379 research outputs found

    Розробка агентно-орієнтованих компонентів програмного забезпечення для вилучення маркетингової інформації з web

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    The article is devoted to researching the processes of extracting marketing information from the Web space. Conclusions are drawn on the need to introduce an information marketing system into modern business activities. A decision has been taken to develop software for the collection and analysis of marketing information. Identified and analyzed the main problems of collecting marketing information in the Web space. External systems for extracting and processing marketing information from the Web space were considered. During the analysis of the subject area, functional and non-functional requirements for the software being developed were formulated. Requirements for the selection of technologies for the development of an information system were defined. The analysis of software development technologies is carried out and the approach to the development of a software component is chosen. Such approaches to software development as: object-oriented programming, service-oriented architecture, component-oriented programming, agent-oriented programming were analyzed. A decision has been made to use the agent three-tier architecture in software development. The most commonly used programming languages in programming systems were: Java, KIF, KQML, AgentSpeak, April, TeleScript, Tcl / Tk, Oz. Analyzed such popular agent platforms and their functions as: JADE, Cougaar, ZEUS, Jason. For the development of software, the JADE platform was chosen, its classes, methods and interfaces were examined. The advantages and peculiarities of the SOLID principle are analyzed. In detail, the levels of the CLEAN architecture are examined. And also explained the possibilities of software implementation of this architecture. A software architecture was developed for the data collection system. In accordance with the requirements, a selection of software development tools has been made. It was decided to use the programming language Java, Spring Framework, GoF design pattern, the template Dependency Injection, SOLID and CLEAN architectural principles. A software component was developed for marketing information gathering systems, which allows to optimize this process. The limitations and ways to improve the software system are analyzed.Статтю присвячено питанням дослідження процесів вилучення маркетингової інформації з Web-простору. Зроблено висновки про необхідність введення інформаційної маркетингової системи в сучасну підприємницьку діяльність. Прийнято рішення про розробку програмного забезпечення для збору та аналізу маркетингової інформації. Виявлено та проаналізовано основні проблеми збору маркетингової інформації у Web-просторі. Були розглянуті зовнішні системи по вилученню та обробці маркетингової інформації з Web-простору. В ході аналізу предметної області були сформульовані функціональні і нефункціональні вимоги до розроблюємого програмного забезпечення. Були визначені вимоги до вибору технологій для розробки інформаційної системи. Проведено аналіз технологій розробки програмного забезпечення та обрано підхід до розробки програмного компонента. Були проаналізовані такі підходи до розробки програмного забезпечення як: об’єктно-орієнтоване програмування, сервіс-орієнтована архітектура, компонентно-орієнтоване програмування, агентно-орієнтоване програмування. Прийнято рішення про використання агентної трирівневої архітектури в розробці програмного забезпечення. Були розглянуті найбільш часто використовувані в агентних системах мови програмування: Java, KIF, KQML, AgentSpeak, April, TeleScript, Tcl/Tk, Oz. Проаналізовано такі популярні агентні платформи і їх функції як: JADE, Cougaar, ZEUS, Jason. Для розробки програмного забезпечення була обрана платформа JADE, розглянуті її класи, методи і інтерфейси. Проаналізовано переваги та особливості принципу SOLID. В деталях розглянуті рівні архітектури CLEAN. А також зроблені пояснення можливостей програмної реалізації цієї архітектури. Була розроблена програмна архітектура для системи зі збору даних. Відповідно до вимог зроблений вибір інструментів розробки програмного продукту. Прийнято рішення про використання мови програмування Java, Spring Framework, GoF патерну проектування, шаблону Dependency Injection, SOLID і CLEAN архітектурних принципів. Був розроблений програмний компонент для систем збору маркетингової інформації, що дозволяє оптимізувати цей процес. Проаналізовано обмеження і шляхи поліпшення програмної систем

    Evaluation of deformation characteristics of brittle rocks beyond the limit of strength in the mode of uniaxial servohydraulic loading

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    One of the most reliable methods for assessing the physical and mechanical properties of rocks as a result of their destruction are laboratory tests using hard or servo-driven test presses. They allow to obtain reliable information about changes in these properties beyond the limit of compressive strength. The results of laboratory tests of rich sulfide ore samples are presented, which made it possible to obtain graphs of their extreme deformation. Both monolithic samples and samples with stress concentrators in the form of circular holes with a diameter of 3, 5 and 10 mm were tested. It was revealed that during the destruction of the samples, the modules of elasticity and deformation decrease by 1.5-2 times, and in the zone of residual strength – by 5-7 times

    Therapeutic Dose Response of Acoustic Cluster Therapy in Combination With Irinotecan for the Treatment of Human Colon Cancer in Mice.

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    Introduction: Acoustic Cluster Therapy (ACT) comprises coadministration of a formulation containing microbubble-microdroplet clusters (PS101) together with a regular medicinal drug and local ultrasound (US) insonation of the targeted pathological tissue. PS101 is confined to the vascular compartment and when the clusters are exposed to regular diagnostic imaging US fields, the microdroplets undergo a phase shift to produce bubbles with a median diameter of 22 µm. Low frequency, low mechanical index US is then applied to drive oscillations of the deposited ACT bubbles to induce biomechanical effects that locally enhance extravasation, distribution, and uptake of the coadministered drug, significantly increasing its therapeutic efficacy. Methods: The therapeutic efficacy of ACT with irinotecan (60 mg/kg i.p.) was investigated using three treatment sessions given on day 0, 7, and 14 on subcutaneous human colorectal adenocarcinoma xenografts in mice. Treatment was performed with three back-to-back PS101+US administrations per session with PS101 doses ranging from 0.40-2.00 ml PS101/kg body weight (n = 8-15). To induce the phase shift, 45 s of US at 8 MHz at an MI of 0.30 was applied using a diagnostic US system; low frequency exposure consisted of 1 or 5 min at 500 kHz with an MI of 0.20. Results: ACT with irinotecan induced a strong, dose dependent increase in the therapeutic effect (R2 = 0.95). When compared to irinotecan alone, at the highest dose investigated, combination treatment induced a reduction in average normalized tumour volume from 14.6 (irinotecan), to 5.4 (ACT with irinotecan, p = 0.002) on day 27. Median survival increased from 34 days (irinotecan) to 54 (ACT with irinotecan, p = 0.002). Additionally, ACT with irinotecan induced an increase in the fraction of complete responders; from 7% to 26%. There was no significant difference in the therapeutic efficacy whether the low frequency US lasted 1 or 5 min. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the enhancement observed in the efficacy of ACT with irinotecan when PS101+US was administered before or after irinotecan. An increase in early dropouts was observed at higher PS101 doses. Both mean tumour volume (on day 27) and median survival indicate that the PS101 dose response was linear in the range investigated

    Assays to monitor aggrephagy in Drosophila brain

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    Accumulation of ubiquitinated protein aggregates is a hallmark of most ageingrelated neurodegenerative disorders. Autophagy has been found to be involved in the selective clearance of these protein aggregates, and this process is called aggrephagy. Here we provide two protocols for the investigation of protein aggregation and their removal by autophagy using western blotting and immunofluorescence techniques in Drosophila brain. Investigating the role of aggrephagy at the cellular and organismal level is important for the development of therapeutic interventions against ageing-related diseases

    Elevation of vascular endothelial growth factor and distress in ovarian cancer patients: are they correlated? The pilot trial

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    In this pilot trial we analyzed the correlation between neoangiogenesis and psychological status in ovarian cancer patients. We found the correlation between depression levels and serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels in ovarian cancer patients – coefficient of rank correlation (ρ) was 0.42 (95 % confidence interval 0.01–0.72; р < 0,05), that suggests the relationship between this parameters

    Targeting quiescent leukemic stem cells using second generation autophagy inhibitors

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    In chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment induces autophagy that promotes survival and TKI-resistance in leukemic stem cells (LSCs). In clinical studies hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the only clinically approved autophagy inhibitor, does not consistently inhibit autophagy in cancer patients, so more potent autophagy inhibitors are needed. We generated a murine model of CML in which autophagic flux can be measured in bone marrow-located LSCs. In parallel, we use cell division tracing, phenotyping of primary CML cells, and a robust xenotransplantation model of human CML, to investigate the effect of Lys05, a highly potent lysosomotropic agent, and PIK-III, a selective inhibitor of VPS34, on the survival and function of LSCs. We demonstrate that long-term haematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs: Lin−Sca-1+c-kit+CD48−CD150+) isolated from leukemic mice have higher basal autophagy levels compared with non-leukemic LT-HSCs and more mature leukemic cells. Additionally, we present that while HCQ is ineffective, Lys05-mediated autophagy inhibition reduces LSCs quiescence and drives myeloid cell expansion. Furthermore, Lys05 and PIK-III reduced the number of primary CML LSCs and target xenografted LSCs when used in combination with TKI treatment, providing a strong rationale for clinical use of second generation autophagy inhibitors as a novel treatment for CML patients with LSC persistence

    Paving Plant-Food-Derived Bioactives as Effective Therapeutic Agents in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, where social and communication deficits and repetitive behaviors are present. Plant-derived bioactives have shown promising results in the treatment of autism. In this sense, this review is aimed at providing a careful view on the use of plant-derived bioactive molecules for the treatment of autism. Among the plethora of bioactives, curcumin, luteolin, and resveratrol have revealed excellent neuroprotective effects and can be effectively used in the treatment of neuropsychological disorders. However, the number of clinical trials is limited, and none of them have been approved for the treatment of autism or autism-related disorder. Further clinical studies are needed to effectively assess the real potential of such bioactive molecules.N.C.-M. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Horizon 2020 Program (PTDC/PSI-GER/28076/2017)

    Autophagy mediates degradation of nuclear lamina

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    Z.D. is supported by a fellow award from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. B.C.C. is supported by career development awards from the Dermatology Foundation, Melanoma Research Foundation, and American Skin Association. S.L.B., P.D.A. and R.M. are supported by NIA P01 grant (P01AG031862). S.L.B. is also supported by NIH R01 CA078831. R.D.G. is supported by R01 GM106023 and the Progeria Research Foundation