1,487 research outputs found

    Improving LIGO calibration accuracy by tracking and compensating for slow temporal variations

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    Calibration of the second-generation LIGO interferometric gravitational-wave detectors employs a method that uses injected periodic modulations to track and compensate for slow temporal variations in the differential length response of the instruments. These detectors utilize feedback control loops to maintain resonance conditions by suppressing differential arm length variations. We describe how the sensing and actuation functions of these servo loops are parameterized and how the slow variations in these parameters are quantified using the injected modulations. We report the results of applying this method to the LIGO detectors and show that it significantly reduces systematic errors in their calibrated outputs.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Classical and Quantum Gravity. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    Low Frequency Tilt Seismology with a Precision Ground Rotation Sensor

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    We describe measurements of the rotational component of teleseismic surface waves using an inertial high-precision ground-rotation-sensor installed at the LIGO Hanford Observatory (LHO). The sensor has a noise floor of 0.4 nrad/Hz/ \sqrt{\rm Hz} at 50 mHz and a translational coupling of less than 1 μ\murad/m enabling translation-free measurement of small rotations. We present observations of the rotational motion from Rayleigh waves of six teleseismic events from varied locations and with magnitudes ranging from M6.7 to M7.9. These events were used to estimate phase dispersion curves which shows agreement with a similar analysis done with an array of three STS-2 seismometers also located at LHO

    Reconstructing the calibrated strain signal in the Advanced LIGO detectors

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    Advanced LIGO's raw detector output needs to be calibrated to compute dimensionless strain h(t). Calibrated strain data is produced in the time domain using both a low-latency, online procedure and a high-latency, offline procedure. The low-latency h(t) data stream is produced in two stages, the first of which is performed on the same computers that operate the detector's feedback control system. This stage, referred to as the front-end calibration, uses infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering and performs all operations at a 16384 Hz digital sampling rate. Due to several limitations, this procedure currently introduces certain systematic errors in the calibrated strain data, motivating the second stage of the low-latency procedure, known as the low-latency gstlal calibration pipeline. The gstlal calibration pipeline uses finite impulse response (FIR) filtering to apply corrections to the output of the front-end calibration. It applies time-dependent correction factors to the sensing and actuation components of the calibrated strain to reduce systematic errors. The gstlal calibration pipeline is also used in high latency to recalibrate the data, which is necessary due mainly to online dropouts in the calibrated data and identified improvements to the calibration models or filters.Comment: 20 pages including appendices and bibliography. 11 Figures. 3 Table

    Prediction for new magnetoelectric fluorides

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    We use symmetry considerations in order to predict new magnetoelectric fluorides. In addition to these magnetoelectric properties, we discuss among these fluorides the ones susceptible to present multiferroic properties. We emphasize that several materials present ferromagnetic properties. This ferromagnetism should enhance the interplay between magnetic and dielectric properties in these materials.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    The Advanced LIGO Photon Calibrators

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    The two interferometers of the Laser Interferometry Gravitaional-wave Observatory (LIGO) recently detected gravitational waves from the mergers of binary black hole systems. Accurate calibration of the output of these detectors was crucial for the observation of these events, and the extraction of parameters of the sources. The principal tools used to calibrate the responses of the second-generation (Advanced) LIGO detectors to gravitational waves are systems based on radiation pressure and referred to as Photon Calibrators. These systems, which were completely redesigned for Advanced LIGO, include several significant upgrades that enable them to meet the calibration requirements of second-generation gravitational wave detectors in the new era of gravitational-wave astronomy. We report on the design, implementation, and operation of these Advanced LIGO Photon Calibrators that are currently providing fiducial displacements on the order of 101810^{-18} m/Hz\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}} with accuracy and precision of better than 1 %.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Calibration Uncertainty for Advanced LIGO's First and Second Observing Runs

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    Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors is the quantification of the detectors' response to gravitational waves. Gravitational waves incident on the detectors cause phase shifts in the interferometer laser light which are read out as intensity fluctuations at the detector output. Understanding this detector response to gravitational waves is crucial to producing accurate and precise gravitational wave strain data. Estimates of binary black hole and neutron star parameters and tests of general relativity require well-calibrated data, as miscalibrations will lead to biased results. We describe the method of producing calibration uncertainty estimates for both LIGO detectors in the first and second observing runs.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figures, LIGO DCC P160013

    Accurate calibration of test mass displacement in the LIGO interferometers

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    We describe three fundamentally different methods we have applied to calibrate the test mass displacement actuators to search for systematic errors in the calibration of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors. The actuation frequencies tested range from 90 Hz to 1 kHz and the actuation amplitudes range from 1e-6 m to 1e-18 m. For each of the four test mass actuators measured, the weighted mean coefficient over all frequencies for each technique deviates from the average actuation coefficient for all three techniques by less than 4%. This result indicates that systematic errors in the calibration of the responses of the LIGO detectors to differential length variations are within the stated uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted on 31 October 2009 to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the proceedings of 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave