33 research outputs found

    Rationale for use of renewable sources of energy for electric supply of removed objects of the Rrepublic of Tajikistan

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    The article considers the possibility of using renewable energy sources for power supply of remote facilities in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, their energy potential is analyzed. It is established that the most promising for the remote areas of the Republic is the use of solar and hydro power. High wind energy potential is typical for high-mountainous areas that are difficult to access. The use of biogas plants is advisable for agricultural areas.В статье рассмотрена возможность использования возобновляемых источников энергии для энергоснабжения удалённых объектов на территории республики Таджикистан, проанализирован их энергетический потенциал. Установлено, что наиболее перспективным для удалённых районов Республики является использование солнечной и гидроэнергии. Высокий ветроэнергетический потенциал характерен для высокогорных труднодоступных районов. Использование биогазовых установок целесообразно для сельскохозяйственных районов

    Renewable energy potential for the South Ural Railway

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    In the article the problem of deficiency of electric energy for own needs of the railway. We calculated the energy consumption of objects South Ural Railway for own needs for half a year and the energy production with using the solar and wind energy. We analyzed the energy efficiency of using renewable energy sources at the railway.В работе рассмотрена проблема дефицита электрической энергии для собственных нужд железной дороги. Рассчитано потребление электроэнергии объектами ЮУЖД на собственные нужды за полгода и выработка электроэнергии с использованием энергии ветра и солнца. Проанализирована энергетическая эффективность применения возобновляемых источников энергии на железной дороге


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    Examines the factors affecting the efficiency of light transmission in solar optical fibers. The dependence of the efficiency of light transmission in the light channel device depending on the incident angle of sunlight. According to calculations, the optimum angle of the axis of the optical fiber from a horizontal surface for the city of Chelyabinsk, which allows to obtain the necessary natural illumination space for a long time, and if necessary include additional artificial lighting providing the minimum power consumption.Рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на эффективность светопередачи в солнечных световодах. Проанализирована зависимость эффективности передачи света по устройству в зависимости от угла ввода солнечных лучей. Согласно расчетам, определен оптимальный угол наклона оси световода от горизонтальной поверхности для г. Челябинска, позволяющий получить необходимое естественное освещение помещения наиболее продолжительное время, а при необходимости включения дополнительного искусственного освещения, обеспечивающий минимальное энергопотребление


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    The priority directions of development of new energy-saving technologies are alternative energy sources. It is possible to use people as a source of alternative and environmentally safe energy – when they move, transmitted oscillations on the floor surface, which were accumulated in the form of energy, for powering the energy receivers of low capacity.В данной работе акцентировано внимание на приоритетном направлении развития новых энергосберегающих технологий – альтернативном источнике энергии. Предлагается использование в качестве альтернативного источника энергии человека – при его движении на поверхность пола передаются колебания, которые можно преобразовать в электрические сигналы, аккумулированная мощность которых достаточна для питания маломощных приемников энергии


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    The initial stage of development of the legal framework affecting the area of renewable energy discusses in details in this paper. The author analyzes the prerequisites of becoming law in the direction of non-traditional and renewable energy. The legislative documents, which were adopted prior to the amendment of November 4, 2007 the Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry" were studied in details, and we presented, how the legislative documents could affect the development of legislation in this area.В работе подробно рассмотрен первоначальный этап развития законодательной базы, затрагивающей область применения возобновляемых источников энергии. Автором были проанализированы предпосылки становления законодательства в направлении нетрадиционной и возобновляемой энергетики. В данной работе подробно изучены законодательные документы, которые были приняты в период до внесения поправок 4 ноября 2007 года в Федеральный закон «Об электроэнергетике» и представлено, как законодательные документы могли повлиять на развитие законодательства в рассматриваемой сфере

    Use of perovskite in solar energy

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    The article examine relatively new material for solar energy – perovskite. It dealt with physical properties. Data are given about developments in this field Russian and foreign scientists. It is analyzed coefficients of efficiency used in industry materials.В статье рассмотрен относительно новый материал для солнечной энергетики – перовскит. Дано описание его физических свойств, приведены разработки в этой отрасли как российских, так и зарубежных ученых. В работе проведен сравнительный анализ материалов для изготовления солнечных элементов по коэффициентам полезного действия

    Representations of solutions of the wave equation based on relativistic wavelets

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    A representation of solutions of the wave equation with two spatial coordinates in terms of localized elementary ones is presented. Elementary solutions are constructed from four solutions with the help of transformations of the affine Poincar\'e group, i.e., with the help of translations, dilations in space and time and Lorentz transformations. The representation can be interpreted in terms of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation in a half-plane. It gives the solution as an integral representation of two types of solutions: propagating localized solutions running away from the boundary under different angles and packet-like surface waves running along the boundary and exponentially decreasing away from the boundary. Properties of elementary solutions are discussed. A numerical investigation of coefficients of the decomposition is carried out. An example of the field created by sources moving along a line with different speeds is considered, and the dependence of coefficients on speeds of sources is discussed.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 20 pages, 6 figure

    Multivariable Control of Solar Battery Power by Extremum Seeking: Starting from Linear Analysis

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    In this study, we tried to combine maximum power point trackers (MPPT) and «Extremum Seeking» in a single multi-parameter extremum seekeng system for orienting solar panels and draw attention to the problem of a deeper study of nonlinear adaptive control using appropriate methods for their analysis. MPPT controller becomes one of the extremum seeking loops, and as a result, the maximum power is achieved not only by searching for the optimal voltage value, but also due to the optimal angular position of the solar panel in Euclidean space, because the photocurrent depends on the angle of inclination of the Sun’s rays to the surface. The task of tuning extremum seeking loops becomes more analytically difficult, which is associated with nonlinear and multiply connected properties. This requires starting the solution from a simpler “linear” level. We applied the approach associated with the passage of modulating oscillations with a given frequency and amplitude through an open-loop system. This approach, which is generalized in this work at least for extremum seeking of the solar panels power, should be used for approximate calculations if there are no strict requirements for convergence and energy loss for the search. Research design is as follows: parametric identification of the current-voltage and volt-watt curves; obtaining the transfer function by the semi-automated sparse matrix method; reducing the order of the transfer function of coordinate electric drives by introducing a scaling factor. To the most important theoretical result, we attribute the property of the generalized amplitude of the solar panel power oscillations with multi-parameter control to be a combination of input modulating oscillations superimposed on the signals of the control integrators. Having revealed the relationship of their properties, it becomes possible to eliminate non-linearity from the system and operate only with the analytical relationship of the input modulating oscillations and the generalized oscillation of the controlled parameter. We attribute the prediction of the effect to one of the most interesting physical results, in which, for the same amplitude of modulating oscillations, the amplitudes of the photocurrent oscillations and the power of the solar panel at different angular positions will be generally different

    Solar PV energy system in Malaysian airport: Glare analysis, general design and performance assessment

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    There is a growing interest in airport-based solar plant installations around the world. The buffer zonearea in airports can effectively be utilized by tapping solar energy. However, it possesses concern forair safety and navigation mainly from the possible glare of the PV array. The objective of the study isto analyze the technical performance of a proposed solar PV plant in the premises of Kuantan Airport,Malaysia using SolarGis software with due consideration of glare occurrence. Eight zones are selected,and it was observed that yellow glare will occur for 4,552 min at ATC from Zone 8. The impact ofglare from the other zones is in accordance with FAA’s glare policy. The selected zones cover 0.2677km2of the airport’s land with solar potential of 20 MW. The proposed solar PV plant consists of57,143 crystalline silicon PV modules. Each PV string consists of PV modules of 20 in number. Thenumber of strings in the entire PV plant is 2,857. The proposed PV plant requires 40 numbers ofcentral inverters and 20 numbers of transformers. The proposed solar PV power plant is expectedto generate 26,304 MWh annually and this energy generation is 168 times the energy consumptionof the airport’s terminal building. The highest energy production will be observed in March (2,514MWh). It is projected that the monthly average final yield varies from a maximum value of 125.70MWh/MWp-month in March to a minimum of 90.70 MWh/MWp-month in December. The proposedsolar plant in Kuantan airport is expected to perform sufficiently well with 76.88 % performance ratioand 15.22 % capacity utilization factor. These results predict the safe operation of the airport-basedsolar system in Malaysia without glare impact