556 research outputs found
Heirs of Pietism in World Christianity: The 19th to the 21st Centuries
Geometric Aspects of the Dipolar Interaction in Lattices of Small Particles
The hysteresis curves of systems composed of small interacting magnetic
particles, regularly placed on stacked layers, are obtained with Monte Carlo
simulations. The remanence as a function of temperature, in interacting
systems, presents a peak that separates two different magnetic states. At low
temperatures, small values of remanence are a consequence of antiferromagnetic
order due to the dipolar interaction. At higher values of temperature the
increase of the component normal to the lattice plane is responsible for the
small values of remanence. The effect of the number of layers, coordination
number and distance between particles are investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure
Phase diagram of a Disordered Boson Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions
We study the zero-temperature phase transition of a two-dimensional
disordered boson Hubbard model. The phase diagram of this model is constructed
in terms of the disorder strength and the chemical potential. Via quantum Monte
Carlo simulations, we find a multicritical line separating the weak-disorder
regime, where a random potential is irrelevant, from the strong-disorder
regime. In the weak-disorder regime, the Mott-insulator-to-superfluid
transition occurs, while, in the strong-disorder regime, the
Bose-glass-to-superfluid transition occurs. On the multicritical line, the
insulator-to-superfluid transition has the dynamical critical exponent and the correlation length critical exponent ,
that are different from the values for the transitions off the line. We suggest
that the proliferation of the particle-hole pairs screens out the weak disorder
effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR
Superconductor-to-Normal Phase Transition in a Vortex Glass Model: Numerical Evidence for a New Percolation Universality Class
The three-dimensional strongly screened vortex-glass model is studied
numerically using methods from combinatorial optimization. We focus on the
effect of disorder strength on the ground state and found the existence of a
disorder-driven normal-to-superconducting phase transition. The transition
turns out to be a geometrical phase transition with percolating vortex loops in
the ground state configuration. We determine the critical exponents and provide
evidence for a new universality class of correlated percolation.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX using IOPART.cls, 11 eps-figures include
Atomic Bose and Anderson glasses in optical lattices
An ultra cold atomic Bose gas in an optical lattice is shown to provide an
ideal system for the controlled analysis of disordered Bose lattice gases. This
goal may be easily achieved under the current experimental conditions, by
introducing a pseudo-random potential created by a second additional lattice
or, alternatively, by placing a speckle pattern on the main lattice. We show
that for a non commensurable filling factor, in the strong interaction limit, a
controlled growing of the disorder drives a dynamical transition from
superfluid to Bose-glass phase. Similarly, in the weak interaction limit, a
dynamical transition from superfluid to Anderson-glass phase may be observed.
In both regimes, we show that even very low-intensity disorder-inducing lasers
cause large modifications of the superfluid fraction of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Directed geometrical worm algorithm applied to the quantum rotor model
We discuss the implementation of a directed geometrical worm algorithm for
the study of quantum link-current models. In this algorithm Monte Carlo updates
are made through the biased reptation of a worm through the lattice. A directed
algorithm is an algorithm where, during the construction of the worm, the
probability for erasing the immediately preceding part of the worm, when adding
a new part,is minimal. We introduce a simple numerical procedure for minimizing
this probability. The procedure only depends on appropriately defined local
probabilities and should be generally applicable. Furthermore we show how
correlation functions, C(r,tau) can be straightforwardly obtained from the
probability of a worm to reach a site (r,tau) away from its starting point
independent of whether or not a directed version of the algorithm is used.
Detailed analytical proofs of the validity of the Monte Carlo algorithms are
presented for both the directed and un-directed geometrical worm algorithms.
Results for auto-correlation times and Green functions are presented for the
quantum rotor model.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, v2 : Additional results and data calculated at
an incorrect chemical potential replaced. Conclusions unchange
Simulation Studies on the Stability of the Vortex-Glass Order
The stability of the three-dimensional vortex-glass order in random type-II
superconductors with point disorder is investigated by equilibrium Monte Carlo
simulations based on a lattice XY model with a uniform field threading the
system. It is found that the vortex-glass order, which stably exists in the
absence of screening, is destroyed by the screenng effect, corroborating the
previous finding based on the spatially isotropic gauge-glass model. Estimated
critical exponents, however, deviate considerably from the values reported for
the gauge-glass model.Comment: Minor modifications made, a few referenced added; to appear in J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.69 No.1 (2000
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