927 research outputs found
The success of credit/lending decisions is basically influenced by two
factors: the quality of basic data (completeness, accuracy, credibility) and
the quality of the decision making model (for individual deals, the decision
making process). While, however, the former is a rather technical criterion,
the latter is far more complex; still, to a great extent it depends on the
knowledge and experience of the business experts shaping and implementing
the decision making process. This work intends to examine the relationship
between widely used credit scoring models and the expansion and/or
preservation of the knowledge wealth of the organization
Szerkezeti fa szilárdsági osztályozása - Göcsök szerepe
A faszerkezetek tervezésére vonatkozó nemzeti szabványt (MSZ 15025) 2010. március 31-
én visszavonták, helyette az Eurocode 5 szabvány van érvényben. Továbbra is lehet a nemzeti
szabvány szerint méretezni, csak akkor a terv nem viselheti az „EN Eurocode-nak megfelelő
terv” megnevezĂ©st. Az Eurocode az MSZ EN 338 szabványban elĹ‘Ărt szilárdsági osztályokat
alkalmazza, mely lényegesen eltér a mai magyar gyakorlattól. A szilárdsági osztályozással pénzt
Ă©s anyagot is megtakarĂthatnának a tervezĹ‘k Ă©s kivitelezĹ‘k. A nagyobb szilárdságĂş anyag kisebb
keresztmetszetet kĂván meg a tervezĂ©skor, vagy ugyanolyan mĂ©retekkel jobban terhelhetĹ‘.
Dinamikus rugalmassági osztályozáson alapulĂł osztályozĂł berendezĂ©s minĹ‘sĂtĂ©sĂ©t kezdtĂĽk meg
az EN 14081 szerint. Ezzel párhuzamosan több szilárdságbecslő paraméter vizsgálatára került
sor, mint pl.: göcsátmĂ©rĹ‘ arány, göcsterĂĽlet arány, csillapĂtás. A legjobb becslĹ‘ algoritmussal
sikerült a palló anyag szilárdságát 6,65 MPa-os hibával megbecsülni
The collection ofthe municipal sewage treatment plants' data of the Rhine and the Danube
basins, initiated by the RBA-Centre, Delft University of Technology, was continued with
the development of a database manager. The name of the program is 'Information on
Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants', IMST. The main goal of the IMST was to make the
continuation of the collection of waste water treatment plants possible without significant
knowledge of informatics and to provide a tool to compare the municipal sewage treatment
plants from the Rhine and the Danube basins.
The IMST is a user friendly, menu driven system with easily accessible modular
system. Besides the data entry, list and simple, statistical and integrated query of the
treatment plant data a map system is included to demonstrate the geographic location
of the plants and to give a visualisation possibility of the main characteristics (country
borders, watersheds, main rivers and their tributaries, etc.) of the two river basins.
The system is opened and can be extended. Please bear in mind that IMST has
been developed and is being maintained as a non-profit project form and educational and
research institution. We are always pleased to hear feedback concerning your use of the
system and any suggestions for improvement, additions and the like. Much of the nature
of the system has to be derived from user suggestions. Please keep in touch
Recens folyĂłvĂzi felszĂnformálĂł folyamatok mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©nek Ă©s irányának vizsgálata a DĂ©l-Alföldön = Research on the rate and intensity of recent fluvial processes on the South Great Plain
HullámtĂ©ri Ă©s egyes, a mederben zajlĂł recens folyamatok számszerűsĂtĂ©sĂ©t tűztĂĽk ki cĂ©lul, 5 kĂ©rdĂ©scsoportot fogalmazva meg. MintaterĂĽletĂĽl a Maros 50 km-es szakaszát, egy közĂ©p- Ă©s egy alsĂł-tiszai hullámtĂ©ri rĂ©szt választottuk. A vizsgálatokhoz a kutatási tervben bemutatott mĂłdszereket használtuk fel. Az akkumuláciĂł mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t a szabályozások Ăłta Ă©s egy-egy árvĂzhez kapcsolĂłdĂłan vizsgáltuk. A kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ hidrolĂłgiai tulajdonságĂş árvizek által lerakott ĂĽledĂ©k vastagsága jelentĹ‘sen eltĂ©r mĂ©g ugyanazon a helyen is, akárcsak a medertĹ‘l távolodva, vagy a hullámtĂ©r magasságának növekedĂ©sĂ©vel. ĂŤgy a hullámtĂ©r vĂztározĂł kapacitása is eltĂ©rĹ‘ mĂ©rtĂ©kben csökken, s ez a kĂĽlönbsĂ©g akár egy nagyságrenddel is eltĂ©rhet. Az akkumuláciĂł eltĂ©rĹ‘ tĂ©r- Ă©s idĹ‘beli mintázata elĹ‘revetĂti, hogy az esetleges szennyezĹ‘dĂ©sek is eltĂ©rĹ‘ mĂ©rtĂ©kben juthatnak ki a hullámtĂ©rre. A Maros Ă©s a Tisza szĂ©lessĂ©ge az átvágások után csökkent, majd a 20. sz. elejĂ©re elĂ©rte a korábbi Ă©rtĂ©keket. A 20. század során minkĂ©t folyĂłnál jelentĹ‘s mederszűkĂĽlĂ©st mĂ©rtĂĽnk, pl. a Tiszán 1929-1957 között 12 %-os szűkĂĽlĂ©st, a legintenzĂvebben a partbiztosĂtott kanyaroknál. A Maros leginkább a medertágulatokban szűkĂĽlt. A szĂ©lessĂ©g Ă©rtĂ©kek egyre kisebb szĂłrást mutatnak, tehát a medertágulatok felszámolĂłdnak, ĂĽledĂ©ktárolĂł funkciĂłjuk lassan megszűnik. Ugyanakkor a Maroson a szigetek összterĂĽlete jelentĹ‘sen növekedett. Ennek oka lehet a vegetáciĂł ĂĽledĂ©kmegkötĹ‘ hatása, egyes hidrolĂłgiai paramĂ©terek megváltozása. | The aim of the study was to measure the rate of some geomorphological processes on floodplains and within the river-bed. Study areas were chosen on the 50 km long section of Maros and on two sites of the Middle and Lower Tisza floodplains. All methods were introduced in the project plan. Aggradation was studied (1) since the 19th c. regulation works and (2) in connection with single flood events. Its rate differs even at the same point, as it is influenced by the hydrology of the flood; but it is influenced by the distance from the channel and the relative height of the floodplain as well. Therefore, the flood conductivity reduction due to aggradation differs along the floodplain. It will also influence the spatial pattern of possible contaminations. The mean width of Tisza and Maros decreased after the regulation works, but this process terminated by the beginning of the 20th century. During the 20th c. intensive tightening was measured along both rivers, i.e. between 1929 and 1957 the Tisza became narrower by 12 %. The most intensive narrowing was detected in case of the Tisza at revetments, and at braids on the Maros. On this river width variability has been reduced, suggesting the decline of braids and their sediment storage function. At the same time the territory of islands has increased, probably due to the invasion of riparian vegetation and the alteration of some hydrological parameters
The paper presents an interpolation method that can be used for implementing any sampling
rate conversion ratio. The interpolator is basically a resonator-based digital filter
(RBDF) with special decoupling that requires the computing of sine/cosine functions at
arbitrary arguments. The resulting filter has a finite duration impulse response (FIR),
but it cannot be designed by the commonly used Parks-McClellan algorithm because the
filter response is a finite Fourier polynomial in the time-domain and not in the frequencydomain.
A special windowing technique or linear programming can be used to design
such filters. A design example, its simulation as well as a digital signal processor based
realization are also presented
Forest schools in the teacher training programs of the University of NyĂregyháza – proposals to the research of forest schools’ programs
Forest school programs are excellent but not widespread tools in environmental education that scould be incorporated into teacher training programs. Its usefulness in teacher training practice is presented here at the example of the University of NyĂregyháza. We are convinced and we show it using some examples that forest school programs improve environmental consciousness, holistic world-view and pedagogical competencies of students. We hope the advantages presented here contribute to the increase of the role of forest school programs in teacher training practice. Some proposal to the further research in relation to forest school programs is also presented.A környezeti nevelĂ©s egy jĂłl használhatĂł, de nem elĂ©g szĂ©les körűen használt eszköze az erdei iskolai programokban valĂł rĂ©szvĂ©tel. Az erdei iskolai programok szerepeltetĂ©se a pedagĂłgus hallgatĂłk kĂ©pzĂ©sĂ©ben több tekintetben is hasznos lehetĹ‘sĂ©gekkel kecsegtet. Ezen lehetĹ‘sĂ©geket vesszĂĽk sorra, továbbá bemutatjuk, hogy a NyĂregyházi Egyetem hogyan Ă©l ezekkel pedagĂłgus kĂ©pzĂ©seinek gyakorlatában. Rámutatunk, hogy a pedagĂłgus szakok hallgatĂłinál hogyan járulhatnak hozzá az erdei iskolai foglalkozások a környezettudatos szemlĂ©let formálásához, illetve a hallgatĂłk mely kĂ©szsĂ©geik, pedagĂłgiai kompetenciáik fejlesztĂ©sĂ©ben lehet e foglalkozásoknak jelentĹ‘s szerepe. RemĂ©ljĂĽk, hogy az általunk bemutatott elĹ‘nyök hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy az erdei iskolai programokon valĂł rĂ©szvĂ©tel minden pedagĂłgus szak kĂ©pzĂ©sĂ©ben nagyobb szerepet kapjon a jövĹ‘ben. VĂ©gĂĽl nĂ©hány javaslatot vetĂĽnk fel, amelyek jĂł kiindulási alapot kĂ©pezhetnek az erdei iskolai programok további kutatási irányainak, kutatási kĂ©rdĂ©seinek tervezĂ©se során
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