371 research outputs found

    A new measure of conservation value combining rarity and ecological diversity: a case study with light trap collected caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)

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    The objective of the present study was to analyse the conservation importance of streams, rivers and lakes for maintaining caddistly assemblages of Hungarian localities. Light traps ensured comparable catches of caddisflies from different aquatic habitats. A total of 245,363 individuals belonging to 152 species collected from 23 localities over the flight period were included in the analysis. Conservation value of caddistly assemblages was evaluated on the basis of a newly developed Rarity and Ecological Diversity (RED)-index expressing ecological diversity and the average rarity of caddistlies in Hungarian localities. The results showed that streams were the most suitable habitats for maintaining rare caddisfly species in diverse assemblages, while rivers had the lowest conservation importance

    Desecularisation in postcommunist Romania

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    The paper gives an analysis of the process as a result of which postcommunist Romania has moved from being an officially atheist country to being one of the most religious countries in Europe. Th e process of desecularisation is analysed in three dimensions. On the macro-level, I outline the religious headway in the most important institutions of the Romanian society, on the meso-level I analyse the changes in the organizational structure of churches and in the denominational structure of the country, while on the individual level the changes occurring in individual religiosity. In the fi nal part of the study I argue that within these dimensions desecularisation was realized to diff erent extents, while “desecularisation from above” is not likely to achieve its goals in the long run

    Geometric and Mechanical Characterization of Human Carpal Bones – a Preliminary Study

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    Human hand injuries account for a significant number of accidents of young adults (mostly sports injuries) and elderly people. The most vulnerable part of the hand is the wrist, a construct consisting of numerous bones and ligaments. The hand is a complex structure, the mechanical behavior is hard to describe, and also it is sometimes hard to correctly diagnose the injuries. The goal of the present research is to create a quickly and inexpensive measurement method to characterize the geometrical and mechanical properties of carpal bones.The method presented is suitable to properly characterize the intact and damaged geometries of different carpal bones (capitate scaphoid, trapezium, pisiform). 3D models of intact and failed bones are determined by a 3D scanner, mechanical properties are determined with high-speed compression load (700 mm/min), which represents the fracture by falling down. According to the test results, the 3D scanning technique provided valuable geometrical data for cross-section calculation (scan before the test) and for analysis of the failure mode of the bones (scan after the test). The modulus of elasticity data for finite element simulation can be determined by the high-speed compression tests

    A Tanyától az Új Tanyáig. Etnikai átrétegződés és klasszifikációs küzdelem egy partiumi faluban

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    oai:ojs.regio.openjournalsystems.arvixe.com:article/161A tanulmány az etnikai klasszifikációs gyakorlatok változásait mutatja be Erdély egy etnikai eredet szempontjából sokszínű, nyelvében azonban magyar településén. Szűkebben a romák és nem romák közötti megkülönböztetésre összpontosít. Egyik fő tételünk, hogy a makro-társadalmi változások nyomán a társadalmi törésvonalak etnicizálódtak, ami a romák és nem romák közti megkülönböztetés jelentőségét növelte. A strukturális kényszerek hangsúlyozása ellenére azonban tanulmányunk – amely kombinált módszereket alkalmazó intenzív terepmunkára épül – a cselekvőképesség (agency) problematikáját állítja a középpontba. Arra keres választ, hogy a társadalmilag mobil romák milyen identifikációs stratégiákat választanak, és hogyan próbálják elkerülni a cigánysággal járó etnikai stigmát

    Tegzesek (Trichoptera) szezonális rajzás-aktivitásának jellemzése eltérő élőhelyeken történő fénycsapdás monitorozás alapján | Characterising of seasonal flight activity of caddisflies (Trichoptera) based on light trapping monitoring in different habitats

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    A dolgozat egy hullámtéri (nedves) és egy nyílt homokpuszta gyep (száraz) élőhelyen, két évig folytatott kísérleti fénycsapdázás nyomán 3 tegzesfaj (Ecnomus tenellus, Oecetis ochracea, Agraylea sexmaculata) szezonális rajzásaktivitási mintázatait mutatja be és írja le. A szezonalitást a rajzás időbeli eloszlásával (kezdetével és végével, a hosszával, az aktivitási csúcsokkal), és a szinkronitás mértékével jellemzi. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a 3 faj aciklikus rajzású és gyakran májustól szeptember végéig aktívak. A tömeges rajzásuk általában június közepétől augusztus közepéig tart. A rajzási mintázatban egy vagy több aktivitási csúcs is felléphet, amelyek ugyanazon faj esetében helytől és szezontól függően változhatnak (pl. E. tenellus). A dokumentált rajzás-mintázatok az alföldi régió néhány karakterisztikus állóvízi tegzes fajának ismeretéhez járulnak hozzá. | The study shows and describes the seasonal flight activity patterns of three caddisfly species (Ecnomus tenellus, Oecetis ochracea and Agraylea sexmaculata) collected during a two-year experimental light trapping conducted near a gallery forest in river bank (wet habitat), and in an opened sandy grassland area (dry habitat). The seasonality was characterised by the temporal distribution of flights (start and end of flight, flight length, peak of activity and modality), and the degree of synchrony between the patterns. The results showed that the three caddisfly species have non-cyclic flight type and frequently swarm from May to late-September. Their mass flight was recorded between mid-June and mid-August. One or more (2-4) activity peaks were found in the flight patterns, which were variable in the same species depending on sites and seasons (e.g. E. tenellus). The flight patterns documented here contribute to the knowledge of some characteristic caddisflies inhabiting standing water habitats of lowland region

    Evidence for suppression of collective magnetism in Fe-Ag granular multilayers

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    Evidence for the suppression of collective magnetic behavior of dipolarly interacting Fe nanoparticles is found in Fe-Ag granular multilayers. Interaction of Fe particles located in neighboring Fe layers is studied as a function of the nominal thickness of the Ag layer in between only two Fe layers. The surprisingly increasing interaction with increasing Ag-layer thickness, verified by memory-effect measurements, is explained by the formation of pinholes in the Ag layer at small Ag thicknesses, allowing direct ferromagnetic coupling between Fe particles in neighboring Fe layers which may hinder the frustration of superspins favored by dipolar interactions. At larger Ag thicknesses, the Ag layer is continuous without pinholes and frustration leads to the appearance of the superspin-glass state. The effect of increasing interactions correlates well with the growing deviation at low temperatures of the measured field-cooled (FC) magnetization from the interaction-free FC curve calculated by a model based on the relaxation of two-level systems. Similar phenomenon is reported in a recently published paper (S\'anchez et al., Small 2022, 18, 2106762) where a dense nanoparticle system is studied. The collective magnetic behavior of the particles due to dipolar interactions is suppressed when the anisotropy energy of the individual particles exceeds a certain threshold.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure