238 research outputs found

    Comparative Studies of Line and Continuum Positron Annihilation Radiation

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    Positron annihilation radiation from the Galaxy has been observed by the OSSE, SMM and TGRS instruments. Improved spectral modeling of OSSE observations has allowed studies of the distribution of both positron annihilation radiation components, the narrow line emission at 511 keV and the positronium continuum emission. The results derived for each individual annihilation component are then compared with each other. These comparisons reveal approximate agreement between the distribution of these two emissions. In certain regions of the sky (notably in the vicinity of the previously reported positive latitude enhancement), the distribution of the emissions differ. We discuss these differences and the methods currently being employed to understand whether the differences are physical or a systematic error in the present analysis.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the Gamma 2001 Symposium (Baltimore, April 2001

    OSSE observations of galactic 511 keV annihilation radiation

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    The Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory has performed several observations of the galactic plane and galactic center region to measure the distribution of galactic 511 keV positron annihilation radiation. Preliminary analysis of data collected during the observation of the galactic center region over the period 13-24 Jun. 1991, indicates the presence of a 511 keV line and positronium continuum superimposed on a power-law continuum. The line of flux was found to be (2.7 +/- 0.5) x 10(exp -4) gamma/sq cm sec, with a positronium fraction of (0.9 +/- 0.2). The 3(sigma) upper limit to daily variations in the 511 keV line flux from the mean during the observation interval is 3 x 10(exp -4) gamma/sq cm sec. If all of the observed annihilation radiation is assumed to originate from the x-ray source 1E 1740.7-2942, the corresponding 511 keV line flux would be (3.0 +/- 0.6) x 10(exp -4) gamma/sq cm sec. The 3(sigma) upper limit for 511 keV line emission from the x-ray binary GX1+4 is 6 x 10(exp -4) gamma/sq cm sec. Results from the galactic plane observations at galactic longitudes of 25 degrees (16-21 Aug. 1991) and 339 degrees (6-11 Sep. 1991) suggest that the emission is concentrated near the galactic center. The observations and the preliminary results are described

    Measurement of the 0.3-8.5 MeV Galactic Gamma-Ray Spectrum from the Galactic Center Direction

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    The low-energy gamma-ray spectrum from the direction of the Galactic center is determined using data obtained with the SMM Gamma-Ray Spectrometer. It is found that the diffuse gamma-ray spectrum from the Galactic center region can be interpreted in a straightforward way as the sum of five components of a presented equation. The components include a hard power law dominating the continuum at high energies caused principally by cosmic ray electron bremsstrahlung radiation, two narrow lines due to Al-26 decay and positron annihilation, an excess continuum component below 0.511 MeV consistent with the annihilation of positrons by formation of Ps, and a soft power law at low energies which is consistent with an extrapolation upward in energy of known hard X-ray sources in the Galactic center region

    OSSE spectral analysis techniques

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    Analysis of the spectra from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) is complicated because of the typically low signal to noise (approx. 0.1 percent) and the large background variability. The OSSE instrument was designed to address these difficulties by periodically offset-pointing the detectors from the source to perform background measurements. These background measurements are used to estimate the background during each of the source observations. The resulting background-subtracted spectra can then be accumulated and fitted for spectral lines and/or continua. Data selection based on various environmental parameters can be performed at various stages during the analysis procedure. In order to achieve the instrument's statistical sensitivity, however, it will be necessary for investigators to develop a detailed understanding of the instrument operation, data collection, and the background spectrum and its variability. A brief description of the major steps in the OSSE spectral analysis process is described, including a discussion of the OSSE background spectrum and examples of several observational strategies

    Operation and performance of the OSSE instrument

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    The Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) on the Arthur Holly Compton Gamma Ray Observatory is described. An overview of the operation and control of the instrument is given, together with a discussion of typical observing strategies used with OSSE and basic data types produced by the instrument. Some performance measures for the instrument are presented that were obtained from pre-launch and in-flight data. These include observing statistics, continuum and line sensitivity, and detector effective area and gain stability

    Spectrum of Background X-rays from Moduli Dark Matter

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    We examine the XX-ray spectrum from the decay of the dark-matter moduli with mass ∼O(100)\sim {\cal O}(100)keV, in particular, paying attention to the line spectrum from the moduli trapped in the halo of our galaxy. It is found that with the energy resolution of the current experiments (∼10\sim 10%) the line intensity is about twice stronger than that of the continuum spectrum from the moduli that spread in the whole universe. Therefore, in the future experiments with higher energy resolutions it may be possible to detect such line photons. We also investigate the γ\gamma-ray spectrum emitted from the decay of the multi-GeV moduli. It is shown that the emitted photons may form MeV-bump in the γ\gamma-ray spectrum. We also find that if the modulus mass is of the order of 10 GeV, the emitted photons at the peak of the continuum spectrum loses their energy by the scattering and the shape of the spectrum is significantly changed, which makes the constraint weaker than that obtained in the previous works.Comment: 14 pages (RevTeX file) including four postscript figures, reviced version to be published in Physical Review

    TGRS Measurements of the Positron Annihilation Spectrum from the Galactic Center

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    We have obtained spectra of the Galactic center at energies 400-600 keV from high-resolution data acquired by the TGRS Ge spectrometer on board the WIND mission during 1995-1997. The data were obtained using an on-board occulter, and are relatively free from systematics and backgrounds. Analysis of the spectra reveals a well-resolved electron-positron annihilation line at 511 keV and the associated continuum due to annihilation via positronium formation. Measurements of the line width and the line-to-continuum ratio allow some constraints to be placed on the interstellar sites where annihilation occurs.Comment: 20 pp., 4 figs. Ap. J. Letters in pres

    CGRO/OSSE Observations of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant

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    Cas A, the youngest known supernova remnant in the Galaxy and a strong radio and Xray source, was observed by OSSE July 16 - August 6, 1992. Its close distance (¸ 3 kpc) and its young age (¸ 300 yrs) make Cas A the best candidate among known supernova remnants for detecting 44 Ti fl-ray lines. We find no evidence of emission at 67.9 keV, 78.4 keV, or 1.157 MeV, the three strongest 44 Ti decay lines. From simultaneous fits to the three lines our 99% confidence upper limit to the flux in each line is 5.5Theta10 Gamma5 fl cm Gamma2 s Gamma1 . We also report upper limits for the 4.44 MeV 12 C nuclear deexcitation line, which could be produced by interactions of accelerated particles in the supernova remnant, and for the hard X-ray continuum

    The Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment - Instrument Description

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    The Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment on the Arthur Holly Compton Gamma Ray Observatory satellite uses four actively shielded NaI (Tl)-CsI(Na) phoswich detectors to provide gamma-ray line and continuum detection capability in the 0.05-10 MeV energy range. The instrument includes secondary capabilities for gamma-ray and neutron detection between 10 and 250 MeV. The detectors have 3.8 deg x 11.04 deg (FWHM) fields of view defined by tungsten collimators. Each detector has an independent, single-axis orientation system which permits offset pointing from the spacecraft Z-axis for background measurements and multitarget observations. The instrument, and its calibration and performance, are described

    Cosmological Moduli Problem in Gauge-mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Theories

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    A generic class of string theories predicts the existence of light moduli fields, and they are expected to have masses mϕm_\phi comparable to the gravitino mass m3/2m_{3/2} which is in a range of 10−210^{-2}keV--1GeV in gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking theories. Such light fields with weak interactions suppressed by the Planck scale can not avoid some stringent cosmological constraints, that is, they suffer from `cosmological moduli problems'. We show that all the gravitino mass region 10−210^{-2}keV ≲m3/2≲\lesssim m_{3/2} \lesssim 1GeV is excluded by the constraints even if we incorporate a late-time mini-inflation (thermal inflation). However, a modification of the original thermal inflation model enables the region 10−210^{-2}keV ≲m3/2≲\lesssim m_{3/2} \lesssim 500keV to survive the constraints. It is also stressed that the moduli can be dark matter in our universe for the mass region 10−210^{-2}keV ≲mϕ≲\lesssim m_\phi \lesssim 100keV.Comment: A few changes in section IV and
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