6 research outputs found

    Development of SIAKAD Applications in Balikpapan Schools using APXP: Advanced Personal Extreme Programming

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    The iteration process in Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) consists of Initialization, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Retrospective. There are still areas for improvement in this method. In the future, this method will be a problem because it can make the application unable to run after the retrospective process. One of the problems is the version update app on Android. We propose an Advanced PXP model (APXP) for an academic information system (SIAKAD) in Balikpapan Schools that contains PXP modifications at the beginning and end of the process. At the middle stage of APXP is system testing. Each process from 1-11 iterations produces Valid results. We add Deployment methods such as Blue-Green Deployment Strategy. The deployment process can change very quickly once the switch service changes in the APXP method. Furthermore, the deployment process has almost no issues with different versions of the servic

    EksPy: a new Python framework for developing graphical user interface based PyQt5

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    This study introduces EksPy Python framework, a novel framework designed for developing graphical user interface (GUI) applications in Python. EksPy framework is built on PyQt5, which is a collection of Python bindings for the Qt libraries, and it provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface. The comparative analysis of EksPy framework with existing frameworks such as Tkinter and PyQt highlights its notable features, including ease of use, rapid development, enhanced performance, effective database management, and the model-view-controller (MVC) concept. The experimental results illustrate that EksPy framework requires less code and enhances code readability, thereby facilitating better understanding and efficient development. Additionally, EksPy framework offers a modern and customizable appearance, surpassing Tkinter’s capabilities. Furthermore, it incorporates a built-in object-relational mapping (ORM) feature to simplify database interactions and adheres to the MVC architectural pattern. In conclusion, EksPy Python framework emerges as a powerful, user-friendly, and efficient framework for GUI application development in Python


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    Developments and advances in information technology are now increasingly advanced by providing convenience for the public in accessing information in the current era of public information. The Charity Management Information System is a service application for the community to optimize donors who want to donate in an easy and fast way. The method used in designing this service application uses the Waterfall method with the Laravel Framework. The Waterfall method consists of, Requirements and Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, and Maintenance. The results obtained using this method are Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) models and Use Case Diagrams at the Design stage. Then, at the Testing stage, an appropriate or valid status is generated from the expected results. This system or website can increase public awareness about the importance of making donations, be it Zakat, Alms, Infaq, or Waqf. And can assist in managing donation data (Zakat, Alms, Infaq, and Waqf) effectively and efficiently, namely to BMI partners (Baitulmaal Munzalan Indonesia).Perkembangan dan kemajuan di bidang teknologi informasi kini semakin maju dengan memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi di era informasi publik saat ini. Sistem Infromasi Manajemen Badan Amal merupakan sebuah aplikasi pelayanan bagi masyarakat untuk mengoptimalkan donatur-donatur yang ingin berdonasi secara mudah dan cepat. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan aplikasi pelayanan ini menggunakan metode Waterfall dengan Framework Laravel. Metode Waterfall terdiri dari, Requirement and Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, and Maintanance. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode ini adalah model Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) dan Use Case Diagram pada tahapan Design. Kemudian, pada tahapan Testing dihasilkan status yang sesuai atau valid dari hasil yang diharpakan. Dengan adanya sistem atau website ini, dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya melakukan donasi baik itu Zakat, Sedekah, Infaq, dan Wakaf. Serta Dapat membantu dalam mengelola data donasi baik itu Zakat, Sedekah, Infaq, dan Wakaf) yang efektif dan efisien yaitu pada mitra BMI (Baitulmaal Munzalan Indonesia)

    Optimasi Efisiensi Energi untuk Pemilihan Intermediate Cluster Head menggunakan MI-C LEACH: Multi-hop Inter-Cluster pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel

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    Perbincangan hangat para peneliti pada jaringan sensor nirkabel masih kompleksitas pada penggunaan energi disetiap node. Hal ini dikarenakan kebutuhan informasi meningkat yang mempengaruhi perkembangan teknologi semakin meningkat pula. Sehingga, pertukaran informasi secara terus menerus menyebabkan penurunan masa hidup node. Solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut adalah menggunakan routing protocol seperti Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Protokol LEACH bekerja dengan melakukan pengelompokan node dan memilih kepala kluster (CH) yang bertugas untuk mengirimkan data ke Sink Node (SN). Salah satu kelemahan protokol LEACH adalah CH yang jauh dari SN dimana memerlukan energi banyak untuk pengiriman data ke SN. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi tiap CH jauh adalah dengan menggunakan komunikasi multi-hop. Pada makalah ini, kami mengusulkan Multi-hop Inter-Cluster LEACH (MI-C LEACH) dengan algoritma pengembangan dari protokol LEACH. Hasil simulasi menggunakan OMNeT++ menunjukkan bahwa jumlah node 100 pada rata-rata energi tersisa dari MI-C LEACH jauh lebih banyak dari LEACH dengan perbedaan rata-rata 27.082 watt. Tetapi pada jumlah node 200, MI-C LEACH tidak berbeda jauh energi yang tersisa dari LEACH untuk setiap jumlah putaran 100 hingga 600

    Energy Efficiency Optimization for Intermediate Node Selection Using MhSA-LEACH: Multi-hop Simulated Annealing in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Energy usage on nodes is still a hot topic among researchers on wireless sensor networks. This is due to the increasing technological development increasing information requirements and caused the occurrence of information exchange continuously without stopping and impact the decline of lifetime nodes. It takes more effort to manually change the energy source on nodes in the wireless sensor network. The solution to such problems is to use routing protocols such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). The LEACH protocol works by grouping nodes and selecting the Cluster Head (CH) in charge of delivering data to the Base Station (BS). One of the disadvantage LEACH protocols, when nodes are far from the CH, will require a lot of energy for sending data to CH. One way to reduce the energy consumption of each node-far is to use multi-hop communication. In this research, we propose a multi-hop simulated annealing (MhSA-LEACH) with an algorithm developed from the LEACH protocol based on intra-cluster multi-hop communication. The selection of intermediate nodes in multi-hop protocol is done using Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm on Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Therefore, the multi-hop nodes are selected based on the shortest distance and can only be skipped once by utilizing the probability theory, resulting in a more optimal node path. The proposed algorithm has been compared to the conventional LEACH protocol and the Multi-Hop Advance Heterogeneity-aware Energy Efficient (MAHEE) clustering algorithm using OMNeT++. The test results show the optimization of MhSA-LEACH on the number of packets received by BS or CH and the number of dead or alive nodes from LEACH and MAHEE protocols


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    Human resources are a very valuable asset in a company where these resources are employees. Human Resources (HR) department is part of a company in charge of managing employees. HR managers have an important role to present data and workforce profiles, understand company needs, and provide recommendations regarding employee management to improve company performance. PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) that is in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) services and telecommunication networks in Indonesia. PT Telkom Regional VI is a part of PT Telkom which operates in the Borneo area. In daily operational activities, HR managers are asked to present a workforce profile. To present data, HR managers need to collect data from various sources. Due to different data sources, management has difficulty in reading labor data so that it can trigger a revision of data presentation. Repeating management of similar data also causes additional allocation of time and effort. Therefore, this study aims to develop the HR Operational Dashboard Website at PT Telkom Regional VI using the scrum model. The stages in the scrum include sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. The HR Operational Dashboard website was successfully developed using the scrum method with a total product backlog of 27 items in 6 sprints. This website can help HR manager presents accurate data and can be a media to support decision-making