240 research outputs found

    A theoretical study of the structural phases of Group 5B - 6B metals and their transport properties

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    In order to predict the stable and metastable phases of the bcc metals in the block of the Periodic Table defined by groups 5B to 6B and periods 4 to 6, as well as the structure dependence of their transport properties, we have performed full potential computations of the total energies per unit cell as a function of the c/a ratio at constant experimental volume. In all cases, a metastable body centered tetragonal (bct) phase was predicted from the calculations. The total energy differences between the calculated stable and metastable phases ranged from 0.09 eV/cell (vanadium) to 0.39 eV/cell (tungsten). The trends in resistivity as a function of structure and atomic number are discussed in terms of a model of electron transport in metals. Theoretical calculations of the electrical resistivity and other transport properties show that bct phases derived from group 5B elements are more conductive than the corresponding bcc phases, while bct phases formed from group 6B elements are less conductive than the corresponding bcc phases. Special attention is paid to the phases of tantalum where we show that the frequently observed beta phase is not a simple tetragonal distortion of bcc tantalum

    Special competence in the structure of vocational pedagogical integrity in the sphere of vocational education

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    The significance of the issue under study lies in research of the subject matter, character and components of special competences, as well as defining feasible ways of their formation in the framework of a higher vocational pedagogical institution. The article is aimed at providing the rationale for necessary formation of special competences in education for vocational teachers with implementation of Vocational and Federal State Education Standards. The main method of studying the given issue consists in pedagogical modeling of educational procedures for vocational teachers which allows it to outline the formation process of a special competence in learning specialist disciplines after determining its structure and contents. It was deemed necessary and proved to form special competence in education of future vocational teachers. The process of special training was structured with relevant amendments and supplements to its contents. On the top of it, this process of was accompanied by specially designed learning and teaching materials. The contents of the article could be of interest for graduate students and postgraduates as well as teachers who are involved in working on educational projects for vocational teachers. © Authors

    The soft and the hard pomerons in hadron elastic scattering at small t

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    We consider simple-pole descriptions of soft elastic scattering for pp, pbar p, pi+ p, pi- p, K+ p and K- p. We work at t and s small enough for rescatterings to be neglected, and allow for the presence of a hard pomeron. After building and discussing an exhaustive dataset, we show that simple poles provide an excellent description of the data in the region - 0.5 GeV^2 < t < -0.1 GeV^2, 6 GeV<sqrt(s)< 63 GeV. We show that new form factors have to be used, and get information on the trajectories of the soft and hard pomerons.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. A few typos fixed, and references correcte

    Introduction to half-metallic Heusler alloys: Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties

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    Intermetallic Heusler alloys are amongst the most attractive half-metallic systems due to the high Curie temperatures and the structural similarity to the binary semiconductors. In this review we present an overview of the basic electronic and magnetic properties of both Heusler families: the so-called half-Heusler alloys like NiMnSb and the the full-Heusler alloys like Co2_2MnGe. \textit{Ab-initio} results suggest that both the electronic and magnetic properties in these compounds are intrinsically related to the appearance of the minority-spin gap. The total spin magnetic moment MtM_t scales linearly with the number of the valence electrons ZtZ_t, such that Mt=Zt24M_t=Z_t-24 for the full-Heusler and Mt=Zt18M_t=Z_t-18 for the half-Heusler alloys, thus opening the way to engineer new half-metallic alloys with the desired magnetic properties.Comment: 28 pages, submitted for a special issue of 'Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics' on Heusler alloy

    Growth conditions and production of the Bacillus intermedius subtilisin-like serine proteinase by the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain

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    The effect of the components of the nutrient medium on growth and production of the Bacillus intermedius subtilisin-like serine proteinase by the recombinant strain Bacillus subtilis AJ73(pCS9) was studied. The production of proteinase was found to be dependent on the composition of the nutrient medium and showed two peaks, at the 28th and 48th h of growth. The concentrations of the main components of the nutrient medium (peptone and inorganic phosphate) optimal for the biosynthesis of subtilisin-like serine proteinase at the 28th and 48th h of growth were determined in factorial experiments. Complex organic substances, casein at concentrations of 0.5-1%, gelatin at concentrations of 0.5-1%, and yeast extract at a concentration of 0.5%, stimulated the production of subtilisin-like serine proteinase by the recombinant strain. The study of the sporulation dynamics in this strain showed that the proteinase peaks at the 28th and 48th h of growth correspond, respectively, to the initial stage of sporulation and to the terminal stages of endospore formation (V-VII stages of sporulation). © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Assessment of Resistance and Bioremediation Ability of Lactobacillus Strains to Lead and Cadmium

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    © 2017 Anna V. Kirillova et al.Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are heavy metals, important environmental pollutants, and potent toxicants to organism. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been reported to remove Cd and Pb from solutions and therefore represent a useful tool for decontamination of food and beverages from heavy metals. Heavy metal ion binding by LAB was reported as metabolism-independent surface process. In this work ten Lactobacillus strains were investigated with respect to hydrophobicity, Lewis acid-base, and electrostatic properties of their outer cell surface in order to characterize their Cd and Pb removal capacity. Seven L. plantarum and L. fermentum strains were shown to remove Cd from culture medium. The metabolism-dependent accumulation mechanism of Cd removal was proposed based on extended character of Cd binding and lack of correlation between any of the surface characteristics and Cd removal. The results of this study should be considered when selecting probiotic strains for people at risk of Cd exposure

    Biosynthesis of the Bacillus intermedius subtilisin-like serine proteinase by the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain

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    The effect of certain nutrients on the growth and production of the Bacillus intermedius subtilisin-like serine proteinase by the recombinant strain Bacillus subtilis AJ73(pCS9) was studied. Glucose was found to inhibit the synthesis of proteinase in the early (28 h of growth) but not in the late stationary phase (48 h of growth). The inhibitory effect of the other mono- and disaccharides studied was less pronounced. Casamino acids added to the medium at concentrations of 0.1-1% as an additional carbon and nitrogen source stimulated enzyme biosynthesis. Individual amino acids (cysteine, asparagine, glutamine, tryptophan, histidine, and glutamate) also stimulated enzyme biosynthesis in the early stationary phase by 25-30%, whereas other amino acids (valine, leucine, alanine, and aspartate) were ineffective or even slightly inhibitory to enzyme production. The stimulatory effect of the first group of amino acids on the synthesis of proteinase in the late stationary phase was negligible. In contrast, the bivalent ions Ca2+, Mg2+, and Mn 2+ stimulated biosynthesis of proteinase in the late stationary phase (by 20-60%) and not in the early stationary phase. The data indicate that there are differences in the biosyntheses of proteinase by the recombinant B. subtilis strain during the early and late periods of the stationary phases. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Slater-Pauling Behavior of the Half-Ferromagnetic Full-Heusler Alloys

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    Using the full-potential screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method we study the full-Heusler alloys based on Co, Fe, Rh and Ru. We show that many of these compounds show a half-metallic behavior, however in contrast to the half-Heusler alloys the energy gap in the minority band is extremely small. These full-Heusler compounds show a Slater-Pauling behavior and the total spin-magnetic moment per unit cell (M_t) scales with the total number of valence electrons (Z_t) following the rule: M_t=Z_t-24. We explain why the spin-down band contains exactly 12 electrons using arguments based on the group theory and show that this rule holds also for compounds with less than 24 valence electrons. Finally we discuss the deviations from this rule and the differences compared to the half-Heusler alloys.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, revised figure 3, new text adde

    The expression of the serine proteinase gene of Bacillus intermedius in Bacillus subtilis

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    The gene encoding for Bacillus intermedius serine proteinase was cloned and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined. Gene expression was explored in the protease-deficient strain Bacillus subtilis AJ73 during different stages of growth. Catabolite repression involved in control of proteinase expression during transition state and onset of sporulation was not efficient at the late stationary phase. Salt stress leads to induction of serine proteinase production during B. subtilis AJ73(pCS9) post-exponential growth. Expression of proteinase in B. subtilis deg-mutants may be controlled by DegU regulator. B. subtilis spo0-mutants failed to accomplish B. intermedius proteinase production. These data suggest complex network regulation of B. intermedius serine proteinase expression, including the action of spo0, degU, catabolite repression and demonstrate changes in control of enzyme biosynthesis at different stages of growth. © 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Foreign bodies of ent organs, in children's practice

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    The article provides statistics on the incidence of foreign bodies of ENT organs in Yekaterinburg, a clinical example is considered. The key points that are worth paying attention to when making a diagnosis and diagnostic search when working in primary care are highlightedВ статье приведена статистика по встречаемости инородных тел ЛОР-органов в г. Екатеринбурге, рассмотрен клинический пример. Выделены ключевые моменты, на которые стоит обратить внимание при постановке диагноза и диагностическом поиске при работе в первичном звен