783 research outputs found

    Exploring the influence of emotional labour, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, and emotional valence on employee job satisfaction and burnout

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    This thesis investigated the measures of emotional labour surface acting and deep acting, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation and positive and negative affect as influences on employee wellbeing outcomes of job satisfaction and burnout. A questionnaire was administered to over 2,000 client-facing employees in the USA and Canada. Results from the data analysis found that employees subjected to high levels of emotional labour in client facing roles experienced higher levels of negative affect or outlook. Those scoring higher on the emotional labour surface acting subscale scored significantly higher for negative effect. Additionally, higher scores in deep acting emotional labour were also correlated with higher positive outlook, however, counter to prediction, those scoring lower in emotional labour did not report higher levels of positive outlook. The measures of emotional intelligence were found to better predict job satisfaction while measures of emotional regulation, better predicted employee burnout, however, affect plays a complex and important role in influencing the correlation sizes to these wellbeing outcomes. Further work will need to be done to explore the potential mediating role of affect. Research examining positive and negative affects influence on job satisfaction and burnout without other confounding factors may assist in confirming these results. This pattern of results suggests that a combination of both emotional regulation and emotional intelligence measures may be optimal in assessing and improving employee suitability and wellbein

    Postoperative complications associated with external skeletal fixators in cats

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to quantify complications associated with external skeletal fixators (ESFs) in cats and to identify potential risk factors. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records and radiographs following ESF placement was performed. RESULTS: Case records of 140 cats were reviewed; fixator-associated complications (FACs) occurred in 19% of cats. The region of ESF placement was significantly associated with complication development. Complications developed most frequently in the femur (50%), tarsus (35%) and radius/ulna (33%). Superficial pin tract infection (SPTI) and implant failure accounted for 45% and 41% of all FACs, respectively. SPTI occurred more frequently in the femur, humerus and tibia, with implant failure more frequent in the tarsus. No association between breed, age, sex, weight, fracture type (open vs closed), ESF classification, number of pins per bone segment, degree of fracture load sharing, and the incidence or type of FAC was identified. No association between region of placement, breed, age, sex, weight, fracture type (open vs closed), ESF classification, number of pins per bone segment, fracture load sharing and the time to complication development was identified. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Complication development is not uncommon in cats following ESF placement. The higher complication rate in the femur, tarsus and radius/ulna should be considered when reviewing options for fracture management. However, cats appear to have a lower rate of pin tract infections than dogs

    Differences in the early stages of social information processing for adolescents involved in bullying.

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    Bullying victimization has commonly been associated with deficiencies in social information processing (SIP). In contrast, findings regarding bullying perpetration are mixed, with some researchers claiming that bullies may have superior SIP abilities than victimized or uninvolved youth. This study investigated the effects of bullying and victimization on early SIP; specifically the recognition and interpretation of social information. In stage 1, 2782 adolescents (11-16 years) were screened for bullying involvement, and in stage 2, 723 of these participants (mean age=13.95) were assessed on measures of emotion recognition, hostile attribution bias, and characterological self-blame (CSB). No associations between bullying and early SIP were found. In contrast, victimization was associated with more hostile attribution bias and CSB attributions. Girls performed better than boys on the emotion recognition task while boys showed greater hostile attribution biases. No interaction effects of bullying or victimization with gender were found. Follow-up categorical analyses that considered pure victims versus victims who also bullied (bully-victims) on SIP, found a similar pattern of findings. These findings suggest that those who purely bully others are neither superior nor deficient in the early stages of SIP. Victimized adolescents, however, show biases in their interpretations of social situations and the intentions of others. These biases may lead to maladaptive responses and may increase risk for further victimization by peers

    Bullying and negative appearance feedback among adolescents: Is it objective or misperceived weight that matters?

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    This study investigated (1) whether involvement in bullying as a bully, victim or bully-victim was associated with objectively measured overweight or underweight, or whether it was related to weight misperception (i.e., inaccurate perceptions), and (2) whether appearance-specific feedback mediated the relationship between bullying and weight misperception. In Stage 1, 2782 adolescents aged 11–16 years from British secondary schools were screened for peer bullying and victimisation. In Stage 2, 411 adolescents with weight and height data (objective n = 319, self-report n = 92) also self-reported on their weight perception and appearance-specific feedback. Neither bullying nor victimisation were related to objective underweight or overweight. Victims were at increased odds of overweight misperception, while bully-victims were at increased odds of underweight misperception. Additionally, there was an indirect effect of appearance feedback on overweight misperception in bully-victims. Both victims and bully-victims are at increased risk of weight misperception, posing further detrimental effects to their health and wellbeing.KL and AG each received a fellowship from the Department of Psychology, University of Warwick.Published versio

    Policy Implications of a Behavioural Economics Analysis of Land Use Determinants in Rural Scotland

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    The paper analyses the land use behaviour of Scottish land managers and the factors influencing it in the current context of the EU rural land use policies. The analysis employs a frequently used behavioural economics method, namely structural equation modelling (SEM). Central to the empirical analysis in this paper is a cross-section database containing data collected in May to June 2009 through telephone interviews of 600 land managers in Scotland. The model tests and estimates the relationships between land use behaviour, i.e., behavioural intentions to change the size of business/holding, and several of its a priori determinants found significant in the scientific literature. The results indicate that a stronger propensity to change size of their businesses is exhibited by younger land managers who intend to pass their land on to family, with larger land size and stronger attitudes towards increasing it, with lower percentage of their income made up from Government support, who are less likely to have perceived changes in regulation and input/output prices as having an impact on their business, who discuss and plan changes in size of business with their banks/building societies, and frequently access sources of information to help with their strategic decisions.Land use, rural policies, Scotland, structural equation modelling, Land Economics/Use,

    Adolescent desire for cosmetic surgery

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    Background: Adolescent bullying may be a key driver of interest in cosmetic surgery. This study examined the extent of such interest and whether any effect was sex-specific, and examined psychological functioning as a potential mechanism through which bullying involvement may lead to a wish for cosmetic surgery. Methods: A two-stage design was used. In the first stage, 2782 adolescents (aged 11 to 16 years) were screened for bullying involvement using self-reports and peer nominations. In the second stage, 752 adolescents who were bullies, victims, bully-victims, or uninvolved in bullying reported their desire for cosmetic surgery. Psychological functioning was constructed as a composite of self-esteem and emotional problems (assessed at stage 1) and body-esteem scores (assessed at stage 2). Results: Adolescents involved in bullying in any role were significantly more interested in cosmetic surgery than uninvolved adolescents. Desire for cosmetic surgery was greatest in adolescents who were bullied (victims and bully-victims) and girls. Desire for cosmetic surgery was highest in girls, but sex did not interact with bullying role. Being victimized by peers resulted in poor psychological functioning, which increased desire for cosmetic surgery. In contrast, desire for cosmetic surgery in bullies was not related to psychological functioning, which was in the normal range. Conclusions: Bullying victimization is related to poor psychological functioning, and both are related to a greater desire for cosmetic surgery in adolescents. Cosmetic surgeons should screen candidates for psychological vulnerability and may want to include a short screening questionnaire for a history of peer victimization.Published versio

    Exercise tolerance and skeletal muscle structure and function in patients with chronic obstructive pulminary disease

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    Bibliography: pages 143-154.Exercise intolerance is well documented in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Historically, this exercise intolerance has been attributed to the central factors of lung damage and subsequent heart failure. However, recent evidence suggests that (i) patients with cardiac and renal failure suffer from skeletal muscle (SM) abnormalities that impair exercise tolerance and (ii) patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may have metabolic and functional abnormalities of SM. However, no studies have conducted a detailed investigation of SM structure and function and their relation to exercise tolerance in patients with COPD

    Implementing a permissive regime for assisted dying in South Africa : a rights-based analysis.

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    Master of Laws in Constitutional Litigation.No abstract available

    Illustrated medicines information for HIV/AIDS patients: influence on adherence,self-efficacy and health outcomes

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    South Africa has an estimated 920 000 patients on antiretrovirals (ARVs), the largest number of patients in any country. ARV therapy demands adherence levels in excess of 95% to avoid development of drug resistance, but adherence to ARV therapy is estimated to be only between 50% and 70%. Poor medication adherence is acknowledged as a major public health problem, reducing the effectiveness of therapy and promoting resistance to ARVs. More than two thirds of the South African population have marginal reading skills and this significantly influences a patient’s ability to read and understand health-related information. Patient education materials tailored for the South African population could be a useful aid in facilitating communication with patients and perhaps impact positively on their medicine-taking behaviour. This behaviour is influenced by patient knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and expectations and includes self-management, self-efficacy and adherence. Self-efficacy, which refers to patient confidence in the ability to self-manage medicine taking, is a key factor influencing adherence. This study aimed to develop illustrated patient information leaflets (PILs) and medicine labels for all first-line ARV regimens used in the public health sector in South Africa and, using a randomised control study design, to investigate the impact of these illustrated information materials on knowledge, medication-taking behaviours and health outcomes in HIV/AIDS patients taking ARVs. To achieve this aim, the objectives were to assess HIV/AIDS and ARV-related knowledge, as well as self-efficacy and adherence to ARV therapy; to assess the influence of demographic variables on knowledge, adherence and self-efficacy; to assess the influence of the information materials on knowledge, self-efficacy and adherence and to assess the association of knowledge with health outcomes. Medicine labels and PILs, both English and isiXhosa, were developed for ARV regimens 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d. The 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) and HIV Treatment Adherence Self Efficacy Scale (HIV-ASES) instruments for measuring respectively adherence and self-efficacy, were modified to optimize clarity, simplicity and cultural acceptability and were translated into isiXhosa using a multi-stage translation-back translation. The questions and the rating scales, for both the MMAS and HIV-ASES, underwent preliminary qualitative evaluation in focus group discussions. Patients were recruited from local Grahamstown clinics. A pilot study to evaluate applicability of the instruments was conducted in 16 isiXhosa AIDS patients on ARVs and the results from this study informed further modifications to the instruments. One hundred and seventeen patients were recruited for the randomised control trial and were randomly allocated to either control group (who received standard care) or experimental group (who received standard care as well as pictogram medicine labels and the illustrated PIL). Interviews were conducted at baseline and at one, three and six months. Data were analysed statistically using the t-test, chi-squared test and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) at a 5% level of significance. Correlations were determined using Pearson and Spearman rho correlations. Approval was obtained from Rhodes University Ethical Standards Committee, Settlers Hospital Ethics Committee and the Eastern Cape Department of Health. The results of this research showed that illustrated PILs and medicine labels enhanced understanding of HIV/AIDS and ARV information, resulting in a mean overall knowledge score in the experimental group of 96%, which was significantly higher than the 75% measured in the control group. Variable knowledge scores were measured in three areas: baseline knowledge of general HIV/AIDS-related information was good at 87%, whereas knowledge scores relating to ARV-related information (60%) and side-effects (52%) were lower. These scores improved significantly in the experimental group over the 4 interviews during the 6 month trial duration, whereas in the control group, they fluctuated only slightly around the original baseline score. There was no significant influence of gender on knowledge score, whereas health literacy, education level and age tested (at one and three months) had a significant influence on knowledge. Self-efficacy and adherence results were high, indicating that the patients have confidence in their ability to adhere to the ARV therapy and to practice optimal self-care. Age, gender and education, in most cases, significantly influenced self-efficacy, but were found to have no effect on adherence. The CD4 count improved over the trial duration which may have been influenced by a number of factors, including better knowledge of ARVs and improved adherence. No significant parametric correlation was found between knowledge score and change in CD4 count, however, Spearman's rho showed significance (rs=0.498; p=0.022). Both patients and healthcare providers were highly enthusiastic about the illustrated labels and PILs, and indicated their desire for such materials to be routinely available to public sector HIV/AIDS patients. The isiXhosa version of the PIL was preferred by all the patients. These simple, easy-to-read leaflets and illustrated medication labels were shown to increase understanding and knowledge of ARVs and HIV/AIDS in low-literate patients, and their availability in the first-language of the patients was central to making them a highly useful information source

    The effects of benfotiamine in attenuating hyperglycemia-induced cardiac pathology

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    Type 2 diabetes is a major global health problem. It is also a risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular diseases, the current leading cause of global mortality. The first part of this mini-review describes hyperglycemia-induced cellular alterations and its effects on cardiac function. In particular, we emphasize the role of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress in the activation of non-oxidative glucose pathways (NOGPs), that may contribute to cardiac pathology. For the second part, we evaluate the utility of benfotiamine (a vitamin B1 derivative) in treating diabetes-related cardiac pathology. The focus is on its role in activating the pentose phosphate pathway, which may reduce flux though the NOGPs. A possible role for benfotiamine in activating pro-survival signaling and reducing cell death in the heart is also described. We also discuss benfotiamine’s potential cardioprotective role in preventing the diabetic cardiomyopathy, treating myocardial infarction and maintaining the viability of cardiac progenitor cells. These findings warrant further investigation into the therapeutic potential of benfotiamine in treating diabetes-related cardiac complications.Keywords: Diabetes; cardiovascular disease; hyperglycemia; oxidative stress; non-oxidative glucose pathways; benfotiamin
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