2,724 research outputs found

    Resuscitation of Overcooled Mammals without Rewarming

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    Cold is a deadly danger for man. If the temperature of the surrounding air is +1°C, it is death for a naked man, owing to the arrest of respiration at the body temperature 25–28°C. After the heart is arrested, the death occurs at 23–24°C. Our aim was to prolong life at an absolutely deadly body temperature. This problem is important nowadays owing to a lot of sea catastrophes, the investigations in Arctic and Antarctic areas, and so on

    EVOLIN Benchmark: Evaluation of Line Detection and Association

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    Lines are interesting geometrical features commonly seen in indoor and urban environments. There is missing a complete benchmark where one can evaluate lines from a sequential stream of images in all its stages: Line detection, Line Association and Pose error. To do so, we present a complete and exhaustive benchmark for visual lines in a SLAM front-end, both for RGB and RGBD, by providing a plethora of complementary metrics. We have also labelled data from well-known SLAM datasets in order to have all in one poses and accurately annotated lines. In particular, we have evaluated 17 line detection algorithms, 5 line associations methods and the resultant pose error for aligning a pair of frames with several combinations of detector-association. We have packaged all methods and evaluations metrics and made them publicly available on web-page https://prime-slam.github.io/evolin/

    N=4 superconformal n-particle mechanics via superspace

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    We revisit the (untwisted) superfield approach to one-dimensional multi-particle systems with N=4 superconformal invariance. The requirement of a standard (flat) bosonic kinetic energy implies the existence of inertial (super-)coordinates, which is nontrivial beyond three particles. We formulate the corresponding integrability conditions, whose solution directly yields the superpotential, the two prepotentials and the bosonic potential. The structure equations for the two prepotentials, including the WDVV equation, follow automatically. The general solution for translation-invariant three-particle models is presented and illustrated with examples. For the four-particle case, we take advantage of known WDVV solutions to construct a D_3 and a B_3 model, thus overcoming a previously-found barrier regarding the bosonic potential. The general solution and classification remain a challenge.Comment: 1+14 page

    The strategic role of middle managers in the formulation and implementation of digital transformation projects

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    Middle managers play a crucial role in implementing digital strategy. They directly influence the success or failure of an organization's digital transformation. They are the enablers of digital strategy implementation and company transformation and sometimes can cast a sabotaging shadow side when not involved and engaged in the process. However, there are ways to engage them and divert their sabotaging behavior

    N=4 mechanics, WDVV equations and roots

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    N=4 superconformal multi-particle quantum mechanics on the real line is governed by two prepotentials, U and F, which obey a system of partial differential equations linear in U and generalizing the Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde (WDVV) equation for F. Putting U=0 yields a class of models (with zero central charge) which are encoded by the finite Coxeter root systems. We extend these WDVV solutions F in two ways: the A_n system is deformed n-parametrically to the edge set of a general orthocentric n-simplex, and the BCF-type systems form one-parameter families. A classification strategy is proposed. A nonzero central charge requires turning on U in a given F background, which we show is outside of reach of the standard root-system ansatz for indecomposable systems of more than three particles. In the three-body case, however, this ansatz can be generalized to establish a series of nontrivial models based on the dihedral groups I_2(p), which are permutation symmetric if 3 divides p. We explicitly present their full prepotentials.Comment: 1+25 pages; v2: major revision (more general analysis, new solutions, additional references); v3: improvements in sects.5,8,9, refs. adde

    Rheological model of Earth’s crust (model of third generation)

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    Introduction. The ground of the rheological Earth’s crust model with a barrier zone between its upper and middle parts is given. The zone is impermeable to fluids radically changes present-day understanding of the upper part lithosphere structure. A critical generalizing review for, earlier models of the continental crust structure and geological nature of K1 geophysical interface, which proposed by different authors, are is commited for consideration. Metods. The information regarding the middle crust watering is presented. The data on electromagnetic deep probing indicate that in the middle and lower crust and, possibly, in the upper mantle the content of free water makes up about 1% in volume. Therefore, there is some kind of block which does not allow for the whole water to squeezed up into the upper part of the Earth’s crust, where an open crack-pore space is filled with water under hydrostatic pressure. So, clearly expressed hydrodynamic zoning exists in the continental Earth’s crust. This universal continental Earth’s crust zoning now is confirmed by geophysics and super-deep drilling, but it is not yet enough realized by a great number of geologists and geophysicists. Discussion. In the upper crust the rocks become harder with deepening, as the effective pressure increases and stronger and stronger press down them. Geophysical studies mark this fact by the growth speed of seismic wave spreading and the decrease of electrical inductance. Lower of the pores and cracks closing horizon (lower of the barrier) the picture sharply changes. Effective pressure is falling and rocks lose fully their hardening, becoming even less hard than at the day surface. Consequently, lower of the hardest upper crust bottoms under a dense impenetrable zone extremely weakened water-containing rocks are located. The earth crust turns out to be sharply stratified into (zones) not only by the water-presence, but even more contrastingly - by rheological (hardening) properties. At any even miserable mechanical movements and deformations at the boundary of hard and weak storeys disruptions and motions is inevitably occured. Conclusions. The importance of suggested model of the crust structure for the tectonics, petrology, ore-formation, hydrogeology, oil geology, seismicity as well as for the nuclear wastes and others is considered

    Composición y edad de fragmentos de monacita de sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores en la base de formación de bazhenov (área multan, siberia occidental)

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    Bazhenov Formation is regarded as the main oil-bearing stratum mothering nearly all the fields of the Western Siberia Oil-Gas-bearing Megabasin. Presently, it is one of the most studied formations of Siberia and, probably, Eurasia as a whole. While there is an enormous amount of studies devoted to the Bazhenov Formation, there are no detailed mineralogical studies at the modern hardware level. The age and sources of the terrigenous materials of the formation have not been studied as well. We have explored the detrital monazite from the upper-Jurassic terrigenous sediments of the Multan Area at the foundation of the Bazhenov Formation in the central part of Western Siberia, Surgut District. All the detrital rare earth phosphate is of the cerium kind being a monazite-(Се). The mineral is rather dissimilar in respect of its chemical properties, especially, the content of thorium. Some fragments have been subjected to superposed secondary changes. The detrital monazite is rounded to various degrees which is indicative of the various distances from the rare earth phosphate orebody washout. As per the chemical data, most of the monazite has been washed out from the medium and basic rocks (probably subalkaline or alkaline) as well as the sialic rocks (granitoids and associated veins). According to the chemical dating, most of the monazite fragments have been washed out of the very ancient Proterozoic formations and lower-Proterozoic rocks. Terrigenous materials derives probably from the rock assemblages of the eastern and south-eastern fringes of the Western Siberian megabasin such as the Proterozoic Yenisei Ridge or Lower-Proterozoic blocks of the Altay and Sayan Faulting.La Formación Bazhenov es considerada como el principal estrato petrolero que es madre de casi todos los campos de la megacuenca petrolera de Siberia occidental. Por ahora es una de las formaciones más estudiadas de Siberia y, quizás, de Eurasia. Aúnque hay una cantidad enorme de estudios dedicados a la formación Bazhenov, no hay estudios mineralógicos detallados en el nivel moderno de hardware. Tampoco se han estudiado la edad y los fuentes de los materiales terrígenos de la formación. Hemos explorado la monacita detrítica de los sedimentos terrígenos jurásicos superiores del Área Multana en la base de la formación Bazhenov en el centro de Siberia Occidental, Distrito de Surgut. Todo el fosfato detrítico de la tierra rara pertenece al tipo cerio y se refiere como monacita-(Ce). El mineral es bastante disimilar en cuanto a sus propiedades químicas, especialmente a su contenido de torio. Unos fragmentos han estado sometidos a cambios superpuestos secundarios. Se redondea la monacita detrítica a grados diferentes lo cual es un indicador de varias distancias de la inundación del yacimiento de fosfato de la tierra rara. Según los datos químicos, la mayoría de la monacita ha sido lavado de las rocas mediana y básicas (probablemente, alcalinas y subalcalinas) así como de las rocas siálicas (granitoidas y capas asociadas). Según datación química, la mayoría de los pedazos monazíticos han sido lavado de las formaciones Proterozóicas muy viejas y rocas  Proterozóicas tempranas. Los materiales terrígenos se derivan probablemente de los conjuntos rocosos de los márgenes sudoriental y oriental de la megacuenca de Siberia Occidental, tales como la Cresta Proterozóica de Yenisei o los conjuntos de rocas Proterozóicas Tempranas de la Falla de Altay y Sayan