227 research outputs found

    The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Health and Health Service Use

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    Objective: To test the impact of obesity on health and health care use in children, by the use of various methods to account for reverse causality and omitted variables. Data Sources/Study Setting: Fifteen rounds of the Health Survey for England (1998–2013), which is representative of children and adolescents in England. Study Design: We use three methods to account for reverse causality and omitted variables in the relationship between BMI and health/health service use: regression with individual, parent, and household control variables; sibling fixed effects; and instrumental variables based on genetic variation in weight. Data Collection/Extraction Methods: We include all children and adolescents aged 4–18 years old. Principal Findings: We find that obesity has a statistically significant and negative impact on self‐rated health and a positive impact on health service use in girls, boys, younger children (aged 4–12), and adolescents (aged 13–18). The findings are comparable in each model in both boys and girls. Conclusions: Using econometric methods, we have mitigated several confounding factors affecting the impact of obesity in childhood on health and health service use. Our findings suggest that obesity has severe consequences for health and health service use even among children

    Need assessment for sustainable sanitation service for a tribal school in rural Maharashtra

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    Sustainable sanitation is defined as promoting and improving health and hygiene, protecting environmental and natural resources, and being technologically and operationally appropriate, financially and economically viable. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services levels still remains low priority in rural India despite high levels of public expenditure during recent decades. The authors strongly believe that a systematic process-oriented assessment approach is one key to sustainable sanitation. This paper will discuss the merits and challenges of these planning methodologies in reference to experience from a tribal school in rural Maharashtra. The intent of this study is to compare various wastewater systems from different perspectives

    Solar Hydrogen Generation from Ambient Humidity Using Functionalized Porous Photoanodes

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    Solar hydrogen is a promising sustainable energy vector, and steady progress has been made in the development of photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells. Most research in this field has focused on using acidic or alkaline liquid electrolytes for ionic transfer. However, the performance is limited by (i) scattering of light and blocking of catalytic sites by gas bubbles and (ii) mass transport limitations. An attractive alternative to a liquid water feedstock is to use the water vapor present as humidity in ambient air, which has been demonstrated to mitigate the above problems and can expand the geographical range where these devices can be utilized. Here, we show how the functionalization of porous TiO2 and WO3 photoanodes with solid electrolytes—proton conducting Aquivion and Nafion ionomers—enables the capture of water from ambient air and allows subsequent PEC hydrogen production. The optimization strategy of photoanode functionalization was examined through testing the effect of ionomer loading and the ionomer composition. Optimized functionalized photoanodes operating at 60% relative humidity (RH) and Tcell = 30–70 °C were able to recover up to 90% of the performance obtained at 1.23 V versus reverse hydrogen electrode (RHE) when water is introduced in the liquid phase (i.e., conventional PEC operation). Full performance recovery is achieved at a higher applied potential. In addition, long-term experiments have shown remarkable stability at 60% RH for 64 h of cycling (8 h continuous illumination–8 h dark), demonstrating that the concept can be applicable outdoors.</p

    Rational Design of Photoelectrodes for the Fully Integrated Polymer Electrode Membrane–Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting System: A Case Study of Bismuth Vanadate

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    Photoelectrochemical (PEC) reactors based on polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers are an attractive alternative to improve scalability compared to conventional monolithic devices. To introduce narrow band gap photoabsorbers such as BiVO4 in PEM-PEC system requires cost-effective and scalable deposition techniques beyond those previously demonstrated on monolithic FTO-coated glass substrates, followed by the preparation of membrane electrode assemblies. Herein, we address the significant challenges in coating narrow band gap metal-oxides on porous substrates as suitable photoelectrodes for the PEM-PEC configuration. In particular, we demonstrate the deposition and integration of W-doped BiVO4 on porous conductive substrates by a simple, cost-effective, and scalable deposition based on the SILAR (successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction) technique. The resultant W-doped BiVO4 photoanode exhibits a photocurrent density of 2.1 mA·cm–2, @1.23V vs RHE, the highest reported so far for the BiVO4 on any porous substrates. Furthermore, we integrated the BiVO4 on the PEM-PEC reactor to demonstrate the solar hydrogen production from ambient air with humidity as the only water source, retaining 1.55 mA·cm–2, @1.23V vs RHE. The concept provides insights into the features necessary for the successful development of materials suitable for the PEM-PEC tandem configuration reactors and the gas-phase operation of the reactor, which is a promising approach for low-cost, large-scale solar hydrogen production.</p

    Stacking-Order-Dependent Excitonic Properties Reveal Interlayer Interactions in Bulk ReS<sub>2</sub>

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    Rhenium disulfide, a member of the transition metal dichalcogenide family of semiconducting materials, is unique among 2D van der Waals materials due to its anisotropy and, albeit weak, interlayer interactions, confining excitons within single atomic layers and leading to monolayer-like excitonic properties even in bulk crystals. While recent work has established the existence of two stacking modes in bulk, AA and AB, the influence of the different interlayer coupling on the excitonic properties has been poorly explored. Here, we use polarization-dependent optical measurements to elucidate the nature of excitons in AA and AB-stacked rhenium disulfide to obtain insight into the effect of interlayer interactions. We combine polarization-dependent Raman with low-temperature photoluminescence and reflection spectroscopy to show that, while the similar polarization dependence of both stacking orders indicates similar excitonic alignments within the crystal planes, differences in peak width, position, and degree of anisotropy reveal a different degree of interlayer coupling. DFT calculations confirm the very similar band structure of the two stacking orders while revealing a change of the spin-split states at the top of the valence band to possibly underlie their different exciton binding energies. These results suggest that the excitonic properties are largely determined by in-plane interactions, however, strongly modified by the interlayer coupling. These modifications are stronger than those in other 2D semiconductors, making ReS2 an excellent platform for investigating stacking as a tuning parameter for 2D materials. Furthermore, the optical anisotropy makes this material an interesting candidate for polarization-sensitive applications such as photodetectors and polarimetry.</p

    Monolithic porous magnesium silicide

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    Macroporous magnesium silicide monoliths were successfully prepared by a two-step synthesis procedure. The reaction of gaseous magnesium vapor with macro-/mesoporous silicon, which was generated from hierarchically organized meso-/macroporous silica by a magnesiothermic reduction reaction, resulted in monolithic magnesium silicide with a cellular, open macroporous structure. By adjusting the reaction conditions, such as experimental set-up, temperature and time, challenges namely loss of porosity or phase purity of Mg2Si were addressed and monolithic magnesium silicide with a cellular network builtup was obtained.(VLID)192544

    From solgel prepared porous silica to monolithic porous Mg2Si/MgO composite materials

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    Mg2Si is apart from its conductivity properties expected to be a promising candidate for thermoelectric applications due to its low toxicity, low costs, and the high abundance of its precursor chemicals. Through the addition of a homogeneous distribution of nanoparticles (e.g. MgO) and by reducing the size of Mg2Si to the nanometer regime, it is possible to decrease the thermal conductivity by increasing phonon-interface scattering and, as a result, improve the thermoelectric properties. However, classical approaches do not allow for the synthesis of nanocomposites from Mg2Si and MgO. In this work, a straightforward route is presented towards homogeneously mixed Mg2Si/MgO via a two-step magnesiothermic reduction process starting from solgel derived hierarchically organized porous silica. Monolithic materials composed of Mg2Si and MgO in variable molar ratios are built up from a macroporous network of Mg2Si with homogeneously distributed MgO particles exhibiting a crystallite size in the range of 2437nm.(VLID)286459

    brains-py, A framework to support research on energy-efficient unconventional hardware for machine learning

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    Projections about the limitations of digital computers for deep learning models are leading to a shift towards domain-specific hardware, where novel analogue components are sought after, due to their potential advantages in power consumption. This paper introduces brains-py, a generic framework to facilitate research on different sorts of disordered nano-material networks for natural and energy-efficient analogue computing. Mainly, it has been applied to the concept of dopant network processing units (DNPUs), a novel and promising CMOS-compatible nano-scale tunable system based on doped silicon with potentially very low-power consumption at the inference stage. The framework focuses on two material-learning-based approaches, for training DNPUs to compute supervised learning tasks: evolution-in-matter and surrogate models.While evolution-in-matter focuses on providing a quick exploration of newly manufactured single DNPUs, the surrogate model approach is used for the design and simulation of the interconnection between multiple DNPUs, enabling the exploration of their scalability. All simulation results can be seamlessly validated on hardware, saving time and costs associated with their reproduction. The framework is generic and can be reused for research on various materials with different design aspects, providing support for the most common tasks requiredfor doing experiments with these novel materials.<br/