26 research outputs found

    Effects of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 on gastrointestinal inflammation induced by a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial

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    Aims Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause damage to the gastric and duodenal mucosa. Some probiotics have proven useful in ameliorating the harmful side-effects of NSAIDs. Our aim was to evaluate whether oral administration of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420) can attenuate the increase of calprotectin excretion into faeces induced by intake of diclofenac sustained-release tablets.Methods A double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled and randomized clinical study was performed in 50 healthy male and female volunteers aged 20-40 years, in Finland. Study participation consisted of 4 phases: run-in, intervention with B420 or placebo, B420 or placebo + NSAID treatment, and follow-up. The primary outcome was the concentration of calprotectin in faeces. Secondary outcomes were haemoglobin and microbial DNA in faeces and blood haemoglobin levels.Results Intake of diclofenac increased the faecal excretion of calprotectin in both groups. The observed increases were 48.19 +/- 61.55 mu g/g faeces (mean +/- standard deviation) in the B420 group and 31.30 +/- 39.56 mu g/g in the placebo group (difference estimate 16.90; 95% confidence interval: -14.00, 47.77; P = .276). There were no significant differences between the treatment groups in changes of faecal or blood haemoglobin. Faecal B. lactis DNA was much more abundant in the B420 group compared to the placebo group (ANOVA estimate for treatment difference 0.85 x 109/g faeces; 95% confidence interval: 0.50 x 109, 1.21 x 109; P Conclusions Short-term administration of the probiotic B420 did not protect the healthy adult study participants from diclofenac-induced gastrointestinal inflammation as determined by analysis of faecal calprotectin levels.</p

    Bifidobacterium animalis

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects such as erosion and increased permeability are common during the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Our objective was to assess whether Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 protects against NSAID-induced GI side effects in a rat model. A total of 120 male Wistar rats were allocated into groups designated as control, NSAID, and probiotic. The NSAID and probiotic groups were challenged with indomethacin (10 mg/kg−1; single dose). The probiotic group was also supplemented daily with 1010 CFU of B. lactis 420 for seven days prior to the indomethacin administration. The control group rats received no indomethacin or probiotic. The permeability of the rat intestine was analysed using carbohydrate probes and the visual damage of the rat stomach mucosa was graded according to severity. B. lactis 420 significantly reduced the indomethacin-induced increase in stomach permeability. However, the protective effect on the visual mucosal damage was not significant. The incidence of severe NSAID-induced lesions was, nevertheless, reduced from 50% to 33% with the probiotic treatment. To conclude, the B. lactis 420 supplementation protected the rats from an NSAID-induced increase in stomach permeability and may reduce the formation of more serious GI mucosal damage and/or enhance the recovery rate of the stomach mucosa

    Rankkasateet ja taajamatulvat (RATU)

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    Voimakkaat rankkasateet ja niihin usein liittyvät sääilmiöt kuten rakeet, ukkonen sekä ukkospuuskat vaikuttavat monin tavoin yhteiskunnan eri aloihin ja edellyttävät erilaisia varautumistoimia. Taajamissa hulevesien hallinnan ongelmana ovat ilmastonmuutoksen myötä kasvavat sademäärät ja lisääntyvät rankkasateet. Konkreettinen esimerkki rankkasateiden aiheuttamista mittavista ja laaja-alaisista vahingoista suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa on kesän 2007 tapaus Porissa, jossa hulevesien aiheuttamat vahingot olivat arviolta 20 miljoonaa euroa. Lyhytaikaisten ja paikallisten rankkasateiden nykyisistä intensiteeteistä ja todennäköisyyksistä oli ennen hanketta käytettävissä varsin niukasti ajanmukaista tutkimustietoa. Yhdyskuntasuunnittelun mitoituksissa käytetään edelleenkin 1960-luvulta peräisin olevia sadejakaumia, jotka perustuvat suhteellisen vähälukuisiin sademittarihavaintoihin, vaikka uutta mittausaineistoa on Suomen sateista erittäin paljon. Tämä rankkasateita ja taajamatulvia koskeva RATU-hanke toteutettiin vuosina 2005 - 2008. Sen tavoitteena oli - selvittää säätutka- ja sademittarihavaintoihin pohjautuen rankkasateiden nykyinen esiintymistodennäköisyys - arvioida valittujen kesien rankkasateiden ilmastollinen edustavuus ja rankkasateiden esiintymisen muutos tulevaisuudessa - selvittää olemassa olevien käyttökelpoisten taajamahydrologiamallien soveltuvuus Suomen olosuhteisiin - arvioida uuden tiedon vaikutuksia hulevesien hallintaan mallintamalla kaksi koealuetta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin koko Suomen kattavilta säätutkilta kesinä 2000 - 2005 saatuja sadantatietoja. Vaikka havaintovuosia on vähän niin mittaustuloksia on miljardeja, joten niiden perusteella voidaan arvioida myös harvinaisten tapausten toistuvuutta. Tutkimuksessa saatiin arvioita erittäin harvoin, jopa keskimäärin kerran 3000 kesässä, toistuville sadetapahtumille. Tulosten mukaan harvinaisten rankkasateiden sademäärät ovat varsin samansuuruisia kuin tähän asti on oletettu. Analysoitujen sateen tilastollisten parametrien avulla voidaan generoida Suomen ilmastoon sopivia sadetapahtumia. Perinteisillä sademittareilla saatujen tulosten mukaan sadanta vähenee Suomessa etelästä pohjoiseen mennessä. Rannikon ja sisämaan välillä ei havaittu samalla leveyspiirillä olevan tarvetta korjata sadetta korjauskertoimella. Touko-syyskuun rankkasateiden arvioidaan kasvavan ajan mukana keskimäärin melko lineaarisesti. Nykyilmaston keskimäärin kolmen vuoden välein toistuva tapahtuma toistuu tulevaisuudessa noin kahden vuoden välein. Hulevesimalleilla tehtyjen tarkastelujen mukaan ilmastonmuutos lisäsi virtaamaa koealueilla lähes yhtä paljon kuin sadanta kasvoi

    The effect of equi-molar dietary betaine and choline addition on performance and carcass quality of pigs

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    The results indicated that dietary betaine addition improved the performance of pigs restrictedly fed diets with diluted energy concentration as found by Cromwell et al. (1999). A maximal response to betaine addition was not observed in this trial. However, betaine did not affect carcass composition, unlike the results of Cromwell et al. (1999) which indicated a reduction of back fat with betaine addition. Choline addition had no effect on performance and carcass charateristics. On an equi-molar basis it appears that pigs respond to betaine rather than choline supplementation, although more work is needed to clarify the mode of action.vo

    Xylitol’s Health Benefits beyond Dental Health: A Comprehensive Review

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    Xylitol has been widely documented to have dental health benefits, such as reducing the risk for dental caries. Here we report on other health benefits that have been investigated for xylitol. In skin, xylitol has been reported to improve barrier function and suppress the growth of potential skin pathogens. As a non-digestible carbohydrate, xylitol enters the colon where it is fermented by members of the colonic microbiota; species of the genus Anaerostipes have been reported to ferment xylitol and produce butyrate. The most common Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species do not appear to be able to grow on xylitol. The non-digestible but fermentable nature of xylitol also contributes to a constipation relieving effect and improved bone mineral density. Xylitol also modulates the immune system, which, together with its antimicrobial activity contribute to a reduced respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, and otitis media risk. As a low caloric sweetener, xylitol may contribute to weight management. It has been suggested that xylitol also increases satiety, but these results are not convincing yet. The benefit of xylitol on metabolic health, in addition to the benefit of the mere replacement of sucrose, remains to be determined in humans. Additional health benefits of xylitol have thus been reported and indicate further opportunities but need to be confirmed in human studies