10 research outputs found

    Leaching of metals from red mud and toxicity in human cells in vitro

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    Toxicity of red mud, a waste from alumina production, was studied using human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Culture medium was prepared by mixing water for 3 days with the red mud and removing solid particles afterwards (red mud water). Culture for 48 h of the cells in this medium in neutral pH decreased the cell viability, as analyzed by the MTT-test, and increased the formation of reactive oxygen species. Thus, neutralization does not eliminate the toxicity of red mud. In preliminary experiments, a combined effect of five metals (Cr, Li, V, Al, As) increased the formation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) statistically significantly. Each element separately did not have a similar effect. In environmental applications, red mud is likely to be used after activation. In this work, the red mud was activated using hydrochloric acid to study the physical and chemical properties before and after the treatment. Activation increased the specific surface area of red mud from 16 m2 g−1 to 148 m2 g−1, which is beneficial in many environmental applications such as in the adsorptive removal of pollutants. After activation, leaching of some elements from the red mud decreased (e.g. Al from 38.0 to 0.56 mg L−1, As from 21.0 to 2.1 ÎŒg L−1, V from 172.0 to 29.8 ÎŒg L−1) while some increased (e.g. Li from 0.04 to 2.81 mg L−1, Cr from 0.35 to 3.23 mg L−1).Web of Science332art. no. 13880

    Experimental human placental models for studying uptake, transport and toxicity of micro- and nanoplastics

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    Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) are ubiquitous in the environment and have recently been found in human lungs, blood and placenta. However, data on the possible effects of MNPs on human health is extremely scarce. The potential toxicity of MNPs during pregnancy, a period of increased susceptibility to environmental insults, is of particular concern. The placenta provides a unique interface between maternal and fetal circulation which is essential for in utero survival and healthy pregnancy. Placental toxicokinetics and toxicity of MNPs are still largely unexplored and the limited studies performed up to now focus mainly on polystyrene particles. Practical and ethical considerations limit research options in humans, and extrapolation from animal studies is challenging due to marked differences between species. Nevertheless, diverse in vitro and ex vivo human placental models exist e.g., plasma membrane vesicles, mono-culture and co-culture of placental cells, placenta-on-a-chip, villous tissue explants, and placental perfusion that can be used to advance this research area. The objective of this concise review is to recapitulate different human placental models, summarize the current understanding of placental uptake, transport and toxicity of MNPs and define knowledge gaps. Moreover, we provide perspectives for future research urgently needed to assess the potential hazards and risks of MNP exposure to maternal and fetal health

    Leaching of metals from red mud and toxicity in human cells in vitro

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    Abstract Toxicity of red mud, a waste from alumina production, was studied using human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Culture medium was prepared by mixing water for 3 days with the red mud and removing solid particles afterwards (red mud water). Culture for 48 h of the cells in this medium in neutral pH decreased the cell viability, as analyzed by the MTT-test, and increased the formation of reactive oxygen species. Thus, neutralization does not eliminate the toxicity of red mud. In preliminary experiments, a combined effect of five metals (Cr, Li, V, Al, As) increased the formation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) statistically significantly. Each element separately did not have a similar effect. In environmental applications, red mud is likely to be used after activation. In this work, the red mud was activated using hydrochloric acid to study the physical and chemical properties before and after the treatment. Activation increased the specific surface area of red mud from 16 m2 g−1 to 148 m2 g−1, which is beneficial in many environmental applications such as in the adsorptive removal of pollutants. After activation, leaching of some elements from the red mud decreased (e.g. Al from 38.0 to 0.56 mg L−1, As from 21.0 to 2.1 ÎŒg L−1, V from 172.0 to 29.8 ÎŒg L−1) while some increased (e.g. Li from 0.04 to 2.81 mg L−1, Cr from 0.35 to 3.23 mg L−1

    Activities of metabolizing enzymes in human placenta

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    Abstract In addition to the transfer across the placenta, placenta displays hormonal and xenobiotic metabolism, as well as enzymatic defense against oxidative stress. We analyzed aromatase (CYP19A1), uridine 5’-diphospho-glucuronyltransferase (UGT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) activities in over 70 placentas from nonsmokers stored at -80 °C from former perfusion studies. A wide interindividual variation in all activities was found. Longterm storage at -80 °C did not affect the activities. Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD, CYP1A1) was not detected in any of the studied placentas perfused with chemicals. Several compounds in placental perfusion changed statistically significantly the enzyme activities in placental tissue. Melamine and nicotine increased CYP19A1, melamine increased UGT and GST, PhIP with ethanol decreased CYP19A1 and increased GST, and PhIP with buprenorphine decreased CAT. Antipyrine in 100 ÎŒg/ml also changed the studied enzyme activities, but not statistically significantly. Because antipyrine is a reference compound in placental perfusions, its potential effects must be taken into account in human placental perfusion. Enzyme activities deserve further studies as biomarkers of placental toxicity. Finally, enzyme activities deserve further studies as biomarkers of placental toxicity

    Ethical aspects in tissue research: thematic analysis of ethical statements to the research ethics committee

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many studies have been published about ethics committees and the clarifications requested about the submitted applications. In Finland, ethics committees require a separate statement on ethical aspects of the research in applications to the ethics committee. However, little is known about how researchers consider the ethical aspects of their own studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data were collected from all the applications received by the official regional ethics committee in the Hospital District of Northern Savo during 2004–2009 (n = 688). These included a total of 56 studies involving research on tissue other than blood. The statements by the researchers about the ethics about their own research in these applications were analyzed by thematic content analysis under the following themes: recruitment, informed consent, risks and benefits, confidentiality and societal meaning.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The researchers tended to describe recruitment and informed consent process very briefly. Usually these descriptions simply stated who the recruiter was and that written consent would be required. There was little information provided on the recruitment situation and on how the study recruiters would be informed. Although most of the studies were clinical, the possibility was hardly ever discussed that patients could fail to distinguish between care and research.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The written guidelines, available on the webpages of the ethics committee, do not seem to be enough to help researchers achieve this goal. In addition to detailed guidelines for researchers, investigators need to be taught to appreciate the ethical aspects in their own studies.</p