full recovery.ʼ  However, parents became devoted to ʻpreparing for the future after the death of parentsʼ for the child as they grew older, and the feeling of ʻhoping for independence that they cannot abandonʼ for the child arose in the parentsʼ mind, causing conflict with ʻaccepting a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ in the parentsʼ mind.子が統合失調症の発症から地域での生活を継続していくまでに、その親はそれらの経験とどう付き合っていったかのプロセスを明らかにした。統合失調症の子をもつ親 14 名を対象として,半構構造化面接を実施し、木下の修正版グランデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。結果,2 つのカテゴリー,13 の概念を抽出した。 子の発症当時の親は、子の症状を「幻覚・妄想と捉えず生活を継続」していた。子が診断を受けることで親は精神疾患への衝撃を受け、【親としての自立への期待】のプロセスに入っていた。この衝撃には、親自身の偏見が影響していた。親は、子の「完治を信じる」ことを行い、子の回復が見られると「同世代と足並みを揃えるために手を尽くす」ことを行っていた。また、子が再発を経験すると「叱咤激励する」ことを行っていた。この二つを幾度も経験することで親は「幻覚・妄想への対応に迷走」していた。しかし、「家族会から安心を得る」ことをコアの概念として、「子を尊重する」ことや「自分の人生を楽しむ」ことができるようになり、【回復の限界の認識】のプロセスに入っていた。親は、「統合失調症の子を受容する」ことで「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」ことができ、子の地域での生活継続に至っていた。「統合失調症の子を受容する」と「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」ことには、「完治を諦める」ことが影響していた。その一方で,年齢を重ねるにつれ,子の「親亡き将来の準備をする」ことに力を注ぐようになり,子の「自立への捨てきれない望みを抱く」思いが沸き上がり、「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」こととの間で,心の葛藤を生んでいた

    Development of the salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance program in Indonesia

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    We conducted a randomized, controlled trial to examine the effects of a salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance program on the improvement and maintenance of self-care and self-efficacy in reducing the salt intake of older people with high blood pressure. A total of 51 participants with hypertension/prehypertension in Indonesia were randomly assigned to a control group or one of two intervention groups: salt-reduction training or salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance. The salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance group received educational training and a maintenance meeting; the participants\u27 knowledge, attitudes, self-care practices, and self-efficacy significantly improved after training and were maintained after the maintenance meeting. Participants in the salt-reduction training group showed significant effects for the same variables; however, their food salt concentrations rebounded after the maintenance meeting. No significant improvement was found in the control group. The salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance group participants reported positive effects of salt reduction and different practices based on who prepared their meals. The salt-reduction and efficacy-maintenance group program was effective in improving and maintaining knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of salt-reduction practices and could be applied with community-dwelling older people with high blood pressure. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.Embargor Period 12 month


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    Objectives: This study examined the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to remain in the nursing profession among hospital nurses.Method: A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among nurses working at a hospital to evaluate their attributes, intention to remain, and job satisfaction levels. The Revised Job Satisfaction Inventory for Nurses (JSN-R) was used to assess job satisfaction levels.Results: Multiple regression analysis of 406 valid responses extracted explanatory variables for nursesʼ intention to remain in their profession from 16 subscales of the JSN-R. Significant relationships were observed for the following: “Intention to remain in the same department” with “Collaborative relationship among nursing team,” “Amount of work,” “Salary,” and “Work environment”; “Intention to remain in the same hospital” with “Relationship with superiors,” “Relationship with hospital staff other than physicians,” and “Salary”; and “Intention to remain in the nursing profession” with “Relationship with hospital staff other than physicians,” “Salary,” and “Exercising your abilities.” Conclusion: This study indicated that there is a relationship between job satisfaction among nurses and intention to remain in the nursing profession.目的:病院勤務の看護師を対象に,職務満足と就業継続意思との関係を明らかにした。 方法:一病院に勤務の看護師に自己記入式質問紙調査を実施し,属性・就業継続意思・職務満足について尋ねた。 職務満足は改訂版看護師職務満足尺度(JSN-R)を用いた。 結果:有効データ 406 票に重回帰分析を行い,JSN-R の 16 下位尺度から就業継続意思を説明する変数を抽出した。 「今勤務している部署で,働き続けたい」には看護チームの協力関係,業務量,給与,労働環境が,「今勤務している病院で,働き続けたい」には上司との関係,医師以外の他職種との関係,給与が,「看護師として,働き続けたい」には医師以外の他職種との関係,給与,能力の発揮が各々有意となった。 結論:本研究において、看護師の職務満足と就業継続意思との間にはある関連が認められることが明らかとなった