177 research outputs found

    Preleukemia: hematological disorders prior to onset of leukemia

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    Published data on Japanese leukemia patients with a preleukemic hematological disorder were assessed. The reexamined cases were from the &#34;Japona Centra Revuo Medicina&#34; reported during the period from 1952 to 1971. Among preleukemic hematological disorders, hypoplastic anemia was the most frequently reported (41 of 62 cases). These &#34;hypoplastic preleukemia&#34; patients were rather elderly and terminated mostly in atypical myelocytic leukemia. The chief hematological feature of the hypoplastic preleukemia cases was the coexistence of a relative erythroid hyperplasia and a slight increase of myeloblasts in the bone marrow that was unusual in hypoplastic anemia. The presence of pancytopenia and hypocellular marrow with a relative erythroid hyperplasia combined with a slight increase of myeloblasts probably indicates hypoplastic preleukemia that terminates later in acute leukemia.</p

    The cytogenesis of ascitic pha­gocytes

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    Judging from our vital observation conducted mainly by tissue culture, it was firmly demonstrated that ascitic phagocytes are not histiocytes but they are the cells closely related to monocytes and that the sites of the genesis are the milky spots of the greater omentum. The milky spots are most possibly the remnants of the mesenchymal hematopoiesis of the embryonic stage.</p

    Normal chemotactic activity of granulocytes obtained by filtration leucapheresis

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    The chemotactic activity of granulocytes obtained by the Terumo Filtration Leucapheresis System (F.L.) was examined by the method of Boyden's chamber. The number of cells migrating through the Millipore filter was expressed as the chemotactic activity. The mean values were 117 for the F.L. and 122 in a control, in which cells were collected from the same donor blood using dextran sedimentation. The results suggested that the in vitro chemotactic function of granulocytes obtained by F.L. was within normal limits.</p

    Images of nurses by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course

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    本研究では、看護課程志望の高校生が看護職に対してどのようなイメージを持っているのか、看護教育機関の希望や将来の看護職種の希望は看護職に対するイメージと関係があるのかを明らかにしたいと考えた。岡山県下の全ての高校に在学中の看護課程志望高校生に対して、質問紙調査をおこなった。222名から回答が得られ、分析を行った結果、以下のことが明らかになった。1)看護課程志望高校生は看護職に対して非常に良いイメージを持っており、同時に労働条件の厳しさも理解していた。その良いイメージとは、看護職の持つ尊さや献身性に由来する自負心と、資格のもつ現実的利点であった。しかし、看護職の専門性を表す、高度な知識・判断・技術、生涯教育の必要性の認識は低かった。2)短大・大学を志望する高校生は、看護学校・准看護学校志望者に比べ、看護職は生涯教育を必要とするとイメージしていた。3)看護婦、保健婦、助産婦のどの職種を希望するかによって、看護職に対するイメージに違いがあった。A qusetionnaire survey was done by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course in Okayama Prefecture, to know what images of nurses they had, what course for nursing education they wished to best for and what they would like nursing profession to be. Results of analysing data obtained from 222 students were as follows; 1. They had favorable images of nurses in high rates, although they also recognized the harsh working conditions. Those images were thought to be derived from the preciousness of nursing, devotion to people, and advantage of the license. But recognition of specialty of nursing indicated by items such as knowledge, judgement, skill and continuing education was low. 2. Necessity of continuing education was recognized by students wishing to go on to university or junior college better than students of vocational school of registered and assistant nurses. 3. Images of nurses were different by their choice of profession such as clinical nurses, public health nurses and midwives which they would like to be in the future

    An adult case of chronic myelogenous leukemia with myeloblastic involvement of the central nervous system.

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    A 31-year-old female with chronic myelogenous leukemia, who developed myeloblastic involvement of the central nervous system during acute myeloblastic transformation of the disease, was treated with methotrexate intrathecally. The therapy produced prompt clinical response and complete reversal of abnormal cerebrospinal fluid findings. However, the patient expired 10 months following the acute blastic crisis.</p

    Chromosome 8-14 translocation in a non-African Burkitt's lymphoma with leukemic conversion.

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    A specific chromosome translocation, t(8q-; 14q+), was observed in a 43-year-old female with non-African Burkitt's lymphoma in which leukemic conversion had occurred. The chromosome studies used cells from ascites. The ascites was apparently the result of a primary tumor involving the ovaries and contained 68% of lymphoma cells. The frequent occurrence of abnormalities related to chromosomes 1, 8 and 14 in African and non-African Burkitt's lymphomas was emphasized.</p

    Detection of reverse transcriptase activity by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in human immunodeficiency virus type 1.

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    An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using biotin-labelled oligo-dT primer and digoxigenin (Dig)-dUTP was designed to measure the reverse transcriptase (RT) activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The ELISA system involves the selective detection step of a newly synthesized cDNA by two specific bindings, biotin-streptavidin binding and alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated anti-Dig-Dig binding, and the enzymatic amplification step to increase coloring generated by AP. This method was used to measure the activity of RT in the culture supernatants of peripheral leukocytes obtained from four anti-HIV-1-positive persons cocultivated with those from four anti-HIV-1-negative persons. RT activity was detected in all of four anti-HIV-1-positive culture supernatants but not in those cultivated with anti-HIV-1-negative supernatants alone. Thus, our improved ELISA for detection of HIV-1 appears to be sensitive enough and useful for routine laboratory work. This non-radioactive method will also be useful for detecting other retroviruses and for screening of RT inhibitors.</p

    The relationship of cellular immunity to prognosis in acute leukemia

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    Forty-five patients with acute leukemia were compared on cellular immunity measures versus prognosis. The patients were treated according a multicombination therapy protocol. The purified protein derivative (PPD) test and dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) test on admission indicated low positive percentages. In acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) patients, the 50% survival durations were 11 months in the PPD positive group and 6 months in the PPD negative group. In acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) patients, the 50% survival durations were 21 months in the PPD positive group and 13 months in the PPD negative group. Peripheral lymphocyte blastogenesis by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation was examined at various clinical stages. The stimulation indices were generally low, and no correlation was found between the PHA test and clinical stages. These cellular immunity measures appeared to reflect one aspect of the clinical condition in acute leukemia patients, and further studies are needed for predicting prognosis.</p

    Antitumor activity of neocarzinostatin, effect on Rauscher leukemia in mice

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    Neocarzinostatin (NCS), an antibiotic with a high molecular weight, showed an inhibittory effect on Rauscher mouse leukemia. In normal mice, no significant changes were found in peri· pheral blood pictures except a tendency of lymphocytopenia, when O. 05mg/kg/day and O.50mg/kg/day of NCS were injected intraperi. toneally to two groups of mice for three days. On the other hand, peripheral nucleated cells of Rauscher leukemic mice decreased after intraperitoneal administration of NCS in a dose over O.25mg/kg/day for three days. The cells affected by NCS were mainly erythroblasts and smudged cells. Spleens of Rauscher leukemic mice treated with NCS have been reduced in weight, and histological examinations of livers showed a signicant decrease of infiltrating cells. In three groups treated with 0.25mg/kg/day of NCS for seven days, O.25mg/kg/day for three days and O.50mg/kg/day for three days, the.5()% survival time was longer than in the control group. Particularly, the 50% survival time in Rauscher leukemic mice treated with 0.50 mg/kg/day for three days was over twice that of the control group.</p