

This study presents the process of associating with experiences by parents of children with schizophrenia from onset to continuation of life in the community. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 14 parents of children with schizophrenia. The results were analyzed using Kinoshitaʼs modified grounded theory approach. Based on the results, two categories and 13 concepts were extracted. When children with schizophrenia experienced onset, their parents ʻcontinued living without consideration as hallucination/delusion.ʼ When the children were diagnosed as having schizophrenia, the parents were shocked by psychosis, and started the process of the [expectation of independence as parents.] This shock was influenced by the parentsʼ prejudice. The parents associated with their experience by ʻbelieving full recoveryʼ of children, and ʻtried every possible means to keep pace with others of the same generationʼ when children showed recovery. They also associated with their experience by ʻreprimandʼ children when children experienced recurrence. The parents repeatedly experienced these two associations and ʻwere not able to decide what to do to address hallucination/delusion.ʼ However, they were gradually able to ʻrespect their childrenʼ and ʻenjoying oneʼs own life apart from the role of a parentʼ based on the central concept of ʻfeeling relief from a family association,ʼ and entered the process of the [recognition of the recovery limits.] The parents were able to ʻaccept a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ by ʻaccepting the child with schizophrenia,ʼ which led to continuation of the childʼs life in the community. Associates of ʻaccepting the child with schizophreniaʼ and ʻaccepted a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ were influenced by ʻabandoning full recovery.ʼ  However, parents became devoted to ʻpreparing for the future after the death of parentsʼ for the child as they grew older, and the feeling of ʻhoping for independence that they cannot abandonʼ for the child arose in the parentsʼ mind, causing conflict with ʻaccepting a life within the range of the childʼs abilityʼ in the parentsʼ mind.子が統合失調症の発症から地域での生活を継続していくまでに、その親はそれらの経験とどう付き合っていったかのプロセスを明らかにした。統合失調症の子をもつ親 14 名を対象として,半構構造化面接を実施し、木下の修正版グランデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。結果,2 つのカテゴリー,13 の概念を抽出した。 子の発症当時の親は、子の症状を「幻覚・妄想と捉えず生活を継続」していた。子が診断を受けることで親は精神疾患への衝撃を受け、【親としての自立への期待】のプロセスに入っていた。この衝撃には、親自身の偏見が影響していた。親は、子の「完治を信じる」ことを行い、子の回復が見られると「同世代と足並みを揃えるために手を尽くす」ことを行っていた。また、子が再発を経験すると「叱咤激励する」ことを行っていた。この二つを幾度も経験することで親は「幻覚・妄想への対応に迷走」していた。しかし、「家族会から安心を得る」ことをコアの概念として、「子を尊重する」ことや「自分の人生を楽しむ」ことができるようになり、【回復の限界の認識】のプロセスに入っていた。親は、「統合失調症の子を受容する」ことで「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」ことができ、子の地域での生活継続に至っていた。「統合失調症の子を受容する」と「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」ことには、「完治を諦める」ことが影響していた。その一方で,年齢を重ねるにつれ,子の「親亡き将来の準備をする」ことに力を注ぐようになり,子の「自立への捨てきれない望みを抱く」思いが沸き上がり、「子のできる範囲の生活を受け入れる」こととの間で,心の葛藤を生んでいた

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