176 research outputs found

    Bimodality in zircon oxygen isotopes and implications for crustal melting on the early Earth

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    Zircons from the oldest dated felsic crust, the Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada, provide key information that may help understand the generation of crust on our nascent planet. When screened to eliminate grains with secondary alteration by measuring relative hydration (Δ16O1H/16O), primary ≥ 3.99 Ga zircon cores show δ18O of 5.88 ± 0.15 ‰, at the extreme upper (heavy) range for mantle values. Another early (≥3.96 Ga) zircon component indicates distinctly different, primary light δ18O values (δ18O ≤ 4.5 ‰). This bimodality in ancient zircon oxygen isotopes implies partial melting of both deep (lower crustal) and shallower (near surface) source rocks, responsible for felsic crust production on the early Earth. A similar bimodality in zircon δ18O is recognised in data from other ancient cratons, albeit at different times. Although alternative (uniformitarian) interpretations may also satisfy the data, the tempo of this bimodality matches models of planetary high-energy impact flux, consistent with a fundamental role for bolide impacts in the formation of crustal nuclei on the early Earth

    Th/U ratios in metamorphic zircon

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Yakymchuk, C., Kirkland, C. L., & Clark, C. (2018). Th/U ratios in metamorphic zircon. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12307. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The Th/U ratios of zircon crystals are routinely used to help understand their growth mechanism. Despite the wide application of Th/U ratios in understanding the geological significance of zircon U–Pb ages, the main controls on the Th/U ratio in metamorphic zircon are poorly understood. Here, phase equilibria modelling coupled with solubility expressions for accessory minerals are used to investigate the controls on the Th/U ratios of suprasolidus metamorphic zircon in an average amphibolite facies metapelite composition. We also present a new database of metamorphic Th/U ratios in zircon from Western Australia. Several factors affecting the Th/U ratio are investigated, including the bulk rock concentrations of Th and U, the amount of monazite in the system, and open v. closed system behaviour. Our modelling predicts that the main controls on the Th/U ratio of suprasolidus metamorphic zircon are the concentrations of Th and U in the system, and the breakdown and growth of monazite in equilibrium with zircon. Furthermore, the relative timing of zircon and monazite growth during cooling and melt crystallization has an important role in the Th/U ratio of zircon. Early grown zircon near the peak of metamorphism is expected to have elevated Th/U ratios whereas zircon that grew near the solidus is predicted to have relatively low Th/U ratios, which reflects the coeval growth of monazite during cooling and melt crystallization. Our modelling approach aims to provide an improved understanding of the main controls of Th/U in metamorphic zircon in migmatites and hence better apply this geochemical ratio as a tool to assist in interpretation of the genesis of metamorphic zircon.National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Gran

    Secular change in TTG compositions: Implications for the evolution of Archaean geodynamics

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    It is estimated that around three quarters of Earth's first generation continental crust had been produced by the end of the Archaean Eon, 2.5 billion years ago. This ancient continental crust is mostly composed of variably deformed and metamorphosed magmatic rocks of the tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) suite that formed by partial melting of hydrated mafic rocks. However, the geodynamic regime under which TTG magmas formed is a matter of ongoing debate. Using a filtered global geochemical dataset of 563 samples with ages ranging from the Eoarchaean to Neoarchaean (4.0–2.5 Ga), we interrogate the bulk rock major oxide and trace element composition of TTGs to assess evidence for secular change. Despite a high degree of scatter in the data, the concentrations or ratios of several key major oxides and trace elements show statistically significant trends that indicate maxima, minima and/or transitions in the interval 3.3–3.0 Ga. Importantly, a change point analysis of K2O/Na2O, Sr/Y and LaN/YbN demonstrates a statistically significant (>99% confidence) change during this 300 Ma period. These shifts may be linked to a fundamental change in geodynamic regime around the peak in upper mantle temperatures from one dominated by non-uniformitarian, deformable stagnant lid processes to another dominated by the emergence of global mobile lid or plate tectonic processes by the end of the Archaean. A notable change is also evident at 2.8–2.7 Ga that coincides with a major jump in the rate of survival of metamorphic rocks with contrasting thermal gradients, which may relate to the emergence of more potassic continental arc magmas and an increased preservation potential during collisional orogenesis. In many cases, the chemical composition of TTGs shows an increasing spread through the Archaean, reflecting the irreversible differentiation of the lithosphere

    Apatite: a U-Pb thermochronometer or geochronometer?

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    Apatite is an accessory mineral that is frequently found in both igneous and clastic sedimentary rocks. It is conventionally considered to be characterized by a closure temperature range between 375 and 600 °C and hence has been employed to address mid-temperature thermochronology questions relevant to the reconstruction of thermal events in the middle to lower crust. However, questions remain as to whether apatite faithfully records thermally-activated volume diffusion profiles, or rather is influenced by recrystallization and new growth processes. We present a case study of two apatite samples from the Akia Terrane in Greenland that help chart some of the post magmatic history of this region. Apatite in a tonalitic gneiss has distinct U-enriched rims and its U-Pb apparent ages correlate with Mn chemistry, with a high Mn group yielding an age of c. 2813 Ma. The U-Pb and trace element chemistry and morphology support an interpretation in which these apatite crystals are originally igneous and record cooling after metamorphism, with subsequent generation of discrete new rims. Epidote observed in the sample implies a <600 °C fluid infiltration event associated with apatite rims. The second sample, from a granitic leucosome, contains apparently homogeneous apatite, however U-Pb analyses define two distinct discordia arrays with different common Pb components. An older, c. 2490 Ma, component is associated with elevated Sr, whereas a younger, c. 1800 Ma, component has lower Sr concentration. A depth profile reveals an older core with progressively younger ages towards a compositionally discrete late Paleoproterozoic rim. The chemical and age profiles do not directly correspond, implying different diffusion rates between trace elements and U and Pb. The variation in core ages is interpreted to reflect radiogenic-Pb loss from a metamorphic population during new rim growth. The younger, c. 1800 Ma U-Pb age is interpreted to date new apatite growth from a compositionally distinct reservoir driven by tectonothermal and fluid activity, consistent with regional mica Ar-Ar ages. Results from these two samples show that recrystallization, dissolution and regrowth processes likely formed the younger rim overgrowths, and at temperatures below those often considered to be closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in apatite. The results from these samples imply many apatite grains may not record simple thermally activated Pb diffusion profiles and cautions against inversion of apatite U-Pb data to thermal histories without detailed knowledge of the grain growth/alteration processes

    Number-Theoretic Nature of Communication in Quantum Spin Systems

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    The last decade has witnessed substantial interest in protocols for transferring information on networks of quantum mechanical objects. A variety of control methods and network topologies have been proposed, on the basis that transfer with perfect fidelity --- i.e. deterministic and without information loss --- is impossible through unmodulated spin chains with more than a few particles. Solving the original problem formulated by Bose [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 207901 (2003)], we determine the exact number of qubits in unmodulated chains (with XY Hamiltonian) that permit the transfer with fidelity arbitrarily close to 1, a phenomenon called pretty good state transfer. We prove that this happens if and only if the number of nodes is n=p-1, 2p-1, where p is a prime, or n=2^{m}-1. The result highlights the potential of quantum spin system dynamics for reinterpreting questions about the arithmetic structure of integers, and, in this case, primality.Comment: 6 pages, 1 EPS figur

    North Atlantic Craton architecture revealed by kimberlite-hosted crustal zircons

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    The Maniitsoq project is supported by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Government of Greenland. NJG and PAC thank Australian Research Council grant FL160100168 for financial support. ON is supported by Australian Research Council grant FT140101062 and the Melbourne TIE team.Archean cratons are composites of terranes formed at different times, juxtaposed during craton assembly. Cratons are underpinned by a deep lithospheric root, and models for the development of this cratonic lithosphere include both vertical and horizontal accretion. How different Archean terranes at the surface are reflected vertically within the lithosphere, which might inform on modes of formation, is poorly constrained. Kimberlites, which originate from significant depths within the upper mantle, sample cratonic interiors. The North Atlantic Craton, West Greenland, comprises Eoarchean and Mesoarchean gneiss terranes – the latter including the Akia Terrane – assembled during the late Archean. We report U–Pb and Hf isotopic, and trace element, data measured in zircon xenocrysts from a Neoproterozoic (557 Ma) kimberlite which intruded the Mesoarchean Akia Terrane. The zircon trace element profiles suggest they crystallized from evolved magmas, and their Eo- to Neoarchean U–Pb ages match the surrounding gneiss terranes, and highlight that magmatism was episodic. Zircon Hf isotope values lie within two crustal evolution trends: a Mesoarchean trend and an Eoarchean trend. The Eoarchean trend is anchored on 3.8 Ga orthogneiss, and includes 3.6–3.5 Ga, 2.7 and 2.5–2.4 Ga aged zircons. The Mesoarchean Akia Terrane may have been built upon mafic crust, in which case all zircons whose Hf isotopes lie within the Eoarchean trend were derived from the surrounding Eoarchean gneiss terranes, emplaced under the Akia Terrane after ca. 2.97 or 2.7 Ga, perhaps during late Archean terrane assembly. Kimberlite-hosted peridotite rhenium depletion model ages suggest a late Archean stabilization for the lithospheric mantle. The zircon data support a model of lithospheric growth via tectonic stacking for the North Atlantic Craton.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Zircon fingerprint of the Neoproterozoic North Atlantic: Perspectives from East Greenland

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    Correlations across the once-contiguous North Atlantic region remain challenging, particularly for pre-Caledonian packages. Here, we present new zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope data from five metasedimentary samples and three granites from East Greenland to assess the age and provenance of Meso- to Neoproterozoic successions in this area, and to evaluate their correlatives across the North Atlantic region. Detrital zircon U-Pb data yield maximum depositional ages of 936 ± 15 Ma (2σ) that indicate the metasedimentary rocks of this region of East Greenland are probably a component of the Neoproterozoic Nathorst Land Group (lower Eleonore Bay Supergroup). Intruding granites are exclusively of Caledonian age at 426 ± 1 Ma (2σ) and contain a significant xenocrystic cargo with comparable ages to detrital zircon in the host metasedimentary sequences. Detrital zircon age components are concentrated between ca. 1850 and 920 Ma, with prominent peaks at ca. 1620 Ma, 1450 Ma and 1080 Ma, and additional subcomponents at 2900–2600 Ma (~4%) and 2030–1940 Ma (~2%). Provenance of this detritus is likely from the East Laurentian margin via axial drainage to East Greenland. Statistical analyses of a newly-compiled circum-Atlantic detrital zircon dataset corroborates a model in which sedimentation occurred in three distinct megasequences: (1) 1020–950 Ma, as a response to the opening of the Asgard Sea that followed Laurentia–Baltica collision, (2) 920–840 Ma, recording the onset of further rifting of the North Atlantic and attempted breakup of Rodinia, and (3) 740–635 Ma, concomitant with the breakup of Rodinia and ending with the Marinoan glaciation. The first two megasequences show strong U-Pb and εHf similarities in both space and time across the North Atlantic. However, there is a significant increase in detrital zircon disparity between the second and third megasequences, which we propose is associated with increased compartmentalization of depocentres with localized supply and distinct sediment routing pathways during continental breakup

    Precise radiometric age establishes Yarrabubba, Western Australia, as Earth’s oldest recognised meteorite impact structure

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    The ~70 km-diameter Yarrabubba impact structure in Western Australia is regarded as among Earth’s oldest, but has hitherto lacked precise age constraints. Here we present U–Pb ages for impact-driven shock-recrystallised accessory minerals. Shock-recrystallised monazite yields a precise impact age of 2229 ± 5 Ma, coeval with shock-reset zircon. This result establishes Yarrabubba as the oldest recognised meteorite impact structure on Earth, extending the terrestrial cratering record back >200 million years. The age of Yarrabubba coincides, within uncertainty, with temporal constraint for the youngest Palaeoproterozoic glacial deposits, the Rietfontein diamictite in South Africa. Numerical impact simulations indicate that a 70 km-diameter crater into a continental glacier could release between 8.7 × 1013 to 5.0 × 1015 kg of H2O vapour instantaneously into the atmosphere. These results provide new estimates of impact-produced H2O vapour abundances for models investigating termination of the Paleoproterozoic glaciations, and highlight the possible role of impact cratering in modifying Earth’s climate

    Stirred not shaken; critical evaluation of a proposed Archean meteorite impact in West Greenland

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    Funding Information: The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Labour, Greenland Government supported field and analytical work.Large meteorite impacts have a profound effect on the Earth's geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. It is widely accepted that the early Earth was subject to intense bombardment from 4.5 to 3.8 Ga, yet evidence for subsequent bolide impacts during the Archean Eon (4.0 to 2.5 Ga) is sparse. However, understanding the timing and magnitude of these early events is important, as they may have triggered significant change points to global geochemical cycles. The Maniitsoq region of southern West Greenland has been proposed to record a ∼3.0 Ga meteorite impact, which, if confirmed, would be the oldest and only known impact structure to have survived from the Archean. Such an ancient structure would provide the first insight into the style, setting, and possible environmental effects of impact bombardment continuing into the late Archean. Here, using field mapping, geochronology, isotope geochemistry, and electron backscatter diffraction mapping of 5,587 zircon grains from the Maniitsoq region (rock and fluvial sediment samples), we test the hypothesis that the Maniitsoq structure represents Earth's earliest known impact structure. Our comprehensive survey shows that previously proposed impact-related geological features, ranging from microscopic structures at the mineral scale to macroscopic structures at the terrane scale, as well as the age and geochemistry of the rocks in the Maniitsoq region, can be explained through endogenic (non-impact) processes. Despite the higher impact flux, intact craters from the Archean Eon remain elusive on Earth.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Mesoarchaean Akia terrane, West Greenland, revisited : new insights based on spatial integration of geophysics, field observation, geochemistry and geochronology

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    NJG thanks Australian Research Council grant FL160100168 for financial support.The northern part of the North Atlantic Craton (NAC) in southern West Greenland comprises a large tract of exposed Meso-Neoarchaean continental crust, divided into the ca 3300–2900 Ma Akia and ca 2900–2500 Ma Tuno terranes. We combine aeromagnetic, stream sediment geochemical, new litho-chemical and zircon geochronological data with previously published data to re-evaluate the crustal architecture and evolution of the Akia terrane and its boundary towards the Tuno terrane. The previously recognised, but overlooked, Alanngua complex, situated between the Akia and Tuno terranes is bounded by aeromagnetic lineaments interpreted as Neoarchaean shear zones and has a distinct spectrum of Neoarchaean magmatic and metamorphic zircon ages that are rare in the Akia terrane. The Alanngua complex comprises components derived from both the Akia and Tuno terranes and is interpreted as a tectonic melange created during the Neoarchaean assembly of the NAC. Within the Akia terrane, the chemistry of orthogneiss samples indicate that a large percentage is too mafic to classify as TTG s.s., implying that not only partial melting of mafic crust, but also some yet unaddressed mantle involvement is necessary in their formation. Previous models for the generation of the ca. 3015–2990 Ma quartz-dioritic Finnefjeld and Taserssuaq complexes conflict with their geochemical variation. The complexes are spatially associated with strong aeromagnetic responses that are interpreted to reflect a large gabbro-diorite intrusion, and we propose that the protoliths of the Finnefjeld and Taserssuaq complexes are genetically linked to such intrusion. Formed at same time are carbonatite, high-Mg gabbro and tonalite-trondhjemite, and we propose that this wide spectrum of rocks could have formed by lithospheric and crustal melting in response to asthenospheric upwelling possibly in an extensional setting. Periods of extensive magmatism in the Akia terrane were previously recognised at ca. 3220-3180 Ma and 3070-2970 Ma. We now subdivide the latter period into three episodes: juvenile basaltic-andesitic volcanism at 3070–3050 Ma; tonalitic and dioritic plutonism at 3050–3020 Ma, and gabbroic-dioritic plus tonalitic-trondhjemitic plutonism at 3020–2985 Ma. This last episode was immediately followed by crustal reworking during collision at 2980–2950 Ma.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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