65 research outputs found

    From Social Clubs to Champions for Sports Journalistic Identity and Integrity

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    Taking the FIFA World Cup in Qatar as a point of departure, this article analyses the changing role of national associations of sports journalists in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Introducing the concept of meta-journalistic discourse and well-established media system theories, it is argued that Nordic sports journalism's negotiations of professional practices and standards are shaped by a particular media systemic context with distinct Nordic welfare state-oriented features. One such feature is a tradition of using collective, organized social groups, like democratically based voluntary associations, as instruments for social change. The empirical study explores this through a qualitative thematic analysis of the changing structures, identities, and practices of the national associations of sports journalists across the three countries. This illustrates how the organizations in particular during the last two decades have started very similar processes of transformation away from being mainly social clubs. The associations have used their collective frameworks and bargaining power to ensure independent journalists' access to sports organizations and athletes, and they have engaged in negotiations of what sports journalism is and what constitutes sports journalism in a sports media landscape shaped by strong combined forces of digitization and politicization

    Tour de France in a digital television paradigm

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    This article analyses sports events as mega-events with global appeal and increasing socio-economic and cultural significance, and as genres which have now become important in the television industry’s transformation from broadcast to online streaming. It presents findings from a qualitative production analysis of how the Tour de France 2022 was shaped in a twofold strategic context. Genre specific aspects of the media event in the ongoing transformation of the television industry and wider strategic interests behind the hosting and organization of the start of the race in Denmark 2022 are discussed and their intertwinements are described. Based on interviews, documents, observations, screenshots and select broadcasts, the article presents a thematic analysis of how the event in Denmark was shaped in a shared concern for television’s ability to provide exposure of the race and the Danish context and public service broadcaster TV 2’s particular strategic branding interests in the event. &nbsp

    Sports broadcasting, journalism and the challenge of new media

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    This article explores the challenge faced by established media organisations integrating digital media in their production. Using a case study of a Danish broadcaster’s use of blogs in their coverage of major sports events, it is argued that the challenge is strategic in a broader sense, as the move to digital platforms is influenced by economic, organisational as well as conceptual parameters for roles. It is argued that in order to understand the potential and challenges of this case, the peculiarities of the role of sports journalists in broadcasting have to be taken into consideration. The case illustrates how their distinctive engagement with their topic and the audience makes some of them more prone to work for pleasure and produce for the digital platform on very unclear conditions, just as it influences the interaction that takes place in the blogs in various ways

    Self-tracking as communication

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    Sports events in a transmedia landscape

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    Radioæstetik og analysemetode

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    Fremtiden for fag, forsknings- og uddannelsesbibliotekerne er nu

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    De store universitetsbiblioteker fusionerer. Hensigten er at centralisere en række områder, f.eks. licensområdet og systemarkitektur, og herved opnå en mulig stordriftsfordel. Set ud fra et samfundsøkonomisk perspektiv, kan det give god mening, men der er tale om store omvæltninger i biblioteksverdenen


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