84 research outputs found

    Addressing replenishment policies at Ringnes from a conceptual point of view

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    Confidential until 22. May 202


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    Contemporary Societies of the Pacific Region : Environment, Development, and Culture

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    国際シンポジウム : 太平洋圏における人・もの・文化のリンケー

    Inkludering av barn med autisme i barnehagens utelek: "Hvordan kan personalet i barnehagen legge til rette for inkludering av barn med autisme i uteleken"

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    Å komme frem til en målbar problemstilling innenfor temaet har ikke vært enkelt. Siden barn med autisme er like forskjellige som alle andre barn finnes det ingen fasitsvar på hvordan det går an å tilrettelegge for god utelek, eller hvordan man som voksen skal være på en bestemt måte. Jeg har derfor valgt å fokusere mest på personalets rolle, og ikke på autismediagnosen. Dette er fordi at oppgaven ikke skal bli for spesialpedagogisk, men ha fokus på inkludere barn inn i det allmenpedagogiske. Den nye stortingsmeldingen Tett på, tidlig innsats og inkluderende fellesskap i barnehage, skole og SFO, viser til at regjeringen ser på å gjøre det allmenpedagogiske tilbudet bedre, som det viktigste tiltaket for å skape en inkluderende barnehage og skole. (Meld. St. 6, 2019-2020). Jeg har derfor valgt problemstillingen: Hvordan kan personalet legge til rette for inkludering av barn med autisme i utelek? I oppgaven skal jeg se på ulike måter personalet kan legge til rette for inkludering av barn med autisme i utelek på. Det finnes mange ulike innganger til dette, men jeg vil forsøke å vise til noen forskjellige metoder dette kan gjøres på. Jeg har valgt å ha fokus på utelek fordi jeg som tidligere nevnt interesserer meg mye for leken som skjer i uterommet. Mye av frileken i barnehagedagen foregår utendørs, og derfor ønsker jeg å løfte frem viktigheten av denne. Rammeplanen for barnehagen (2017, s. 40) løfter frem viktigheten av at inkludering i barnehagen blant annet handler om at en skal tilrettelegge for sosial deltakelse. Å delta i utelek sammen med andre barn er en form for sosial deltakelse, og derfor noe man som voksen i barnehagen skal kunne legge til rette for, uansett hvilke forutsetninger enkeltbarnet har. Jeg vil til sist trekke frem barnehageloven som en begrunnelse for problemstillingen min. Barnehageloven (2005, § 1) slår fast at barnehagen, i samarbeid med barnets hjem skal fremme trivsel, og gjøre at barna opplever lek og læring som noe positivt. Barnehagen skal også kunne utfordre, og være en plass som barn opplever som trygt for felleskap og vennskap. Å ha en tilnærming til dette innenfor det allmennpedagogiske , er derfor viktig når man jobber i barnehagen.publishedVersionBDBAC490

    Atomic tiles: Manipulative resources for exploring bonding and molecular structure

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    A simple manipulative resource, Atomic Tiles, is described for scaffolding the learning of Lewis structures without using algorithmic, rule-based methods of drawing. Students use Atomic Tiles to (1) create models of bonding that lead to drawing Lewis structures, (2) use the structures they create to infer patterns required for rational structures and common organic functional groups, (3) translate between Lewis structures and molecular models, and (4) use molecular models to identify isomers

    I. Developing Methods for the Analysis of Chemistry Students' Inscriptions, II. Exploring the Regioselectivity of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of Munchnones, III. Stereochemical Investigations of C-H Activation Reactions Involving Germylene and Stannylene/A

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    I. Analyzing and comparing student-generated inscriptions in chemistry is crucial to gaining insight into students’ understanding about chemistry concepts. Thus, we developed two methods of analyzing student-generated inscriptions: features analysis and thematic analysis. We have also demonstrated how these methods are able to discern differences between both how students inscribe their understandings and the content of those inscriptions, regardless of 1) how those inscriptions were created (ie. computer vs. pencil-and-paper), 2) the nature of the inscriptions (verbal vs. pictorial), and 3) the expertise of the students. The ability to analyze inscriptions regardless of the medium allows the examination of multiple inscriptions in educational research applications as well as in the design and development of educational materials. Also, inscriptions can be compared across contexts, allowing the comparison of student-generated inscriptions derived from various educational interventions. Finally, the ability to compare inscriptions regardless of the level of expertise allows novice/expert comparisons as well as longitudinal comparison over time. II. Predicting the regiochemistry of 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of münchnones and acetylenic dipolarophiles is difficult based on frontier molecular orbital theory (FMO) alone. We have proposed that, in addition to FMO considerations, steric factors influencing the non-covalent interactions between reactive centers in the transition state also influence the regioselectivity of these reactions. We have developed a scheme to use a tether-based regiocontrol strategy to synthesize 2,4-disubstituted pyrroles using N-(2-thiazolinyl) secondary amino acid derivatives. Attempts to synthesize these amino acid derivatives have been, so far, unsuccessful. III. To provide additional information about the mechanism of C-H activation reactions of stannylenes and germylenes, and to demonstrate the utility of these reactions, we explored inducing stereochemistry at the C-H activation site as well as determining the corresponding stereoselectivity. Attempts at induction produced a racemic mixture of products. Products from C-H activation reactions of chiral 2-methoxybutane could not be analyzed with a chiral NMR shift reagent, Europium(III) tris[3-(heptafluoropropylhydroxymethylene)-d-camphorate], (Eu(hfc)3). However, NMR studies of the substrate revealed no scrambling of the stereocenter of chiral substrates occurs during the reaction. In addition, Eu(hfc)3 was shown effective for determining the %ee of these reactions for products with sterically unencumbered oxygen atoms.Ph.D.Education and ChemistryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64762/1/akiste_2.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64762/2/akiste_1.pd

    An examination of student outcomes in studio chemistry

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    Twenty years ago, a major curriculum revision at a large, comprehensive university in the Western United States led to the implementation of an integrated lecture/laboratory (studio) experience for our engineering students taking general chemistry. Based on these twenty years of experience, construction of four purpose-built studio classrooms to house the majority of the remaining general chemistry courses was completed in 2013. A detailed study of the effects of the entire ecology of the studio experience on student success was initiated at that time. Data from content knowledge pre- and post-tests, learning attitudes surveys, and student course evaluations show positive effects on student performance, the development of more expert-like learning attitudes, increased student engagement, and increased student–instructor interactions vs. the previous separate lecture and laboratory instruction for non-engineering students. Our data also show that an associated new peer Learning Assistant program increases student engagement while also having positive impacts on the Learning Assistants themselves

    Inserción laboral de las mujeres salvadoreñas y el ciclo económico. Una revisión del período 1990 - 2019.

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    La inserción laboral de la mujer y los ciclos económicos constituye una temática relevante en el enfoque de la economía para el desarrollo debido a la relación bidireccional entre el desarrollo económico y empoderamiento de la mujer, así como la relación entre el crecimiento económico y la participación de las mujeres en la fuerza de trabajo de la economía. En El Salvador, al igual que en otros países, las mujeres enfrentan limitantes para insertarse al mercado laboral y aquellas que participan activamente tienen brechas salariales y de tiempo dedicado a labores domésticas respecto de los hombres, lo que limita su contribución a la actividad económica, su realización personal y familiar y adicionalmente se convierte en uno de los factores explicativos del lento crecimiento de la economía nacional. En ese sentido, esta investigación constituye un punto de partida que realiza un acercamiento de carácter empírico a este tema a través de tres aproximaciones: a) Un análisis sobre la ocupación en el mercado laboral de hombres y mujeres entre 1990 y 2018 a partir del uso de la base de datos LA KLEMS publicada por el Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador. b) Un modelo econométrico que permite cuantificar el aporte de hombres y mujeres a la productividad de la economía salvadoreña. c) Un análisis de la ocupación de hombres y mujeres en las diferentes fases de los ciclos económicos registrados en los últimos 30 años. Los resultados obtenidos a través de estas aproximaciones muestran que la inserción laboral de las mujeres, medida a partir de su participación en el total de la ocupación, tiene un efecto positivo sobre la productividad y el crecimiento económico de El Salvador, estableciéndose una relación directamente proporcional entre la ocupación y la productividad. Asimismo, se refleja que existe una relación directamente proporcional entre las fases expansivas y contractivas de los ciclos económicos y la ocupación de las mujeres, siendo la ocupación de las mujeres más volátil que la de los hombres ante los cambios de fase de los ciclos económicos. Finalmente, esta investigación permite dar cuenta de que el proceso de tercerización de la economía salvadoreña en los últimos años ha sido evidente en la estructura de la participación laboral de las mujeres, dado que su participación mayoritaria se concentra en actividades de servicios, como el comercio y los servicios personales. Con los resultados antes mencionados, esta investigación brinda un diagnóstico que puede servir como punto de partida para el estudio y formulación de políticas económicas vinculadas a la inserción laboral de las mujeres salvadoreñas y que permita aprovechar el potencial del empleo femenino para la economía salvadoreña

    O desastre de Mariana/MG : um estudo de caso na perspectiva das alterações legislativas ambientais

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    A fim de contribuir com o caráter interdisciplinar e prático da pesquisa concretizando argumentos com base no estudo de caso do rompimento da barragem no município de Mariana/MG, o artigo visa ampliar a discussão sobre o tratamento legislativo brasileiro às demandas ambientais e a necessidade existente de fiscalização e cumprimento das leis. Há um projeto de lei tramitando no Congresso Nacional para modificar a regulamentação legal vigente sobre licenciamento ambiental e algumas tentativas de alteração do Código de Mineração de 1967. Será que as mudanças legislativas trariam um tratamento legal diferente para o desastre de Mariana? O artigo conclui que não adiantam mudanças legislativas para garantir responsabilidade ambiental, se os interesses políticos e econômicos não estiverem alinhados ao cumprimento das leis, à preservação dos recursos naturais e à qualidade da vida humana