225 research outputs found

    On turbulent entrainment and dissipation in dilute polymer solutions

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    We present a comparative experimental study of a turbulent flow developing in clear water and dilute polymer solutions (25 and 50 wppm polyethylene oxide). The flow is forced by a planar grid that oscillates vertically with stroke S and frequency f in a square container of initially still fluid. Two-component velocity fields are measured in a vertical plane passing through the center of the tank by using time resolved particle image velocimetry. After the forcing is initiated, a turbulent layer develops that is separated from the initially irrotational fluid by a sharp interface, the so-called turbulent/nonturbulent interface (TNTI). The turbulent region grows in time through entrainment of surrounding fluid until the fluid in the whole container is in turbulent motion. From the comparison of the experiments in clear water and polymer solutions we conclude: (i) Polymer additives modify the large scale shape of the TNTI. (ii) Both, in water and in the polymer solution the mean depth of the turbulent layer, H(t), follows the theoretical prediction for Newtonian fluids H(t)∞√Kt, where K∞S^2f is the “grid action.” (iii) We find a larger grid action for dilute polymer solutions than for water. As a consequence, the turbulent kinetic energy of the flow increases and the rate of energy input becomes higher. (iv) The entrainment rate β=v_e/v_(rms) (where v_e=dH/dt is the interface propagation velocity and v_(rms) is the root mean square of the vertical velocity) is lower for polymers (β_p≈0.7) than for water (β_w≈0.8). The measured values for β are in good agreement with similarity arguments, from which we estimate that in our experiment about 28% of the input energy is dissipated by polymers

    Viscous tilting and production of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence

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    Viscous depletion of vorticity is an essential and well known property of turbulent flows, balancing, in the mean, the net vorticity production associated with the vortex stretching mechanism. In this letter, we, however, demonstrate that viscous effects are not restricted to a mere destruction process, but play a more complex role in vorticity dynamics that is as important as vortex stretching. Based on the results from three dimensional particle tracking velocimetry experiments and direct numerical simulation of homogeneous and quasi-isotropic turbulence, we show that the viscous term in the vorticity equation can also locally induce production of vorticity and changes of the orientation of the vorticity vector (viscous tilting)

    Small scale aspects of flows in proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface

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    The work reported below is a first of its kind study of the properties of turbulent flow without strong mean shear in a Newtonian fluid in proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface, with emphasis on the small scale aspects. The main tools used are a three-dimensional particle tracking system (3D-PTV) allowing to measure and follow in a Lagrangian manner the field of velocity derivatives and direct numerical simulations (DNS). The comparison of flow properties in the turbulent (A), intermediate (B) and non-turbulent (C) regions in the proximity of the interface allows for direct observation of the key physical processes underlying the entrainment phenomenon. The differences between small scale strain and enstrophy are striking and point to the definite scenario of turbulent entrainment via the viscous forces originating in strain.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Fluid

    Collective Dynamics of Random Polyampholytes

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    We consider the Langevin dynamics of a semi-dilute system of chains which are random polyampholytes of average monomer charge qq and with a fluctuations in this charge of the size Q1Q^{-1} and with freely floating counter-ions in the surrounding. We cast the dynamics into the functional integral formalism and average over the quenched charge distribution in order to compute the dynamic structure factor and the effective collective potential matrix. The results are given for small charge fluctuations. In the limit of finite qq we then find that the scattering approaches the limit of polyelectrolyte solutions.Comment: 13 pages including 6 figures, submitted J. Chem. Phy

    Hydrological real-time modelling in the Zambezi river basin using satellite-based soil moisture and rainfall data

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    Reliable real-time forecasts of the discharge can provide valuable information for the management of a river basin system. For the management of ecological releases even discharge forecasts with moderate accuracy can be beneficial. Sequential data assimilation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter provides a tool that is both efficient and robust for a real-time modelling framework. One key parameter in a hydrological system is the soil moisture, which recently can be characterized by satellite based measurements. A forecasting framework for the prediction of discharges is developed and applied to three different sub-basins of the Zambezi River Basin. The model is solely based on remote sensing data providing soil moisture and rainfall estimates. The soil moisture product used is based on the back-scattering intensity of a radar signal measured by a radar scatterometer. These soil moisture data correlate well with the measured discharge of the corresponding watershed if the data are shifted by a time lag which is dependent on the size and the dominant runoff process in the catchment. This time lag is the basis for the applicability of the soil moisture data for hydrological forecasts. The conceptual model developed is based on two storage compartments. The processes modeled include evaporation losses, infiltration and percolation. The application of this model in a real-time modelling framework yields good results in watersheds where soil storage is an important factor. The lead time of the forecast is dependent on the size and the retention capacity of the watershed. For the largest watershed a forecast over 40 days can be provided. However, the quality of the forecast increases significantly with decreasing prediction time. In a watershed with little soil storage and a quick response to rainfall events, the performance is relatively poor and the lead time is as short as 10 days only

    Acceleration, pressure and related quantities in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface

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    This paper presents an analysis of flow properties in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface (TNTI), with particular focus on the acceleration of fluid particles, pressure and related small scale quantities such as enstrophy, ω2 = ωiωi, and strain, s2 = sijsij. The emphasis is on the qualitative differences between turbulent, intermediate and non-turbulent flow regions, emanating from the solenoidal nature of the turbulent region, the irrotational character of the non-turbulent region and the mixed nature of the intermediate region in between. The results are obtained from a particle tracking experiment and direct numerical simulations (DNS) of a temporally developing flow without mean shear. The analysis reveals that turbulence influences its neighbouring ambient flow in three different ways depending on the distance to the TNTI: (i) pressure has the longest range of influence into the ambient region and in the far region non-local effects dominate. This is felt on the level of velocity as irrotational fluctuations, on the level of acceleration as local change of velocity due to pressure gradients, Du/Dt ∂u/∂t − p/ρ, and, finally, on the level of strain due to pressure-Hessian/strain interaction, (D/Dt)(s2/2) (∂/∂t)(s2/2) −sijp,ij > 0; (ii) at intermediate distances convective terms (both for acceleration and strain) as well as strain production −sijsjkski > 0 start to set in. Comparison of the results at Taylor-based Reynolds numbers Reλ = 50 and Reλ = 110 suggests that the distances to the far or intermediate regions scale with the Taylor microscale λ or the Kolmogorov length scale η of the flow, rather than with an integral length scale; (iii) in the close proximity of the TNTI the velocity field loses its purely irrotational character as viscous effects lead to a sharp increase of enstrophy and enstrophy-related terms. Convective terms show a positive peak reflecting previous findings that in the laboratory frame of reference the interface moves locally with a velocity comparable to the fluid velocity fluctuation

    Collapse or Swelling Dynamics of Homopolymer Rings: Self-consistent Hartree approach

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    We investigate by the use of the Martin - Siggia - Rose generating functional technique and the self - consistent Hartree approximation, the dynamics of the ring homopolymer collapse (swelling) following an instantaneous change into a poor (good) solvent conditions.The equation of motion for the time dependent monomer - to - monomer correlation function is systematically derived. It is argued that for describing of the coarse - graining process (which neglects the capillary instability and the coalescence of ``pearls'') the Rouse mode representation is very helpful, so that the resulting equations of motion can be simply solved numerically. In the case of the collapse this solution is analyzed in the framework of the hierarchically crumpled fractal picture, with crumples of successively growing scale along the chain. The presented numerical results are in line with the corresponding simple scaling argumentation which in particular shows that the characteristic collapse time of a segment of length gg scales as tζ0g/τt^* \sim \zeta_0 g/\tau (where ζ0\zeta_0 is a bare friction coefficient and τ\tau is a depth of quench). In contrast to the collapse the globule swelling can be seen (in the case that topological effects are neglected) as a homogeneous expansion of the globule interior. The swelling of each Rouse mode as well as gyration radius RgR_g is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Broad relaxation spectrum and the field theory of glassy dynamics for pinned elastic systems

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    We study thermally activated, low temperature equilibrium dynamics of elastic systems pinned by disorder using one loop functional renormalization group (FRG). Through a series of increasingly complete approximations, we investigate how the field theory reveals the glassy nature of the dynamics, in particular divergent barriers and barrier distributions controling the spectrum of relaxation times. A naive single relaxation time approximation for each wavevector is found to be unsatisfactory. A second approximation based on a random friction model, yields a size (L) dependent log-normal distribution of relaxation times (mean barriers ~L^\theta and variance ~ L^{\theta/2}) and a procedure to estimate dynamical scaling functions. Finally, we study the full structure of the running dynamical effective action within the field theory. We find that relaxation time distributions are non-trivial (broad but not log-normal) and encoded in a closed hierarchy of FRG equations. A thermal boundary layer ansatz (TBLA) appears as a consistent solution. It extends the one discovered in the statics which was shown to embody droplet thermal fluctuations. Although perturbative control remains a challenge, the structure of the dynamical TBLA which encodes barrier distributions opens the way for deeper understanding of the field theory approach to glasses

    The Hartree approximation in dynamics of polymeric manifolds in the melt

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    The Martin-Siggia-Rose (MSR) functional integral technique is applied to the dynamics of a D - dimensional manifold in a melt of similar manifolds. The integration over the collective variables of the melt can be simply implemented in the framework of the dynamical random phase approximation (RPA). The resulting effective action functional of the test manifold is treated by making use of the selfconsistent Hartree approximation. As an outcome the generalized Rouse equation (GRE) of the test manifold is derived and its static and dynamic properties are studied. It was found that the static upper critical dimension, duc=2D/(2D)d_{\rm uc}=2D/(2-D), discriminates between Gaussian (or screened) and non-Gaussian regimes, whereas its dynamical counterpart, d~uc=2duc{\tilde d}_{uc}=2d_{\rm uc}, distinguishes between the simple Rouse and the renormalized Rouse behavior. We have argued that the Rouse mode correlation function has a stretched exponential form. The subdiffusional exponents for this regime are calculated explicitly. The special case of linear chains, D=1, shows good agreement with MD- and MC-simulations.Comment: 35 pages,3 figures, accepted by J.Chem.Phy

    A Lagrangian investigation of the small-scale features of turbulent entrainment through particle tracking and direct numerical simulation

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    We report an analysis of small-scale enstrophy ω2 and rate of strain s2 dynamics in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a flow without strong mean shear. The techniques used are three-dimensional particle tracking (3D-PTV), allowing the field of velocity derivatives to be measured and followed in a Lagrangian manner, and direct numerical simulations (DNS). In both experiment and simulation the Taylor-microscale Reynolds number is Reλ = 50. The results are based on the Lagrangian viewpoint with the main focus on flow particle tracers crossing the turbulent/non-turbulent interface. This approach allowed a direct investigation of the key physical processes underlying the entrainment phenomenon and revealed the role of small-scale non-local, inviscid and viscous processes. We found that the entrainment mechanism is initiated by self-amplification of s2 through the combined effect of strain production and pressure--strain interaction. This process is followed by a sharp change of ω2 induced mostly by production due to viscous effects. The influence of inviscid production is initially small but gradually increasing, whereas viscous production changes abruptly towards the destruction of ω2. Finally, shortly after the crossing of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface, production and dissipation of both enstrophy and strain reach a balance. The characteristic time scale of the described processes is the Kolmogorov time scale, τη. Locally, the characteristic velocity of the fluid relative to the turbulent/non-turbulent interface is the Kolmogorov velocity, u