70 research outputs found

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Type II ZnSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanocrystals

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    High-quality ZnSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals, exhibiting a type II carrier localization regime, were fabricated via a traditional pyrolysis of organometallic precursors. The two-step synthesis involved fabrication of 4.5-6 nm ZnSe seeds followed by a subsequent deposition of the CdS shell. An efficient spatial separation of electrons and holes between the core and the shell was observed for heterostructures containing more than three monolayers of CdS, which was primarily evidenced by the spatially indirect emission tunable from 480 to 610 nm for a fixed core diameter. Because of a large (type II) offset of band edges at the core/shell interface, fabricated nanocrystals exhibited a relatively low spectral overlap between emission and absorption profiles, with associated Stokes shifts of up to 110 nm. The quantum yield of as-prepared samples was 12-18% and was further improved to 20% after purification of nanocrystals through multiple hexane/methanol extractions. Novel properties of synthesized ZnSe/CdS nanocrystals as well as their applicability to practical realizations in areas of biomedical imaging, solar sells, and quantum dot-based lasers are discussed

    Synthesis Of ZnSe/CdS/ZnSe Nanobarbells Showing Photoinduced Charge Separation

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    We report on it colloidal synthesis of barbell-shaped nanocrystals comprising a type II hetero-junction of ZnSe and US domains and showing compelling evidence of photoinduced charge separation at the interface of ZnSe and US materials. The nanobarbells were fabricated in a two-step procedure by growing ZnSe caps onto polar facets of US nanorods. Under present synthetic conditions, minimal growth of ZnSe shell in the lateral direction and focusing of the barbell length distribution were observed. Formation of epitaxial interfaces between nearly lattice-matched ZnSe and US crystal phases was primarily evidenced by the observation of spatially indirect fluorescence and long radiative lifetimes corresponding to the decay of charge transfer states

    Sodium-Vanadium Bronze Na9V14O35: An Electrode Material for Na-Ion Batteries

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    Na9V14O35 (η-NaxV2O5) has been synthesized via solid-state reaction in an evacuated sealed silica ampoule and tested as electroactive material for Na-ion batteries. According to powder X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, Na9V14O35 adopts a monoclinic structure consisting of layers of corner- and edge-sharing VO5 tetragonal pyramids and VO4 tetrahedra with Na cations positioned between the layers, and can be considered as sodium vanadium(IV,V) oxovanadate Na9V104.1+O19(V5+O4)4. Behavior of Na9V14O35 as a positive and negative electrode in Na half-cells was investigated by galvanostatic cycling against metallic Na, synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Being charged to 4.6 V vs. Na+/Na, almost 3 Na can be extracted per Na9V14O35 formula, resulting in electrochemical capacity of ~60 mAh g−1. Upon discharge below 1 V, Na9V14O35 uptakes sodium up to Na:V = 1:1 ratio that is accompanied by drastic elongation of the separation between the layers of the VO4 tetrahedra and VO5 tetragonal pyramids and volume increase of about 31%. Below 0.25 V, the ordered layered Na9V14O35 structure transforms into a rock-salt type disordered structure and ultimately into amorphous products of a conversion reaction at 0.1 V. The discharge capacity of 490 mAh g−1 delivered at first cycle due to the conversion reaction fades with the number of charge-discharge cycles

    Fabrication Of All-inorganic Nanocrystal Solids Through Matrix Encapsulation Of Nanocrystal Arrays

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    A general strategy for low-temperature processing of colloidal nanocrystals into all-inorganic films is reported. The present methodology goes beyond the traditional ligand-interlinking scheme and relies on encapsulation of morphologically defined nanocrystal arrays into a matrix of a wide-band gap semiconductor, which preserves optoelectronic properties of individual nanoparticles while rendering the nanocrystal film photoconductive. Fabricated solids exhibit excellent thermal stability, which is attributed to the heteroepitaxial structure of nanocrystal matrix interfaces, and show compelling light-harvesting performance in prototype solar cells

    Radiative Recombination Of Spatially Extended Excitons In (znse/cds)/cds Heterostructured Nanorods

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    We report on organometallic synthesis of luminescent (ZnSe/CdS)/CdS semiconductor heterostructured nanorods (hetero-NRs) that produce an efficient spatial separation of carriers along the main axis of the structure (type II carrier localization). Nanorods were fabricated using a seeded-type approach by nucleating the growth of 20-100 nm CdS extensions at [000 +/- 1] facets of wurtzite ZnSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals. The difference in growth rates of CdS in each of the two directions ensures that the position of ZnSe/CdS seeds in the final structure is offset from the center of hetero-NRs, resulting in a spatially asymmetric distribution of carrier wave functions along the heterostructure. Present work demonstrates a number of unique properties of (ZnSe/CdS)/CdS hetero-NRs, including enhanced magnitude of quantum confined Stark effect and subnanosecond switching of absorption energies that can find practical applications in electroabsorption switches and ultrasensitive charge detectors

    Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics In Type II ZNSE/CDS/ZNSE Nanobarbells

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    We employ femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to get an insight into ultrafast processes occurring at the interface of type II ZnSe/CdS heterostructured nimocrystals fabricated via colloidal routes and comprising a barbell-like arrangement of ZnSe tips and CdS nanorods. Our study shows that resonant excitation of ZnSe tips results in an unprecedently fast transfer of excited Electrons into CdS domains of nanobarbells (\u3c0.35 ps), whereas selective pumping of CdS components loads to a relatively slow injection of photoinduced holes into ZnSe tips (tau(h) = 95 ps). A qualitative thermodynamic description of observed electron processes within the classical limit of Marcus theory was used to identify a specific charge transfer regime associated with the ultrafast electron injection into CdS. Potential photocatalytic applications of the observed fast separation of carriers along the main axis of ZnSe/CdS barbells are discussed

    Linker-Free Modification Of TiO2 Nanorods With PbSe Nanocrystals

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    We report on a colloidal synthesis of Pbse/TiO2 heterostructures, comprising small-diameter PbSe nanocrystals epitaxially grown onto the surface of TiO2 nanorods. The deposition of lead selenide onto prefabricated TiO2 nanocrystals proceeds via formation of a thin PbSe shell that subsequently breaks into sub-2-nm islands. Additional precursor injections are then used to increase the size of PbSe nanocrystals up to 5 nm. In the case of small-size PbSe, a 2.1-ns transfer of photoinduced carriers into TiO2 domain was evidenced through quenching of the PbSe band gap emission. Overall, the present synthesis demonstrates a colloidal approach to all-inorganic modification of TiO2 surfaces with semiconductor nanocrystals, which provides a viable alternative to a more common supramolecular assembly of nanocrystal-oxide composites

    Functional Analysis of DNMT3A DNA Methyltransferase Mutations Reported in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    In mammals, DNA methylation is necessary for the maintenance of genomic stability, gene expression regulation, and other processes. During malignant diseases progression, changes in both DNA methylation patterns and DNA methyltransferase (MTase) genes are observed. Human de novo MTase DNMT3A is most frequently mutated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a striking prevalence of R882H mutation, which has been extensively studied. Here, we investigate the functional role of the missense mutations (S714C, R635W, R736H, R771L, P777R, and F752V) found in the catalytic domain of DNMT3A in AML patients. These were accordingly mutated in the murine Dnmt3a catalytic domain (S124C, R45W, R146H, R181L, P187R, and F162V) and in addition, one-site CpG-containing DNA substrates were used as a model system. The 3-15-fold decrease (S124C and P187R) or complete loss (F162V, R45W, and R146H) of Dnmt3a-CD methylation activity was observed. Remarkably, Pro 187 and Arg 146 are not located at or near the Dnmt3a functional motives. Regulatory protein Dnmt3L did not enhance the methylation activity of R45W, R146H, P187R, and F162V mutants. The key steps of the Dnmt3a-mediated methylation mechanism, including DNA binding and transient covalent intermediate formation, were examined. There was a complete loss of DNA-binding affinity for R45W located in the AdoMet binding region and for R146H. Dnmt3a mutants studied in vitro suggest functional impairment of DNMT3A during pathogenesis