111 research outputs found

    Validation of a dietary balance score

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    This study assessed the validity of dietary balance scores (DBSs) by investigating the association between DBSs and nutrient adequacy (NA) in two Japanese populations. The participants were 65 community-dwelling Japanese from Tokushima Prefecture and 2,330 community-dwelling Japanese from Aichi Prefecture. Based on food frequency questionnaires or 3-day dietary records, we obtained 18 food groups. The NA score integrates nine beneficial nutrients and two nutrients that should be limited. We calculated four different DBSs: DBS1 consisted of five food groups (score range : 0–20), DBS2 consisted of nine food groups (score range : 0–36), DBS3 consisted of eight food groups (score range : 0–32), and DBS4 consisted of 10 food groups (score range : 0–40). Both the Spearman rank correlation coefficient with NA and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) for the nine beneficial nutrients were then estimated to test the performance of each DBS in predicting nutrient intake. The results showed that DBS1 and DBS4 were positively correlated with NA, while the AUC-ROC showed that DBS4 could moderately discriminate individuals with adequate intake levels of all nine nutrients. These findings suggest DBSs (especially DBS4) are useful in assessing dietary balance in middle-aged and older community-dwelling Japanese


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    老年期の回想(Reminiscence)は,"過去への繰言"とか"現実からの逃避"などと否定的に受け止められることも多い。しかし,1960年代にアメリカの精神科医 Butler, R.N.によって,死が近づいてくることにより自然に起こる心理的過程であり,また過去の未解決の問題を再度とらえ直すことなど,積極的な役割ももつものであると提唱されて以来,欧米を中心に高齢者の関わる保健・医療・福祉分野で広汎な展開をみせている。本研究では,わが国の高齢者の回想をケアに応用した研究の流れを概観する。次に,ライフレヴューの活用について末期患者を対象に述べた海外文献を用いて,回想の具体的な方法を紹介し,わが国での活用の可能性と応用を考察した

    老年看護学の授業による学生の高齢者イメージの変化 : 第1報老年看護学Iの授業評価

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    アワ メイショ ズエ ニオケル ビザン ノ シゼン ト ケイカン

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    In this paper the nature and the landscape of the Mt. Bizan are investigated based on “Awa meisho zue” which was a guidebook of Awa (Tokushima) published about 200 years ago. In the picture entitled “Mt. Bizan” a tower at the Jimyoin Temple and two buildings are drawn in the mountain. The mountain is covered with pine trees, and there is a waterfall near the tower. Besides pine trees, three types of trees, Japanese cedar and/or Japanese cypress, trees that presumably cherry, and unknown broadleaf trees are drawn in Mt. Otakiyama that is a part of Mt. Bizan based on the picture entitled “Otakisan Jimyoin”. Other historical records in Edo era coincide with the composition of plant species in Mt. Bizan. Though the vegetation of Mt. Bizan was efended by laws throughout Edo era, it was deforested and the mountain became bald after the Meiji Restoration. Afterwards, it was protected by specifying it as the protection forest and by making it as a park. Now, pine trees and Japanese cedar and/or Japanese cypress have almost been lost, and pasania and live oak are well growing in the mountain. The tower at Jimyoin was burned down by the air raid in the World War II, and the waterfall has thinned. On the other hand, mountain trails and a ropeway were made, and a lot of buildings were built at the top of the mountain. Thus, the nature and the landscape of Mt. Bizan greatly changed in 200 years. However, citizens are still familiar with it as the symbol of Tokushima City


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    老年看護学I(1年次後期)の教材としてSF作品の米映画を使用した。その教育効果を学生の鑑賞レポートから分析した。学生は登場人物の選択や決定に,自分や家族の生き方を重ねて追体験しており,その意思決定の意味を感じ取ることができていた.学生のレポートの中で記述された意思決定の要因は,「個別性」,「心の若さ」の発見,「夫婦愛」,「家族愛」「死の悲しみと克服」,さらに「社会的な役割」「友情」「性」などがあげられ,高齢者理解を広げる学びが抽出された。We used an American SF movie as a material for gerontological nursing science (latter semester of freshman). Students\u27 reports on the movie were analyzed from the viewpoint of its educational effect. In the movie, through choice and decision-making of the characters, the students relived the lives of their own and family members, and were able to understand the meaning of the characters\u27 decision-making. The factors mentioned in their reports were \u27individuality\u27, \u27discovery of youth at heart\u27, \u27marital love\u27, \u27family love\u27, sorrow of death and getting over it\u27, \u27social role\u27, \u27friendship\u27 and \u27sex\u27. Through watching the movie, broadening the understanding of the elderly was recognized

    2年次老年看護学実習における学生の学びと指導上の課題 : 実習のまとめのグループワークから

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    本研究の目的は、2年次老年看護学実習について、まとめのグループワークの学習効果と今後の実習指導上の課題を明らかにすることである。グループワゴクでの学びは「個別性」のほか、高齢者の身体面・精神面・社会面の理解などの共通したキーワードで表現された。グループワーク後の学生個人の記録からは7つのカテゴリーが抽出され、【学習の方法】【学習への意欲】【共有した思い】はグループワーク中の学生の思考や感情に、【高齢者理解】【認知症の理解】【高齢者をとりまく環境】【ケア方法】はグループワークで学んだ具体的な内容に関連すると考えられた。また、61名の学生から実習中に解決できなかった疑問が75場画記載された。高齢者に対するケアスタッフの言動やケアに関する内容が多かったが、疑問解決のために行動した学生は少なかった。2年次実習における疑問解決への指導方法や問題解決能力の向上へとつながるような教育方法の検討の必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this research is clarifying the study effect of a group work and the challenges of instruction about Elderly Nursing Practice of sophomores. The common keywords in the group work were "individuality" and "understanding of elderly people\u27s body, mentality, and sociality." Seven categories were extracted from students\u27 individual records. Sixty one students point out 75 scenes as problems which they were not able to solve during exercise. The questions were mainly about the care workers\u27 speech or conducts, or the care to elderly people. However, there were few students who acted to solve the problem

    鳥取県西部地震による新見市千屋地区被災高齢者への支援活動の報告 : その2 高齢者世帯への短大ボランティア訪問活動の実際と課題

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