102 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Lean Enterprise System: A Critical Synthesis and Agenda for the Future

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    Many aerospace enterprises and other organizations have adopted a variety of management approaches to achieve continuous process improvement, enterprise change and transformation, such as the lean enterprise system, total quality management (TQM), theory of constraints (TOC), agile manufacturing, and business process reengineering (BPR). Among them, the lean enterprise system, with its origins in the Toyota Production System (TPS), comes closest to providing a holistic view of enterprises as complex socio-technical systems embodying a mutually supportive set of precepts and practices driving enterprise operations at all levels (i.e., strategic, tactical, operational) and throughout the enterprise value stream encompassing both upstream supplier networks and downstream customerfocused activities. Lean enterprise principles and practices have evolved over many decades through a process of experimentation, learning and adaptation. A distinction is made between the basic lean enterprise system (BLES), capturing salient developments over the period between the late 1940s and mid-1990s, and the contemporary lean enterprise system (CLES), capturing major conceptual and implementation-related extensions of the basic model since the mid-1990s. The lean enterprise system, as a viable framework for explaining the structure and dynamics of modern networked enterprises, for managing them, and for improving their performance through either continuous process improvement or planned systemic change and transformation, remains a work-in-progress

    Towards an Integration of the Lean Enterprise System, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma and Related Enterprise Process Improvement Methods

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    The lean enterprise system, total quality management, six sigma, theory of constraints, agile manufacturing, and business process reengineering have been introduced as universally applicable best methods to improve the performance of enterprise operations through continuous process improvement and systemic planned enterprise change. Generally speaking, they represent practice-based, rather than theory-grounded, methods with common roots in manufacturing. Most of the literature on them is descriptive and prescriptive, aimed largely at a practitioner audience. Despite certain differences among them, they potentially complement each other in important ways. The lean enterprise system, total quality management and six sigma, in particular, are tightly interconnected as highly complementary approaches and can be brought together to define a first-approximation “core” integrated management system, with the lean enterprise system serving as the central organizing framework. Specific elements of the other approaches can be selectively incorporated into the “core” enterprise system to enrich its effectiveness. Concrete theoretical and computational developments in the future through an interdisciplinary research agenda centered on the design and development of networked enterprises as complex adaptive socio-technical systems, as well as the creation of a readily accessible observatory of evidence-based management practices, would represent important steps forward

    Knowledge Ingtegration in Large-Scale Organizations and Networks - Conceptual Overview and Operational Definition

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    Knowledge integration is an emerging discipline in organizational science where the central proposition is that the increasing complexity of products and services being developed and delivered, means that the knowledge required for production is increasingly specialized, varied (multi-disciplinary) and distributed across the organization’s internal boundaries, and as a result there is a need for organizations to continuously gather their knowledge resources in order to maintain their ability to innovate, and to sustain their competitive position in the market. In addition, the increasing scale and scope of organizational arrangements, such as multinational partnerships or multi-tiered prime-supplier arrangements commonly encountered in the aerospace, automotive and other complex product development industries, also give rise to environments of dispersed knowledge resources, thus necessitating the subsequent integration of this knowledge across external boundaries spanning large-scale organizational networks. Knowledge integration in this context is done through a process of transferring knowledge from multiple sources in the organizational network to where it is needed, combining it with existing knowledge, before it can be applied to accomplish complex tasks and to solve major problems. The primary purpose of this paper is to define the powerful concept of knowledge integration in large-scale organizational networks using an extensive review of the pertinent literature on knowledge in organizations. An operational definition for knowledge integration is also proposed, followed by a systematic identification and classification of the different strategies, practices, channels and mechanisms for integrating different types of knowledge across a multitude of organizational boundaries and environments

    Metrics Pilot Project for Military Avionics Sustainment: Experimental Design and Implementation Plan

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    This working paper outlines the design of an experiment, employing a pilot project, for identifying and validating new metrics for managing the US Air Force military avionics sustainment system. The paper also presents a plan for implementing the pilot project. The experimental design allows for the quantitifation of the effects of the new metrics, while controlling for the effects of other factors impacting the observed outcomes. Underlying the pilot project, and the proposed experimental design, are three main hypotheses derived from earlier research: (a) currently used metrics foster local optimization rather than system-wide optimization; (b) they do not allow measures of progress towards the achievement of system-wide goals and objectives, and, hence, do not allow visibility into the impact of depot maintenance on the warfighter; and (c) they are driving the “wrong behavior,” causing suboptimal decisions governing maintenance and repair priorities and practices and, as a result, undermining the efficiency and effectiveness of the sustainment system, despite the fact that the Air Force sustainment system has a dedicated and highly skilled workforce supporting the warfighter

    Studies on the structure of input-output models for national, regional, and multi-regional economic analysis.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Thesis. 1969. Ph.D.Vita.Bibliography: leaves 425-444.Ph.D

    Taming the Business Cycles in Commercial Aviation: Trade-space analysis of strategic alternatives using simulation modeling

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    We investigate the effectiveness of strategic alternatives that are designed to dampen the cyclicality manifest in the commercial aviation related industries. The constituent enterprises of the commercial aviation system exhibit managerial and operational independence and have diverse value functions that often viewed the enterprises to view their competition as a zero-sum game. We argue that this need not always be the case; in the commercial aviation system both airline and airframe manufacturers constituents would benefit from a steadier influx of aircraft that counters the current situation that is characterized by relatively stable demand growth rate for air travel while airline profitability and aircraft ordering fluctuate intensely. In order to identify and evaluate the symbiotic potential, we use a system dynamics model of commercial aviation. After testing several individual strategic alternatives, we find that capacity management is key to cycle moderation for non-collusive strategies. Comparing faster aircraft deliveries to semi-fixed production schedules among other alternatives shows only the latter alternative to be Pareto efficient

    Процесс измельчения пророщенного зерна ржи, пшеницы и тритикале в комбинированной сушилке-диспергаторе

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    One of promising products for obtaining natural food additives can be germinated grain of various cereals crushed to powder. Selection of mechanical impact method on germinated grain directly depends on physical-and-mechanical properties of the material. The most promising are drying and grinding installations of combined type based on interaction of suspended layer and grinding devices with blade rotor. It allows to ensure efficient use of shear and cut deformations to obtain the final product of the required particle size distribution. The paper presents results on study of mechanical impact methods on germinated grain and the least energy-intensive method is defined. It is determined that the most promising for grinding are units of combined type. Based on the research conducted, the design of combined dryer with integrated rotary chopper (disperser dryer) has been substantiated and practically implemented. Experimental test installation was designed and manufactured to study the process of thermomechanical processing of high-moisture food raw materials. It allows to implement and study drying and grinding combined processes. Mathematical model building task for grinding process of germinated grain in disperser dryer based on Lagrange method is considered. Mathematical model of grinding process of germinated grain in unit with twisted flow based on Rehbinder theory is proposed. Mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of germinated grain under uniaxial static immersion is obtained. Correlation of granulometric composition of finished product with performance of disperser dryer, temperature of drying agent, shredder rotor rotation speed, initial moisture content in germinated grain have been studied. Froude number is defined. Conclusions and practical recommendations will contribute to solving problems of improving quality, safety and competitiveness, as well as increasing export potential of domestic food and agricultural products.Одним из перспективных продуктов для получения натуральных пищевых добавок может стать измельченное пророщенное зерно различных злаковых культур до порошкообразного материала. Выбор способа механического воздействия на пророщенное зерно напрямую зависит от физико-механических свойств материала. Наиболее перспективными являются сушильно-измельчающие установки комбинированного типа на основе взаимодействия взвешенного слоя и измельчающих устройств с ножевым ротором. Это позволяет обеспечить эффективное использование деформаций сдвига и среза для получения конечного продукта заданного гранулометрического состава. В статье исследованы способы механического воздействия на пророщенное зерно и выделен наименее энергоемкий. Установлено, что для измельчения наиболее перспективными являются установки комбинированного типа. На основании проведенных исследований обоснована и практически реализована конструкция комбинированнной сушилки со встроенным роторным измельчителем (сушилка-диспергатор). Для изучения процесса термомеханической обработки высоковлажного пищевого сырья спроектирован и изготовлен экспериментальный стенд, позволяющий реализовывать и изучать совмещенные процессы сушки и измельчения. Рассмотрена задача построения математической модели процесса измельчения пророщенного зерна в сушилке-диспергаторе, основанная на методе Лагранжа. Предложена математическая модель процесса измельчения пророщенного зерна в аппарате с закрученными потоками на основе теории П. А. Ребиндера. Получена математическая модель упруго-пластического деформирования пророщенного зерна в условиях одноосного статического погружения. Изучена зависимость гранулометрического состава готового продукта от производительности сушилки-диспергатора, температуры сушильного агента, частоты вращения ротора измельчителя, начальной влажности пророщенного зерна. Определены критерии Фруда. Выводы и практические рекомендации будут способствовать решению задач по повышению качества, безопасности и конкурентоспособности, а также увеличению экспортных возможностей отечественной пищевой и сельскохозяйственной продукции


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    Methods for estimation of dynamic magnification pertaining to motion in biomechanics have been developed and approbаted in the paper. It has been ascertained that widely-used characteristics for evaluation of motion influence on mechanisms and machinery such as a dynamic coefficient and acceleration capacity factor become irrelevant while investigating human locomotion under elastic support conditions. The reason is an impossibility to compare human motion in case when there is a contact with elastic and rigid supports because while changing rigidity of the support exercise performing technique is also changing. In this case the technique still depends on a current state of a specific sportsman. Such situation is observed in sports gymnastics. Structure of kinematic and dynamic models for human motion has been investigated in the paper. It has been established that properties of an elastic support are reflected in models within two aspects: in an explicit form, when models have parameters of dynamic deformation for a gymnastic apparatus, and in an implicit form, when we have numerically changed parameters of human motion. The first part can be evaluated quantitatively while making comparison with calculations made in accordance with complete models. For this reason notions of selected and complete models have been introduced in the paper. It has been proposed to specify models for support and models of biomechanical system that represent models pertaining only to human locomotor system. It has been revealed that the selected models of support in kinematics and dynamics have structural difference. Kinematics specifies only parameters of elastic support deformation and dynamics specifies support parameters in an explicit form and additionally in models of human motion in an explicit form as well. Quantitative estimation of a dynamic motion magnification in kinematics and dynamics models has been given while using computing experiment for grand circle backward on a gymnastics horizontal bar as an example. It has been shown that an influence of a gymnastic apparatus on motion has numerically the same order as motion of a sportsman without taking into account elastic properties of the support.Разработаны и опробованы методы оценки динамического усиления движения в биомеханике. Установлено, что широко используемые характеристики оценки влияния движения на механизмы и машины, такие как динамический коэффициент и коэффициент динамичности по ускорениям, при исследовании локомоций человека в условиях упругой опоры теряют смысл. Причиной является невозможность сравнить движение человека при контакте с упругой и жесткой опорами, так как с изменением жесткости опоры меняется и техника выполнения упражнения. При этом она еще зависит от текущего состояния конкретного спортсмена. Такая ситуация наблюдается в спортивной гимнастике. Изучена структура кинематических и динамических моделей движения человека. Установлено, что свойства упругой опоры в моделях отражаются: в явном виде, когда в моделях присутствуют параметры динамической деформации спортивного снаряда, и в неявном – в численно измененных параметрах движения самого человека. Первую часть можно оценить количественно, сравнив с расчетами по полным моделям. Для этого введены понятия выделенной и полной моделей. Предложено выделять модели для опоры и модели биомеханической системы, представляющие собой модели движения только опорно-двигательного аппарата человека. Выявлено, что выделенные модели опоры в кинематике и динамике различаются по структуре. В кинематике выделяют только параметры упругой деформации опоры, а в динамике – параметры опоры в явном виде и дополнительно – в моделях движения самого человека, и тоже в явном виде. На примере вычислительного эксперимента для большого оборота назад на гимнастической перекладине дана количественная оценка динамического усиления движения в моделях кинематики и динамики. Показано, что влияние спортивного снаряда на движение численно имеет тот же порядок, что и движение спортсмена без учета упругих свойств опоры

    Riyaziyat-i ticariyye ve maliyye

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    Ulum-I Âliye-İ Ticariye Mektebi Talebesinin Ve Banka Müessesat-I Ticariye Memurlarının İhtiyaçlarına Göre Telif Edilmişdir. Mecuce Kaidesi, Maden-İ Semeniye, Kambiyo Muamelatı, Borsa Muamelatı Bahislerini Muhtevidir. Muhtelif Bahisler, Nazarî Olarak Gösteridldikden Sonra Müteaddid Misal Ve Meselelere Tatbiken Dahi İzah Olunmuş Ve Her Bir Bahis Nihayetine Halli Matlub Birçok Talim Ve Meseleler İlave Edilmişdir. Eserin Saş Tarafında (S. 3-6) “Müellifin Diğer Âsâr-I Matbuası Ve Muhtaveiyatı” Hakkında İzahat Vardır. Eserde "Yüksek İktisat Ve Ticaret Mektebi Kütüphanesi" Mührü Vardır