6,693 research outputs found

    The repulsion between localization centers in the Anderson model

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    In this note we show that, a simple combination of deep results in the theory of random Schr\"odinger operators yields a quantitative estimate of the fact that the localization centers become far apart, as corresponding energies are close together

    Towards the deconstruction of M-theory

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    We argue that there is an equivalence of M-theory on T^3 \times A_{N-1} with a four-dimensional non-supersymmetric quiver gauge theory on the Higgs branch. The quiver theory in question has gauge group SU(N)^{N_4N_6N_8} and is considered in a strong coupling and large N_{4,6,8} limit. We provide field- and string-theoretical evidence for the equivalence making use of the deconstruction technique. In particular, we find wrapped M2-branes in the mass spectrum of the quiver theory at low energies.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 4 figures, added reference

    Lyapunov exponent and natural invariant density determination of chaotic maps: An iterative maximum entropy ansatz

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    We apply the maximum entropy principle to construct the natural invariant density and Lyapunov exponent of one-dimensional chaotic maps. Using a novel function reconstruction technique that is based on the solution of Hausdorff moment problem via maximizing Shannon entropy, we estimate the invariant density and the Lyapunov exponent of nonlinear maps in one-dimension from a knowledge of finite number of moments. The accuracy and the stability of the algorithm are illustrated by comparing our results to a number of nonlinear maps for which the exact analytical results are available. Furthermore, we also consider a very complex example for which no exact analytical result for invariant density is available. A comparison of our results to those available in the literature is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages including 6 figure

    XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic Supernova Remnant CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0)

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    We present the analysis of the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) data of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0). CTB 109 is associated with the anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E 2259+586 and has an unusual semi-circular morphology in both the X-ray and the radio, and an extended X-ray bright interior region known as the `Lobe'. The deep EPIC mosaic image of the remnant shows no emission towards the west where a giant molecular cloud complex is located. No morphological connection between the Lobe and the AXP is found. We find remarkably little spectral variation across the remnant given the large intensity variations. All spectra of the shell and the Lobe are well fitted by a single-temperature non-equilibrium ionization model for a collisional plasma with solar abundances (kT = 0.5 - 0.7 keV, tau = n_e t = 1 - 4 x 10^11 s cm^-3, N_H = 5 - 7 x 10^21 cm^-2). There is no indication of nonthermal emission in the Lobe or the shell. We conclude that the Lobe originated from an interaction of the SNR shock wave with an interstellar cloud. Applying the Sedov solution for the undisturbed eastern part of the SNR, and assuming full equilibration between the electrons and ions behind the shock front, the SNR shock velocity is derived as v_s = 720 +/- 60 km s^-1, the remnant age as t = (8.8 +/- 0.9) x 10^3 d_3 yr, the initial energy as E_0 = (7.4 +/- 2.9) x 10^50 d_3^2.5 ergs, and the pre-shock density of the nuclei in the ambient medium as n_0 = (0.16 +/- 0.02) d_3^-0.5 cm^-3, at an assumed distance of D = 3.0 d_3 kpc. Assuming CTB 109 and 1E 2259+586 are associated, these values constrain the age and the environment of the progenitor of the SNR and the pulsar.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 9 figures. Figs. 1 + 2 are in color (fig1.jpg, fig2.jpg

    Probe method and a Carleman function

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    A Carleman function is a special fundamental solution with a large parameter for the Laplace operator and gives a formula to calculate the value of the solution of the Cauchy problem in a domain for the Laplace equation. The probe method applied to an inverse boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a bounded domain is based on the existence of a special sequence of harmonic functions which is called a {\it needle sequence}. The needle sequence blows up on a special curve which connects a given point inside the domain with a point on the boundary of the domain and is convergent locally outside the curve. The sequence yields a reconstruction formula of unknown discontinuity, such as cavity, inclusion in a given medium from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. In this paper, an explicit needle sequence in {\it three dimensions} is given in a closed form. It is an application of a Carleman function introduced by Yarmukhamedov. Furthermore, an explicit needle sequence in the probe method applied to the reduction of inverse obstacle scattering problems with an {\it arbitrary} fixed wave number to inverse boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation is also given.Comment: 2 figures, final versio

    Rank-(n – 1) convexity and quasiconvexity for divergence free fields

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    The CAST experiment at CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) searches for axions from the sun. The axion is a pseudoscalar particle that was motivated by theory thirty years ago, with the intention to solve the strong CP problem. Together with the neutralino, the axion is one of the most promising dark matter candidates. The CAST experiment has been taking data during the last two years, setting an upper limit on the coupling of axions to photons more restrictive than from any other solar axion search in the mass range below 0.1 eV. In 2005 CAST will enter a new experimental phase extending the sensitivity of the experiment to higher axion masses. The CAST experiment strongly profits from technology developed for high energy physics and for X-ray astronomy: A superconducting prototype LHC magnet is used to convert potential axions to detectable X-rays in the 1-10 keV range via the inverse Primakoff effect. The most sensitive detector system of CAST is a spin-off from space technology, a Wolter I type X-ray optics in combination with a prototype pn-CCD developed for ESA's XMM-Newton mission. As in other rare event searches, background suppression and a thorough shielding concept is essential to improve the sensitivity of the experiment to the best possible. In this context CAST offers the opportunity to study the background of pn-CCDs and its long term behavior in a terrestrial environment with possible implications for future space applications. We will present a systematic study of the detector background of the pn-CCD of CAST based on the data acquired since 2002 including preliminary results of our background simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE 5898, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XI

    Four-Dimensional Superconformal Theories with Interacting Boundaries or Defects

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    We study four-dimensional superconformal field theories coupled to three-dimensional superconformal boundary or defect degrees of freedom. Starting with bulk N=2, d=4 theories, we construct abelian models preserving N=2, d=3 supersymmetry and the conformal symmetries under which the boundary/defect is invariant. We write the action, including the bulk terms, in N=2, d=3 superspace. Moreover we derive Callan-Symanzik equations for these models using their superconformal transformation properties and show that the beta functions vanish to all orders in perturbation theory, such that the models remain superconformal upon quantization. Furthermore we study a model with N=4 SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in the bulk coupled to a N=4, d=3 hypermultiplet on a defect. This model was constructed by DeWolfe, Freedman and Ooguri, and conjectured to be conformal based on its relation to an AdS configuration studied by Karch and Randall. We write this model in N=2, d=3 superspace, which has the distinct advantage that non-renormalization theorems become transparent. Using N=4, d=3 supersymmetry, we argue that the model is conformal.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, AMSLaTeX, revised comments on Chern-Simons term, references adde

    Criticality, Scaling and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in External Magnetic Field

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    We consider a D7-brane probe of AdS5Ă—S5AdS_{5}\times S^5 in the presence of pure gauge BB-field. The dual gauge theory is flavored Yang-Mills theory in external magnetic field. We explore the dependence of the fermionic condensate on the bare quark mass mqm_{q} and study the discrete self-similar behavior of the theory near the origin of the parametric space. We calculate the critical exponents of the bare quark mass and the fermionic condensate. A study of the meson spectrum supports the expectation based on thermodynamic considerations that at zero bare quark mass the stable phase of the theory is a chiral symmetry breaking one. Our study reveals the self-similar structure of the spectrum near the critical phase of the theory, characterized by zero fermionic condensate and we calculate the corresponding critical exponent of the meson spectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in JHEP. Updated to mach the published version. One figure added, some definitions improve

    Cladoceran birth and death rates estimates

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    I. Birth and death rates of natural cladoceran populations cannot be measured directly. Estimates of these population parameters must be calculated using methods that make assumptions about the form of population growth. These methods generally assume that the population has a stable age distribution. 2. To assess the effect of variable age distributions, we tested six egg ratio methods for estimating birth and death rates with data from thirty-seven laboratory populations of Daphnia pulicaria. The populations were grown under constant conditions, but the initial age distributions and egg ratios of the populations varied. Actual death rates were virtually zero, so the difference between the estimated and actual death rates measured the error in both birth and death rate estimates. 3. The results demonstrate that unstable population structures may produce large errors in the birth and death rates estimated by any of these methods. Among the methods tested, Taylor and Slatkin's formula and Paloheimo's formula were most reliable for the experimental data. 4. Further analyses of three of the methods were made using computer simulations of growth of age-structured populations with initially unstable age distributions. These analyses show that the time interval between sampling strongly influences the reliability of birth and death rate estimates. At a sampling interval of 2.5 days (equal to the duration of the egg stage), Paloheimo's formula was most accurate. At longer intervals (7.5–10 days), Taylor and Slatkin's formula which includes information on population structure was most accurate

    Quantum harmonic oscillator systems with disorder

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    We study many-body properties of quantum harmonic oscillator lattices with disorder. A sufficient condition for dynamical localization, expressed as a zero-velocity Lieb-Robinson bound, is formulated in terms of the decay of the eigenfunction correlators for an effective one-particle Hamiltonian. We show how state-of-the-art techniques for proving Anderson localization can be used to prove that these properties hold in a number of standard models. We also derive bounds on the static and dynamic correlation functions at both zero and positive temperature in terms of one-particle eigenfunction correlators. In particular, we show that static correlations decay exponentially fast if the corresponding effective one-particle Hamiltonian exhibits localization at low energies, regardless of whether there is a gap in the spectrum above the ground state or not. Our results apply to finite as well as to infinite oscillator systems. The eigenfunction correlators that appear are more general than those previously studied in the literature. In particular, we must allow for functions of the Hamiltonian that have a singularity at the bottom of the spectrum. We prove exponential bounds for such correlators for some of the standard models
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