3 research outputs found

    Comprehensive literature review on delay tolerant network (DTN) framework for improving the efficiency of internet connection in rural regions of Malaysia

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    This paper brief in detail the technology reviews of current available technologies and literature reviews that starts with the history of the Internet and the understanding of the working of the Internet through a conceptual model of TCP/IP and OSI models, the numerous technologies developed to cater for different connectivity environments and recent popular topics in the field of communication technologies. Detailed review is done on the subject of Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN), the chosen technology from which the intended framework can be proposed for improving the efficiency of internet connections. From these literatures, comparisons are made to find the best possible combinations of technologies to design a mini- mum viable product, followed by a generic DTN framework

    Hubungan antara organisasi pembelajaran dengan sikap penerimaan transformasi: satu kajian ke atas pegawai rendah polis ibupejabat polis kontinjen Johor

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    This study aim to investigates the relationship between learning organization transformation with an attitude of acceptance among the low rank police officers Contingent Johor. There are four objectives to be achieved in this study which are: (i) identify the dimensions of the learning organization the most dominant among low rank officers in Contingent Johor, (ii) identify the level dimensions of learning organizational and transformation in the attitude of acceptance among low rank officers, Contingent Johor, (iii) identify the different attitude of acceptance for transformation by low rank police officers based on demographic factors (age, gender, rank, and length of service) and the last one (iv)identify the relationship between the dimensions of a learning organization with an attitude of acceptance for transformation among low rank police officers, Contingent Johor. The questionnaire distributed to 257 low rank police-officers in Contingent Johor. In this study, SPSS version 20.0 was used by the researcher to analyze the results. The objectives of the first, second and third have been achieved through descriptive analysis by looking at the mean scores and the frequency and Anova test. Meanwhile, for the fourth objective analysis it was based on inference by looking at the Pearson's correlation. The results show that the relationship between learning organizational and transformation in the attitude of acceptance among low rank officer, Contingent Johor is a positive relationship but it is moderately strong. The acceptance attitude transformations among junior police are at a high level and strategic leadership is the most dominant learning organization. The analysis also shows that the attitude of the individual receiving the transformation is extremely vary based on age and length of service, but not based on the rank and gender

    Enhanced disruption tolerant network (DTN) framework for improving network efficiency in rural areas

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    elecommunication is a problem in certain rural regions and deep rural regions in Malaysia because the absence of the standard communication infrastructure due to geographical and socio-economic limitations. The dense forest, mountainous regions and streams along the rural regions contributes to the main factor of the limitation of erecting a communication infrastructure. With the absence of infrastructure, communication capability is limited and this causes some villages to be disconnected. This condi- tion is also known as intermittent connectivity whereby not even cellular networks can reach the villages prohibiting them from calling, texting and surfing the Internet. Addi- tionally, the low-income status of the rural population and the lack of interest in technologies while having lower population and sparse village placement also adds into the factor of not erecting a communication infrastructure. This in turn, inhibits the development of IT sector in rural regions and hence causes the digital divide in Malaysia. To solve the intermittent connectivity issue while catering to the absence of infrastructure and socio-economic status of the rural populace, an enhanced delay/disruption tolerant network framework (DTN) is proposed in this research study. The aim of this paper is to explore the current trend and state-of-the-art of DTN by conducting initial experi- ments to design the DTN framework for improving the efficiency of internet connection in rural sites. In this paper, specific focus is provided for ION-DTN technology developed by NASA for conducting experiments and to develop optimized prototypes for designed DTN framework