39 research outputs found

    The inhibitory mechanism of a small protein reveals its role in antimicrobial peptide sensing.

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    A large number of small membrane proteins have been uncovered in bacteria, but their mechanism of action has remained mostly elusive. Here, we investigate the mechanism of a physiologically important small protein, MgrB, which represses the activity of the sensor kinase PhoQ and is widely distributed among enterobacteria. The PhoQ/PhoP two-component system is a master regulator of the bacterial virulence program and interacts with MgrB to modulate bacterial virulence, fitness, and drug resistance. A combination of cross-linking approaches with functional assays and protein dynamic simulations revealed structural rearrangements due to interactions between MgrB and PhoQ near the membrane/periplasm interface and along the transmembrane helices. These interactions induce the movement of the PhoQ catalytic domain and the repression of its activity. Without MgrB, PhoQ appears to be much less sensitive to antimicrobial peptides, including the commonly used C18G. In the presence of MgrB, C18G promotes MgrB to dissociate from PhoQ, thus activating PhoQ via derepression. Our findings reveal the inhibitory mechanism of the small protein MgrB and uncover its importance in antimicrobial peptide sensing

    Katastrophenschutzübung in Salzburg: Neue Methoden und Technologien für Einsatzkräfte

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    Im Rahmen des AIFER Forschungsprojektes fand am Samstag, den 29.04.2023, unter gemeinsamer Leitung des Österreichischen und des Bayerischen Roten Kreuz sowie der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt eine Katastrophenschutzübung (FEx Field Exercise) statt . Dabei wurde der Einsatz innovativer Entwicklungen und Technologien in einem nach der Dienstvorschrift 100 (DV 100) stabsdienstlich organisierten Lagezentrum anhand eines Hochwasserszenarios getestet und von Experten verschiedener Einsatzorganisationen und Behörden bewertet

    Weiterentwicklung im Katastrophenschutz: Ziel, Strategie und Taktik am Beispiel der Hochwasserkatastrophe 2021 im Ahrtal

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    Hintergrund und Fragestellung Im Rahmen der überörtlichen Katastrophenhilfe war die Medizinische Task Force 47 (Unterfranken) im Juli 2021 bei der Hochwasserkatastrophe in Rheinland-Pfalz (Ahrtal) im Einsatz. Mit dem Ziel, mögliche Verbesserungen im Katastrophenschutz aus Sicht einer überregionalen Einheit aus dem Einsatz ableiten zu können, wurde dieser wissenschaftlich evaluiert und die Erkenntnisse in einen übergeordneten Kontext gesetzt. Material und Methoden Nach Definition eines konkreten Auswerteprozesses wurden durch ein interdisziplinäres Expertengremium Einsatzunterlagen und relevante Konzepte des Bayerischen Roten Kreuzes gesichtet. Auf dieser Basis wurden Strategien und Taktiken entwickelt, um die vordefinierten Ziele zu erreichen. Ergebnisse Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Einsatzeinheiten könnte durch moderne Einsatzmittel (E-Bike, Drohnen, hochgeländegängige Fahrzeuge) gesteigert werden. Zur Erhöhung der Reaktionsfähigkeit könnten neue Schnell-Einsatz-Gruppen (SEG) erforderlich sein, die als Teil von BOS-übergreifenden Erkundungseinheiten agieren und in unwegsamen Geländen autark Einsatzaufträge abarbeiten können (SEG Erkundung und SEG Gelände-Infrastruktur-Logistik-Transport). Die taktischen Einheiten könnten in die regionale und überregionale Katastrophenhilfe eingebunden und synchronisiert werden. Diskussion Für den weitestgehend ehrenamtlich organisierten Katastrophenschutz in Deutschland könnte es in Zukunft erschwert sein, die Vielzahl möglicher modernster Einsatzmittel im hochkomplexen Umfeld einer Katastrophe sicher einsetzen zu können. Eine Teilprofessionalisierung durch hauptamtliche Führungs- und Einsatzkräfte könnte eine Lösung hierfür sein.Objectives In July 2021, the Medical Task Force 47 was deployed to the flood disaster in western Germany as part of the cross-regional disaster relief system. With the aim of deriving possible improvements in disaster management, it was scientifically evaluated. The focus of this study was the strategy to build up and to maintain a responsive and efficient rescue system. Materials and methods After defining an evaluation process, an interdisciplinary panel of experts reviewed operational documents and relevant concepts of the Bavarian Red Cross. Based on these, strategies and tactics were developed to achieve predefined goals. Results The performance of the emergency units could be increased by modern vehicles and equipment (eBikes, drones, all-terrain vehicles). To improve the response capability, new rapid response groups could be required that can take over the function of an advance command and can process mission assignments in impassable terrain autonomously. These could be integrated and synchronized into regional and cross-regional disaster relief. Conclusion In future, it could be difficult for Germany’s largely volunteer-organised disaster management to safely deploy the multitude of possible state-of-the-art resources in the highly complex environment of a disaster. Partial professionalization by full-time command and control staff could be one solution for this problem

    Mapping of the transmembrane interactions of virulence regulator PhoQ and its small repressor protein MgrB

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    Lessons learned from terror attacks: thematic priorities and development since 2001 - results from a systematic review

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    PURPOSE The threat of national and international terrorism remains high. Preparation is the key requirement for the resilience of hospitals and out-of-hospital rescue forces. The scientific evidence for defining medical and tactical strategies often feeds on the analysis of real incidents and the lessons learned derived from them. This systematic review of the literature aims to identify and systematically report lessons learned from terrorist attacks since 2001. METHODS PubMed was used as a database using predefined search strategies and eligibility criteria. All countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) were included. The time frame was set between 2001 and 2018. RESULTS Finally 68 articles were included in the review. From these, 616 lessons learned were extracted and summarized into 15 categories. The data shows that despite the difference in attacks, countries, and casualties involved, many of the lessons learned are similar. We also found that the pattern of lessons learned is repeated continuously over the time period studied. CONCLUSIONS The lessons from terrorist attacks since 2001 follow a certain pattern and remained constant over time. Therefore, it seems to be more accurate to talk about lessons identified rather than lessons learned. To save as many victims as possible, protect rescue forces from harm, and to prepare hospitals at the best possible level it is important to implement the lessons identified in training and preparation

    Identifying Needs and Requirements for an integrated Crisis Traffic Management (iCTM) concept for Unmanned Aircraft Systems supporting First Responses in Crisis Situations

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    The specific needs and requirements for first response operations, supported by UAS, are barely considered in neither of the proposed UTM concepts U-space or FAA UTM. Both concepts, do not conceptually assist UAS operations for first response missions. In order to address the aforementioned regulatory gap, this study analyzes the current challenges and needs of first response organizations related to deploying UAS in disaster areas. The analyzed concept aims to define specific rules and automate certain identified functions for emergency UAS as well as outlining a concept for integrating first response UAS operations with other air traffic within the disaster area