12 research outputs found

    Virtual Japanese : Enigmas of Role Language

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    Osaka University Humanities and Social Sciences Series『ヴァーチャル日本語 役割語の謎』の英語

    コミュニケーション デザイン センター ノ シメイ

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    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉基幹型 : 日本語疑問文の通時的・対照言語学的研究 日本語の疑問文の歴史素描

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    大阪大学大学院文学研究科疑問文の研究の視点を整理した上で,衣畑(2014a, 2014b),野村(2001),高宮(2003)等に沿って日本語疑問文の歴史的変化の方向性やその動機づけ等について概観する。衣畑(2014b)によれば,前上代においては,焦点位置に「か」を置くという原則だけで疑問文形成の説明ができたが,上代に肯否疑問文の焦点位置に「や」も置かれるようになり,中古には疑問詞疑問文と肯否疑問文を区別する方向性が強められたとする。本稿では,なぜ肯否疑問文の領域に「や」が進出してきたのかという問いを立て,その説明のためには「か」と「や」の機能の違いに着目すべきであるということを主張する。さらに衣畑(2014b)では,中世にいったん疑問詞疑問文から「か」が消えたとするが,竹村・金水(2014)では中世末期のキリシタン資料で「か」文末の疑問詞疑問文が一定量存在することを示している。本稿では,竹村・金水論文で示された「ぞ」文末疑問詞疑問文と「か」文末疑問詞疑問文の性質の違いを踏まえ,「リスト表現」という形式の発達,および間接疑問文の発達という観点から,この新しい「か」文末疑問詞疑問文の起源についての仮説を提示する。This paper studies diachronic change in interrogatives in Japanese. The goal is to understand how and why Japanese interrogatives have developed historically. After giving a general survey of interrogatives, I review some of the previous studies, including Kinuhata (2014a, 2014b), Nomura (2001) and Takamiya (2003). I then present my own analysis, paying special attention to the interrogative particles ya, ka, and zo. According to Kinuhata (2014b), interrogatives developed as follows: (i) in Pre-Old Japanese (Zen Jodai) interrogatives were formed by addition of the particle ka in focus position, (ii) in Old Japanese (Jodai) the particle ya began appearing in focus position in yes-no questions, and (iii) in Late Old Japanese (Chuko) the distinction between yes-no and wh-questions became clearer as ya became more dominant in yes-no questions. The question then arises: why did the particle ya start appearing in yes-no questions (in stage (ii) above)? The answer, I suggest, is a functional difference between ka and ya. Finally, although Kinuhata (2014b) claims that the particle ka disappeared in wh-questions in Middle Japanese (Chusei), Takemura and Kinsui (2014) show through close examination of Christian documents (Kirishitan shiryo, from the late 16th and early 17th centuries) that some wh-questions in the late Middle Japanese did in fact end with ka. In the remainder of the paper, I propose an analysis of the origin of wh-questions with the ka ending. To support my analysis, I discuss how zo-final and ka-final wh-questions are different in nature, along with the historical developments of indirect questions and exemplification forms (which I tentatively call "example listing" (list hyogen))

    Jezik vlog in jezik lika

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    Since Kinsui's (2000, 2003) initial proposal, research on role language has progressed with the topics growing more diverse. In this paper we propose that a peculiar speech style assigned to a certain character in fiction should be treated as character language rather than role language. Role language, which is based on social and cultural stereotypes, is a subset of character language. Given that role language is also a linguistic stereotype, its knowledge should be widely shared by members of the speech community, and its patterns within limits. Character language, on the other hand, allows for various types, being far from being a closed class. We examine and give examples of four types of character language: speech styles that could become actual role language, once shared widely in the speech community; speech styles that are effectively adopted by characters outside of their expected speaker's social and cultural groups; speech styles employed to represent something other than their stereotypes; and uniquely created speech styles.Obseg raziskav, ki se ukvarjajo z jezikom vlog, se je od prvih raziskav (Kinsui 2000; 2003) močno povečal. Tokratna raziskava se posveča govornim slogom v igranih filmih in predlaga, da se specifični govorni slog, dodeljen nekemu značaju v igranem filmu, obravnava kot jezik likov in ne kot jezik vlog. Jezik vlog, ki temelji na socialnih in kulturnih stereotipih, je tako le ena izmed podskupin jezika značaja. Ob predvidevanju, da je jezik vlog jezikoslovni stereotip, je potrebno znanje o njem razširiti med vse člane govorne skupine, med katerimi je takšen jezikoslovni stereotip razširjen. V nasprotju z njim jezik likov dovoljuje različne sloge in ga zato dojemamo kot odprto kategorijo. Članek pregleda in poda primere o štirih različnih tipih slogov jezika likov. Prvi tip je skupina slogov, ki lahko postanejo dejanski jezik vlog, nekoč že razširjen v določeni govorni skupini. Drugi tip je skupina slogov, katere so določeni značaji v igranih filmih uspešno privzeli, vendar se ti razlikujejo od pričakovanih slogov, ki naj bi pripadali govorčevi socialni in kulturni skupini. Tretji tip je skupina slogov, ki zastopajo značilnosti, drugačne od njihovih stereotipov. Zadnja skupina slogov so edinstveno ustvarjeni govorni slogi


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