30 research outputs found

    Photometric redshift galaxies as tracers of the filamentary network

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    Galaxy filaments are the dominant feature in the overall structure of the cosmic web. The study of the filamentary web is an important aspect in understanding galaxy evolution and the evolution of matter in the Universe. A map of the filamentary structure is an adequate probe of the web. We propose that photometric redshift galaxies are significantly positively associated with the filamentary structure detected from the spatial distribution of spectroscopic redshift galaxies. The catalogues of spectroscopic and photometric galaxies are seen as point-process realisations in a sphere, and the catalogue of filamentary spines is proposed to be a realisation of a random set in a sphere. The positive association between these sets was studied using a bivariate J−J-function, which is a summary statistics studying clustering. A quotient DD was built to estimate the distance distribution of the filamentary spine to galaxies in comparison to the distance distribution of the filamentary spine to random points in 3−3-dimensional Euclidean space. This measure gives a physical distance scale to the distances between filamentary spines and the studied sets of galaxies. The bivariate J−J-function shows a statistically significant clustering effect in between filamentary spines and photometric redshift galaxies. The quotient DD confirms the previous result that smaller distances exist with higher probability between the photometric galaxies and filaments. The trend of smaller distances between the objects grows stronger at higher redshift. Additionally, the quotient DD for photometric galaxies gives a rough estimate for the filamentary spine width of about 11~Mpc. Photometric redshift galaxies are positively associated with filamentary spines detected from the spatial distribution of spectroscopic galaxies.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. 13 pages and 9 figure

    Spiral arms and disc stability in the Andromeda galaxy

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    Aims: Density waves are often considered as the triggering mechanism of star formation in spiral galaxies. Our aim is to study relations between different star formation tracers (stellar UV and near-IR radiation and emission from HI, CO and cold dust) in the spiral arms of M31, to calculate stability conditions in the galaxy disc and to draw conclusions about possible star formation triggering mechanisms. Methods: We select fourteen spiral arm segments from the de-projected data maps and compare emission distributions along the cross sections of the segments in different datasets to each other, in order to detect spatial offsets between young stellar populations and the star forming medium. By using the disc stability condition as a function of perturbation wavelength and distance from the galaxy centre we calculate the effective disc stability parameters and the least stable wavelengths at different distances. For this we utilise a mass distribution model of M31 with four disc components (old and young stellar discs, cold and warm gaseous discs) embedded within the external potential of the bulge, the stellar halo and the dark matter halo. Each component is considered to have a realistic finite thickness. Results: No systematic offsets between the observed UV and CO/far-IR emission across the spiral segments are detected. The calculated effective stability parameter has a minimal value Q_{eff} ~ 1.8 at galactocentric distances 12 - 13 kpc. The least stable wavelengths are rather long, with the minimal values starting from ~ 3 kpc at distances R > 11 kpc. Conclusions: The classical density wave theory is not a realistic explanation for the spiral structure of M31. Instead, external causes should be considered, e.g. interactions with massive gas clouds or dwarf companions of M31.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Astron & Astrophys accepte

    The bivariate J-function to analyse positive association between galaxies and galaxy filaments

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    International audienceThe compelling and intrinsic network of galaxies builds up a complex structure for the Universe. In this work positive association between long bridging structures named galaxy filaments and a photometric redshift galaxy dataset is under investigation. Possible positive association is studied by the use of a bivariate J-function.Le réseau de filaments formé par la position des galaxies est une des structures les plus fascinantes dans notre Univers. Dans cet article, nous étudions des possibles associations entre le réseau de filaments déjà détecté et des nouvelles observations. Ces observations trÚs récentes sont obtenues à partir des mesures du décalage vers le rouge photométrique. L'utilisation de la fonction J-bivariée tend à indiquer une association positive entre les filaments existants et les nouvelles observations

    NikotiinisÔltuvuse ravi bupropiooniga kroonilise bronhiidiga haigetel

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    Sigareti suitsetamisest loobumisel vĂ”ib krooniline bronhiit kaduda ja kopsu funktsiooni kiire halvenemine peatuda. Ainult oma tahtejĂ”uga Ă”nnestub pĂŒsiv loobumine saavutada vĂ€hem kui 6%-l. Bupropioon SR oma noradrenergilise ja dopaminergilise toimega on aidanud efektiivselt suitsetamisest loobumisel. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli hinnata bupropiooni efektiivsust, ohutust ja talutavust kroonilise bronhiidiga isikutel. Bupropioon SR osutus tĂ”husaks ja hĂ€sti talutavaks abivahendiks suitsetamisest loobumisel krooniliste bronhiidihaigete hulgas, pĂ”hjustades sarnast kĂ”rvaltoimete esinemist vĂ”rreldes ĂŒldrahvastiku uuringutega. Isikud, kes ei lĂ”petanud suitsetamist, vĂ€hendasid oluliselt suitsetatud sigarettide arvu raviperioodi vĂ€ltel. Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (6): 354–36

    Quantifying torque from the Milky Way bar using Gaia DR2

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    We determine the mass of the Milky Way bar and the torque it causes, using Gaia DR2, by applying the orbital arc method. Based on this, we have found that the gravitational acceleration is not directed towards the centre of our Galaxy but a few degrees away from it. We propose that the tangential acceleration component is caused by the bar of the Galaxy. Calculations based on our model suggest that the torque experienced by the region around the Sun is ≈2400 km2s−2\approx 2400\, km^2 s^{-2} per solar mass. The mass estimate for the bar is ∌1.6±0.3×1010M⊙\sim 1.6\pm0.3\times10^{10} M_\odot. Using greatly improved data from Gaia DR2, we have computed the acceleration field to great accuracy by adapting the oPDF method (Han et al. 2016) locally and used the phase space coordinates of ∌4×105\sim 4\times10^5 stars within a distance of 0.5 kpc from the Sun. In the orbital arc method, the first step is to guess an acceleration field and then reconstruct the stellar orbits using this acceleration for all the stars within a specified region. Next, the stars are redistributed along orbits to check if the overall phase space distribution has changed. We repeat this process until we find an acceleration field that results in a new phase space distribution that is the same as the one that we started with; we have then recovered the true underlying acceleration.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted to MNRA

    The role of stochastic and smooth processes in regulating galaxy quenching

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    Galaxies can be classified as passive ellipticals or star-forming discs. Ellipticals dominate at the high end of the mass range, and therefore there must be a mechanism responsible for the quenching of star-forming galaxies. This could either be due to the secular processes linked to the mass and star formation of galaxies or to external processes linked to the surrounding environment. In this paper, we analytically model the processes that govern galaxy evolution and quantify their contribution. We have specifically studied the effects of mass quenching, gas stripping, and mergers on galaxy quenching. To achieve this, we first assumed a set of differential equations that describe the processes that shape galaxy evolution. We then modelled the parameters of these equations by maximising likelihood. These equations describe the evolution of galaxies individually, but the parameters of the equations are constrained by matching the extrapolated intermediate-redshift galaxies with the low-redshift galaxy population. In this study, we modelled the processes that change star formation and stellar mass in massive galaxies from the GAMA survey between z~0.4 and the present. We identified and quantified the contributions from mass quenching, gas stripping, and mergers to galaxy quenching. The quenching timescale is on average 1.2 Gyr and a closer look reveals support for the slow-then-rapid quenching scenario. The major merging rate of galaxies is about once per 10~Gyr, while the rate of ram pressure stripping is significantly higher. In galaxies with decreasing star formation, we show that star formation is lost to fast quenching mechanisms such as ram pressure stripping and is countered by mergers, at a rate of about 41% Gyr−1^{-1} and to mass quenching 49% Gyr−1^{-1}. (abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&