701 research outputs found

    On turbulent entrainment and dissipation in dilute polymer solutions

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    We present a comparative experimental study of a turbulent flow developing in clear water and dilute polymer solutions (25 and 50 wppm polyethylene oxide). The flow is forced by a planar grid that oscillates vertically with stroke S and frequency f in a square container of initially still fluid. Two-component velocity fields are measured in a vertical plane passing through the center of the tank by using time resolved particle image velocimetry. After the forcing is initiated, a turbulent layer develops that is separated from the initially irrotational fluid by a sharp interface, the so-called turbulent/nonturbulent interface (TNTI). The turbulent region grows in time through entrainment of surrounding fluid until the fluid in the whole container is in turbulent motion. From the comparison of the experiments in clear water and polymer solutions we conclude: (i) Polymer additives modify the large scale shape of the TNTI. (ii) Both, in water and in the polymer solution the mean depth of the turbulent layer, H(t), follows the theoretical prediction for Newtonian fluids H(t)∞√Kt, where K∞S^2f is the “grid action.” (iii) We find a larger grid action for dilute polymer solutions than for water. As a consequence, the turbulent kinetic energy of the flow increases and the rate of energy input becomes higher. (iv) The entrainment rate ÎČ=v_e/v_(rms) (where v_e=dH/dt is the interface propagation velocity and v_(rms) is the root mean square of the vertical velocity) is lower for polymers (ÎČ_p≈0.7) than for water (ÎČ_w≈0.8). The measured values for ÎČ are in good agreement with similarity arguments, from which we estimate that in our experiment about 28% of the input energy is dissipated by polymers

    Depinning in a Random Medium

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    We develop a renormalized continuum field theory for a directed polymer interacting with a random medium and a single extended defect. The renormalization group is based on the operator algebra of the pinning potential; it has novel features due to the breakdown of hyperscaling in a random system. There is a second-order transition between a localized and a delocalized phase of the polymer; we obtain analytic results on its critical pinning strength and scaling exponents. Our results are directly related to spatially inhomogeneous Kardar-Parisi-Zhang surface growth.Comment: 11 pages (latex) with one figure (now printable, no other changes

    Viscous tilting and production of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence

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    Viscous depletion of vorticity is an essential and well known property of turbulent flows, balancing, in the mean, the net vorticity production associated with the vortex stretching mechanism. In this letter, we, however, demonstrate that viscous effects are not restricted to a mere destruction process, but play a more complex role in vorticity dynamics that is as important as vortex stretching. Based on the results from three dimensional particle tracking velocimetry experiments and direct numerical simulation of homogeneous and quasi-isotropic turbulence, we show that the viscous term in the vorticity equation can also locally induce production of vorticity and changes of the orientation of the vorticity vector (viscous tilting)

    Exact transverse macro dispersion coefficients for transport in heterogeneous porous media

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    We study transport through heterogeneous media. We derive the exact large scale transport equation. The macro dispersion coefficients are determined by additional partial differential equations. In the case of infinite Peclet numbers, we present explicit results for the transverse macro dispersion coefficients. In two spatial dimensions, we demonstrate that the transverse macro dispersion coefficient is zero. The result is not limited on lowest order perturbation theory approximations but is an exact result. However, the situation in three spatial dimensions is very different: The transverse macro dispersion coefficients are finite - a result which is confirmed by numerical simulations we performe

    Influence of Microbial Growth on Hydraulic Properties of Pore Networks

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    From laboratory experiments it is known that bacterial biomass is able to influence the hydraulic properties of saturated porous media, an effect called bioclogging. To interpret the observations of these experiments and to predict possible bioclogging effects on the field scale it is necessary to use transport models, which are able to include bioclogging. For these models it is necessary to know the relation between the amount of biomass and the hydraulic conductivity of the porous medium. Usually these relations were determined using bundles of parallel pore channels and do not account for interconnections between the pores in more than one dimension. The present study uses two-dimensional pore network models to study the effects of bioclogging on the pore scale. Numerical simulations were done for two different scenarios of the growth of biomass in the pores. Scenario 1 assumes microbial growth in discrete colonies clogging particular pores completely. Scenario 2 assumes microbial growth as a biofilm growing on the wall of each pore. In both scenarios the hydraulic conductivity was reduced by at least two orders of magnitude, but for the colony scenario much less biomass was needed to get a maximal clogging effect and a better agreement with previously published experimental data could be found. For both scenarios it was shown that heterogeneous pore networks could be clogged with less biomass than more homogeneous one

    Collective Dynamics of Random Polyampholytes

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    We consider the Langevin dynamics of a semi-dilute system of chains which are random polyampholytes of average monomer charge qq and with a fluctuations in this charge of the size Q−1Q^{-1} and with freely floating counter-ions in the surrounding. We cast the dynamics into the functional integral formalism and average over the quenched charge distribution in order to compute the dynamic structure factor and the effective collective potential matrix. The results are given for small charge fluctuations. In the limit of finite qq we then find that the scattering approaches the limit of polyelectrolyte solutions.Comment: 13 pages including 6 figures, submitted J. Chem. Phy

    Hydrological real-time modelling in the Zambezi river basin using satellite-based soil moisture and rainfall data

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    Reliable real-time forecasts of the discharge can provide valuable information for the management of a river basin system. For the management of ecological releases even discharge forecasts with moderate accuracy can be beneficial. Sequential data assimilation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter provides a tool that is both efficient and robust for a real-time modelling framework. One key parameter in a hydrological system is the soil moisture, which recently can be characterized by satellite based measurements. A forecasting framework for the prediction of discharges is developed and applied to three different sub-basins of the Zambezi River Basin. The model is solely based on remote sensing data providing soil moisture and rainfall estimates. The soil moisture product used is based on the back-scattering intensity of a radar signal measured by a radar scatterometer. These soil moisture data correlate well with the measured discharge of the corresponding watershed if the data are shifted by a time lag which is dependent on the size and the dominant runoff process in the catchment. This time lag is the basis for the applicability of the soil moisture data for hydrological forecasts. The conceptual model developed is based on two storage compartments. The processes modeled include evaporation losses, infiltration and percolation. The application of this model in a real-time modelling framework yields good results in watersheds where soil storage is an important factor. The lead time of the forecast is dependent on the size and the retention capacity of the watershed. For the largest watershed a forecast over 40 days can be provided. However, the quality of the forecast increases significantly with decreasing prediction time. In a watershed with little soil storage and a quick response to rainfall events, the performance is relatively poor and the lead time is as short as 10 days only

    Directed polymers on a Cayley tree with spatially correlated disorder

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    In this paper we consider directed walks on a tree with a fixed branching ratio K at a finite temperature T. We consider the case where each site (or link) is assigned a random energy uncorrelated in time, but correlated in the transverse direction i.e. within the shell. In this paper we take the transverse distance to be the hierarchical ultrametric distance, but other possibilities are discussed. We compute the free energy for the case of quenched disorder and show that there is a fundamental difference between the case of short range spatial correlations of the disorder which behaves similarly to the non-correlated case considered previously by Derrida and Spohn and the case of long range correlations which has a totally different overlap distribution which approaches a single delta function about q=1 for large L, where L is the length of the walk. In the latter case the free energy is not extensive in L for the intermediate and also relevant range of L values, although in the true thermodynamic limit extensivity is restored. We identify a crossover temperature which grows with L, and whenever T<T_c(L) the system is always in the low temperature phase. Thus in the case of long-ranged correlation as opposed to the short-ranged case a phase transition is absent.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, standard latex. J. Phys. A, accepted for publicatio
