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    Utveckling av ett nytt yrke inom socialpsykiatrisk vÄrd

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    The program in Social Psychiatric Care is a three-year program at the university level leading to a vocational qualification in social psychiatric care and a bachelor's degree in the field of Health Sciences. Until the spring of 2018, six litters have graduated. Students in the social psychiatric care program often have personal interest, previous professional experience from the business areas or inspiration from related friends working in the field of activity. Personal experiences of problems in the fields of activity are also prominent among the students. Students believe that personal experience, willingness and ability is important in order to work within the profession. Characteristics of the students are also an interest and a clear empathetic willingness to work with people and they consider that the profession primarily requires characteristics such as altruism, empathy, social skills and deeper knowledge and understanding in the field. Upon completion of education, students want a career role where they can help other people, feel motivated, or they aim for specific positions or areas of activity. Both managers and alumni from the Social Psychiatric Care program value the broad professional competence that the program leads to. Psychiatric competence is emphasized as particularly valuable by both alumni and managers. This competence means that they also complement the other professions in the activities. Students consider themselves possessed a professional identity that involves introducing psychiatric and custody skills to organizations that previously lacked these perspectives. Something that also brings new approaches to patients, users and clients. Being able to use knowledge from several disciplines are considered to be a strength and competence that are well-needed in environments where people with mental ill health are cared for. The alumni perceive their knowledge as both interdisciplinary and interprofessional.Programmet i Socialpsykiatrisk vĂ„rd Ă€r ett treĂ„rigt program pĂ„ högskolenivĂ„ som leder till en yrkesexamen inom socialpsykiatrisk vĂ„rd och en kandidatexamen i huvudomrĂ„det VĂ„rdvetenskap. Fram till vĂ„ren 2018 har sex kullar tagit sin examen. Studenter i programmet för Socialpsykiatrisk vĂ„rd har ofta ett personligt intresse, tidigare yrkeserfarenhet frĂ„n verksamhetsomrĂ„dena eller inspiration frĂ„n nĂ€rstĂ„ende/vĂ€nner som arbetar inom verksamhetsomrĂ„det. Även personliga erfarenheter av problem inom verksamhetsomrĂ„dena Ă€r framtrĂ€dande bland studenterna. Studenterna anser att den personliga erfarenheten, viljan och förmĂ„gan Ă€r viktigt för att kunna verka inom yrket. UtmĂ€rkande egenskaper hos studenterna Ă€r ocksĂ„ ett specifikt intresse och en tydlig empatisk vilja av att arbeta med mĂ€nniskor och de anser att yrket framförallt krĂ€ver egenskaper som altruism, empati, social kompetens samt en fördjupad kunskap och förstĂ„else inom omrĂ„det. Efter avslutad utbildning önskar studenterna fĂ„ möjligt till en yrkesroll dĂ€r de kan hjĂ€lpa andra mĂ€nniskor, eller sĂ„ har de sikte pĂ„ en specifik befattning eller ett speciellt verksamhetsomrĂ„de. SĂ„vĂ€l chefer som alumner frĂ„n programmet Socialpsykiatrisk vĂ„rd vĂ€rdesĂ€tter den breda yrkeskompetens som programmet leder till. Den psykiatriska kompetensen betonas som sĂ€rskilt vĂ€rdefull av bĂ„de alumner och chefer. Denna kompetens innebĂ€r att de ocksĂ„ utgör ett komplement till övriga professioner inom verksamheterna. Studenterna anser sig ha erövrat en professionell identitet som handlar om att föra in psykiatriska och vĂ„rdande kunskaper till organisationer som tidigare saknat dessa perspektiv. NĂ„got som ocksĂ„ medför nya förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till patienter, brukare och klienter. Att kunna anvĂ€nda kunskap frĂ„n flera discipliner anses som en styrka och en kompetens som Ă€r vĂ€lbehövd i miljöer dĂ€r personer med psykisk ohĂ€lsa vĂ„rdas. Alumnerna uppfattar sin kunskap som bĂ„de tvĂ€rdisciplinĂ€r och interprofessionell