272 research outputs found

    Joint Power Control and Time Division to Improve Spectral Efficiency in Dense Wi-Fi Networks

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    Ubiquitous densification of wireless networks has brought up the issue of inter-and intra-cell interference. Interference significantly degrades network throughput and leads to unfair channel resource usage, especially in Wi-Fi networks, where even a low interfering signal from a hidden station may cause collisions or block channel access as it is based on carrier sensing. In the paper, we propose a joint power control and channel time scheduling algorithm for such networks, which significantly increases overall network throughput while maintaining fairness. The algorithm is based on branch-and-bound global optimization technique and guarantees that the solution is optimal with user-defined accuracy

    Hondroplastic Efficiency of Calcified Bone Matrix Produced by Original Technology

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    The purpose of our research was to study the chondroplastic efficiency of the bone matrix obtained by the original technology, while restoring the defect of cartilage of the knee joint. Methods: In 40 adult Wistar male rats, marginal defects were modeled on the surface of the distal end of the femur. The animals of the experimental group were implanted with bone matrix into the damage zone. The material was examined by light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray electron probe microanalysis. Results: It was established that bone matrix did not cause immune rejection reaction and has prolonged activated reparative chondrogenesis. In the area of articular cartilage damage, a regenerate was formed, acquiring cellular and histochemical specificity of the hyaline cartilaginous tissue. The properties of the chondroinductor to the bone matrix were ensured by localized growth factors and bone morphogenetic proteins released during osteoclastic resorption. Conclusion: The use of bone matrix as a stimulant of chondrogenesis is theoretically justified and has a good prospect in the treatment of articular cartilage damage and diseases


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    Background: Non-drug correction of reparative bone tissue regeneration in different pathological states — one of the most actual problems of modern medicine. Objective: Our aim was to conduct morphological analysis of the influence of electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequency and low intensity on reparative osteogenesis and angiogenesis in fracture treatment under transosseous osteosynthesis. Methods: In the experiment conducted on rats we modeled tibial fracture with reposition and fixation of the bone fragments both in control and experimental groups. In the animals of the experimental group the fracture zone was exposed to low intensity electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequency. Exposure simulation was performed in the control group. The operated bones were examined using radiography, light and electronic microscopy, X-ray electronic probe microanalysis. Results: It has been established that electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequency sessions in fracture treatment stimulate secretory activity and degranulation of mast cells, produce microcirculatory bed vascular permeability increase, endotheliocyte migration phenotype expression, provide endovascular endothelial outgrowth formation, activate reparative osteogenesis and angiogenesis while fracture reparation becomes the one of the primary type. The full periosteal, intermediary and intraosteal bone union was defined in 28 days. Conclusion: Among the therapeutic benefits of electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high frequency in fracture treatment we can detect mast cell secretory activity stimulation and endovascular angiogenesis activation. Применение немедикаментозных средств коррекции процессов репаративной регенерации костной ткани при различных патологических состояниях — одна из наиболее актуальных задач современной медицины. Цель исследования: провести морфологический анализ влияния электромагнитного излучения крайне высокой частоты (ЭМИ КВЧ) низкой интенсивности на репаративное костеобразование и ангиогенез при лечении перелома в условиях чрескостного остеосинтеза. Методы: в эксперименте на крысах в контрольной и подопытной группе моделировали перелом большеберцовой кости, осуществляли репозицию и фиксацию отломков. У животных подопытной группы зону перелома подвергали воздействию ЭМИ КВЧ низкой интенсивности. В группе контрольных животных проводили имитацию воздействия. Оперированные кости исследовали при помощи методов рентгенографии, световой и электронной микроскопии, рентгеновского электронно-зондового микроанализа. Результаты: установлено, что сеансы воздействия ЭМИ КВЧ при лечении переломов стимулируют секреторную активность и дегрануляцию тучных клеток, вызывают увеличение проницаемости сосудов микроциркуляторного русла, экспрессию миграционного фенотипа эндотелиоцитов, обеспечивают формирование эндовазальных эндотелиальных выростов, активизируют репаративное костеобразование и ангиогенез. При этом заживление перелома происходит по типу первичного. Через 28 сут определялось полное периостальное, интермедиарное и эндостальное костное сращение. Заключение: одним из механизмов терапевтического действия ЭМИ КВЧ при лечении переломов является стимуляция секреторной активности тучных клеток и активизация эндовазального ангиогенеза.

    Compensation of a Cavitary Bone Defect in Conditions of Implantation of Mesh Structures from Titanium Nickelide

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    The purpose of our research was to study reparative osteogenesis for implanting mesh structures of titanium nickelide (TN) into a cavitary bone defect. Methods: The authors modeled cavitary defects of femoral metaphysis experimentally in Wistar rats divided into an experimental and a control group. The study duration was 60 days in total. Scanning electron microscope JSM-840 (JEOL, Japan) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (INCA 200, Oxford Instruments) was used. Results: Under implantation, the defect was filled with cancellous bone the volumetric density of which exceeded control values more than 1.5-fold (P< 0.001). The implant had biocompatibility, osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, and it stopped inflammatory processes. The membrane protective barrier, which prevented connective tissue sprouting, was formed on the surface of the implant in the defect periosteal zone. The osteointegrative junction was formed and persisted up to the end of the experiment. Reparative osteogenesis was performed by direct intramembranous and apposition type. Conclusion: The implant of three-dimensional mesh titanium-nickelide structures has marked osteoplastic properties, and it can be successfully used in orthopedic surgery


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    The analysis of the sequence of decision-making in the information security management of information and telecommunications system (ITS) was made on the basis of the PDCA. Selection criteria and constraints affecting the decision-making were chosen according to ISO/IEC 27001 «Information technology. Methods of protection. Information security management system» recommendations and the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine. The procedure of analyzing the impact of threats on the properties of the information to be protected and manageability of the ITS system protection was proposed. In the core of the procedure one could find the analysis of vulnerability of Internet protocols interaction used in information and telecommunications system from the different types of attacking effects.In accordance with the principle the cost of protection should not exceed the value of the information being protected. The technique of making managerial decisions concerning the selection of means of protection allows each specific unit of the organization’s local information network to contact the external telecommunications system to pick up the software and (or) software and hardware protection with security features implemented, which are adequate to the threats

    x509-free access to WLCG resources

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    Access to WLCG resources is authenticated using an x509 and PKI infrastructure. Even though HEP users have always been exposed to certificates directly, the development of modern Web Applications by the LHC experiments calls for simplified authentication processes keeping the underlying software unmodified. In this work we will show a solution with the goal of providing access to WLCG resources using the user's home organisations credentials, without the need for user-acquired x509 certificates. In particular, we focus on identity providers within eduGAIN, which interconnects research and education organisations worldwide, and enables the trustworthy exchange of identity-related information. eduGAIN has been integrated at CERN in the SSO infrastructure so that users can authenticate without the need of a CERN account. This solution achieves x509-free access to Grid resources with the help of two services: STS and an online CA. The STS (Security Token Service) allows credential translation from the SAML2 format used by Identity Federations to the VOMS-enabled x509 used by most of the Grid. The IOTA CA (Identifier-Only Trust Assurance Certification Authority) is responsible for the automatic issuing of short-lived x509 certificates. The IOTA CA deployed at CERN has been accepted by EUGridPMA as the CERN LCG IOTA CA, included in the IGTF trust anchor distribution and installed by the sites in WLCG. We will also describe the first pilot projects which are integrating the solution.Peer reviewe

    Experience of Reconstruction of Yakut Women’s Clothing of the 17th-18th Centuries (based on the Materials of At-Daban (At-Byran) VI Burial)

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    The experience of carrying out a hypothetical reconstruction of women's clothing "tangalai" XVII-XVIII centuries is considered. It is reported that this sample of clothing was found during archaeological research in 2016 in the area of At-Byran, Khangalassky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Earlier it was revealed that the tangalai was part of the bride’s costume, which means an indispensable element of the wedding ceremony. As a result of studies of the Yakut burials of the XVII-XVIII centuries, it was established that the tangalai was included in the complex of accompanying material during the funeral rite of a married woman. An analysis of ethnographic literature, the results of field scientific research, available visual sources was made, fragments of clothing stored in museums extracted from funerary monuments were studied. As the study showed, the tangalai from the At-Daban VI burial has similar features with samples of similar shoulder-clothes found and studied earlier: general principles of decor, color scheme, and peculiarities of the location of sewn jewelry. Distinctive features: a lowered waist line and narrow bibs were revealed. Based on a detailed study of the original source, masters of decorative and applied art carried out a hypothetical reconstruction of the tangalaya. Attention was paid to leather processing, seams, design features. Unsaved pieces of clothing were recreated using existing analogues

    The method of generation barcode for DNA certification of plants and organisms

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    In the current paper a new DNA certification method for living organisms were presented. The proposed approach is based on unique barcode that identifies a particular organism. The studies were conducted using several types of crops and model plant (potato, wheat, arabidopsis). The web based application was developed on the base of the proposed technique

    A Mathematical Model of the Immune and Neuroendocrine Systems Mutual Regulation under the Technogenic Chemical Factors Impact

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    The concept of the triad regulatory metasystem, which includes the neuroendocrine and immune regulation systems, is currently generally accepted. Changes occurring in each of the regulatory systems in response to the impact of technogenic chemical factors are also well known. This paper presents mathematical models of the immune and neuroendocrine system functioning, using the interaction between these systems in response to bacterial invasion as an example, and changes in their performance under exposure to chemical factors, taking into account the stage of functional disorders in a producing organ, using the performance of the bone marrow as an example