209 research outputs found

    The children of immigrants in France: The emergence of a second generaton with the collaboration of Esin Gezer Special Series on Children in Immigrant Families in Affluent Societies

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    International audienceSince the mid - 1970s, immigration for family reunification has been more important than labour fo rce immigration. Most residence permits are granted because of family relationships. The immigrant population has been ageing. More than half the Italian immigrants are over 65. While second - generation Italians and Spaniards represent nearly half all immig rants 18 and over, they have been largely overtaken in the 0 – 17 age group by second - generation Algerians, Moroccans, Portuguese and sub - Saharan Africans. Of the last group, 21 per cent are under 25 years of age. Immigrants who arrived in France less than 1 0 years ago are more highly qualified than previous immigrants. Educational attainment among the children of immigrants is generally higher than that of their parents, though the differences are sharp across immigrant groups. Difficulties in French among c hildren of immigrants are frequently and unfairly equated with intellectual shortcomings or a limited potential for academic success . Young adults of immigrant origin are more likely to be outside the educational system and not be economically active. The ability of children of immigrants to enter the labour market is affected by their social origin, their limited personal networks and the discrimination they face. The employment status and occupations of their parents appear to have an impact on the choice of occupations among the children of immigrants despite the advances achieved in education by the children relative to the parents. The persistence of institutions in drawing attention to the alleged disadvantages and social and cultural specificities of the victims of discrimination serves to maintain the confusion between the logic of inclusion and the logic of the fight against discrimination

    Mechanism of Humoral and Cellular Immune Modulation Provided by Porcine Sertoli Cells

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    The understanding of main mechanisms that determine the ability of immune privilege related to Sertoli cells (SCs) will provide clues for promoting a local tolerogenic environment. In this study, we evaluated the property of humoral and cellular immune response modulation provided by porcine SCs. Porcine SCs were resistant to human antibody and complement-mediated formation of the membrane attack complex (38.41±2.77% vs. 55.02±5.44%, p=0.027) and cell lysis (42.95±1.75% vs. 87.99±2.25%, p<0.001) compared to immortalized aortic endothelial cells, suggesting that porcine SCs are able to escape cellular lysis associated with complement activation by producing one or more immunoprotective factors that may be capable of inhibiting membrane attack complex formation. On the other hand, porcine SCs and their culture supernatant suppressed the up-regulation of CD40 expression (p<0.05) on DCs in the presence of LPS stimulation. These novel findings, as we know, suggest that immune modulatory effects of porcine SCs in the presence of other antigen can be obtained from the first step of antigen presentation. These might open optimistic perspectives for the use of porcine SCs in tolerance induction eliminating the need for chronic immunosuppressive drugs

    CLU blocks HDACI-mediated killing of neuroblastoma

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    Clusterin is a ubiquitously expressed glycoprotein with multiple binding partners including IL-6, Ku70, and Bax. Clusterin blocks apoptosis by binding to activated Bax and sequestering it in the cytoplasm, thereby preventing Bax from entering mitochondria, releasing cytochrome c, and triggering apoptosis. Because increased clusterin expression correlates with aggressive behavior in tumors, clusterin inhibition might be beneficial in cancer treatment. Our recent findings indicated that, in neuroblastoma cells, cytoplasmic Bax also binds to Ku70; when Ku70 is acetylated, Bax is released and can initiate cell death. Therefore, increasing Ku70 acetylation, such as by using histone deacetylase inhibitors, may be therapeutically useful in promoting cell death in neuroblastoma tumors. Since clusterin, Bax, and Ku70 form a complex, it seemed likely that clusterin would mediate its anti-apoptotic effects by inhibiting Ku70 acetylation and blocking Bax release. Our results, however, demonstrate that while clusterin level does indeed determine the sensitivity of neuroblastoma cells to histone deacetylase inhibitor-induced cell death, it does so without affecting histone deacetylase-inhibitor-induced Ku70 acetylation. Our results suggest that in neuroblastoma, clusterin exerts its anti-apoptotic effects downstream of Ku70 acetylation, likely by directly blocking Bax activation

    Lineage-Specific Restraint of Pituitary Gonadotroph Cell Adenoma Growth

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    Although pituitary adenomas are usually benign, unique trophic mechanisms restraining cell proliferation are unclear. As GH-secreting adenomas are associated with p53/p21-dependent senescence, we tested mechanisms constraining non-functioning pituitary adenoma growth. Thirty six gonadotroph-derived non-functioning pituitary adenomas all exhibited DNA damage, but undetectable p21 expression. However, these adenomas all expressed p16, and >90% abundantly expressed cytoplasmic clusterin associated with induction of the Cdk inhibitor p15 in 70% of gonadotroph and in 26% of somatotroph lineage adenomas (p = 0.006). Murine LβT2 and αT3 gonadotroph pituitary cells, and αGSU.PTTG transgenic mice with targeted gonadotroph cell adenomas also abundantly expressed clusterin and exhibited features of oncogene-induced senescence as evidenced by C/EBPβ and C/EBPδ induction. In turn, C/EBPs activated the clusterin promoter ∼5 fold, and elevated clusterin subsequently elicited p15 and p16 expression, acting to arrest murine gonadotroph cell proliferation. In contrast, specific clusterin suppression by RNAis enhanced gonadotroph proliferation. FOXL2, a tissue-specific gonadotroph lineage factor, also induced the clusterin promoter ∼3 fold in αT3 pituitary cells. As nine of 12 pituitary carcinomas were devoid of clusterin expression, this protein may limit proliferation of benign adenomatous pituitary cells. These results point to lineage-specific pathways restricting uncontrolled murine and human pituitary gonadotroph adenoma cell growth

    Quartiers debout

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    International audienceEt s’il fallait se tourner vers le berceau du néolibéralisme pour assister à la renaissance de luttes populaires pour l’émancipation ? Dans les quartiers de relégation de Los Angeles, Julien Talpin a enquêté sur ces « communautés qui s’organisent »

    La politique de la ville ou les infortunes de l'égalité républicaine

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    Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Thomas KirszbaumCette introduction à un ouvrage collectif se propose d’éclairer l’épuisement du mythe de l’égalité « républicaine », lequel paraît de moins en moins apte à remplir son rôle de mythe mobilisateur dans la politique de la ville. Prolongeant une série de séminaires de l’Ihedate, les contributions rassemblées émanent de chercheurs mobilisant les savoirs de plusieurs disciplines (histoire, géographie, sociologie, science politique, aménagement). À travers une double incursion dans le temps et dans l’espace, ces textes donnent à voir les espoirs qu’a fait naître la politique de la ville et les déceptions qu’elle a occasionnées. Une large place est ainsi faite à l’histoire qui fournit le recul nécessaire pour apprécier la permanence et les mutations des politiques publiques ainsi que des enjeux dont elles tirent leur légitimité. Il est non moins essentiel de décentrer nos regards en se tournant vers l’expérience d’autres pays (ici l’Angleterre, l’Allemagne et les Pays-Bas), cette approche comparée aboutissant tantôt à désingulariser l’expérience française tantôt à confirmer son exceptionnalité

    « La fabrique des discriminations », Terrains et travaux

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    RecensionCoordonné par Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Mireille Eberhard et Cécile Guillaume, ce dossier thématique de la revue Terrains & travaux propose une sélection d’enquêtes empiriques sur les phénomènes discriminatoires à l’oeuvre dans la société française. Il permet de mesurer le chemin parcouru depuis les premières recherches des années 1990 qui portaient essentiellement sur le domaine de l’emploi et le critère ethno-racial

    Un Janus aux deux visages : la diversité dans l’habitat: Réflexions sur les politiques de déségrégation résidentielle aux États-Unis et en France

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    A la différence d'autres sphères de la vie sociale où promouvoir la diversité revient à résorber le déficit de représentation des groupes discriminés, favoriser cette diversité dans l'habitat revient aussi à attirer des membres du groupe majoritaire dans les lieux où ils sont sous-représentés. La première de ces stratégies est rarement efficace et la seconde risque de susciter de nouvelles discriminations. La comparaison franco-américaine montre que les garde-fous sont plus nombreux outre-Atlantique contre les effets pervers de cette diversité « à rebours » : la ségrégation n'est pas pensée en toute circonstance comme une discrimination et la conception de la diversité résidentielle y est plus procédurale que substantielle. Si la ségrégation reste élevée dans les villes américaines, l'intégration est plus poussée sur les lieux de travail. La France opte au contraire pour un modèle de diversité substantielle dans l'habitat qui se combine avec des efforts superficiels dans le monde du travail