223 research outputs found

    Phonon bottleneck in p-type Ge/Si quantum dots

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    We study the effect of quantum dot size on the mid-infrared photo- and dark current, photoconductive gain, and hole capture probability in ten-period p-type Ge/Si quantum dot heterostructures. The dot dimensions are varied by changing the Ge coverage and the growth temperature during molecular beam epitaxy of Ge/Si(001) system in the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. In all samples, we observed the general tendency: with decreasing the size of the dots, the dark current and hole capture probability are reduced, while the photoconductive gain and photoresponse are enhanced. Suppression of the hole capture probability in small-sized quantum dots is attributed to a quenched electron-phonon scattering due to phonon bottleneck

    “Emigrant” and “soviet” literature as covered by Georgy Cherkasov (G. Gazdanov) on Radio Liberty

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    The paper considers G. Gazdanov’s journalistic and editorial work for Radio Liberty from 1953 to 1971. In this period, the distinctive literary-centrism of the writer’s creative personality was manifested in several cultural and educational programs (“In the World of Books”, “On Books and Authors”, “Round Table Talks”, “Before the Curtain”, “Diary of a Writer”), reviews (“Review of cultural life”, “Review of thick magazines”), and “special programs” related to literature. Using the pseudonym Georgy Cherkasov, Gazdanov talks about culture with his friends and professional colleagues: poets, prose writers, critics of the first Russian emigration, orders “scripts” and organizes the writer’s radio performances, and creates his own series of radio monologues. Apparently, he becomes a certain personified authority for Soviet listeners, shaping for them the images of Russian émigré literature, the European literature of the twentieth century and, finally, Soviet literature as seen from within a Western world. Currently available recordings of G. Cherkasov’s radio speeches were studied and his business correspondence with G. Adamovich, R. Gulym, Y. Ivask, L. Rzhevsky, Gen. Khomyakov (Andreev), and other writers of the Russian emigration were analyzed. Gazdanov’s assessments and views on the literature of the Russian emigration and the literature created in the metropolis were collected, systematized, and examined. Despite Gazdanov’s desire to maintain parity between culture and politics, his journalistic, propagandistic, and culturist activities were found to be biased by objective and subjective factors, manifested primarily in a superficial, often tendentious, and intolerant attitude toward all the literary works bearing the stamp of Soviet life and influence. © 2023 Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philology. All rights reserved

    MPI and PVM systems

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    Preventing and masking Trojan Circuits triggering out of working area

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    Inserting malicious sub-circuits that may cause


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    Expediency of use of a control system and monitoring of technological processes of production is proved in article that will allow to lower work expenses, and also to increase productivity due to the best production process.The main objective of system, remote monitoring is that gives the chance far off and to quickly give an assessment to the current situation on production, to accept reasonable and timely administrative decisions.В статье обосновывается целесообразность использования системы управления и мониторинга технологическими процессами производства, что позволит снизить затраты труда, а также повысить производительность за счет лучшей организации технологических процессов. основной задачей системы, является удаленный мониторинг, что дает возможность удаленно и оперативно давать оценку текущей ситуации на производстве, принимать обоснованные и своевременные управленческих решений