61 research outputs found

    Should EOAD patients be included in clinical trials?

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    Alzheimer disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease affecting 1 in 68 in the population. An arbitrary cutoff 65 years as the age of onset to distinguish between early- and late-onset AD has been proposed and has been used in the literature for decades. As the majority of patients develop AD after 65 years of age, most clinical trials address this population. While the early-onset cases represent only 1% to 6% of AD cases, this population is the active working subset and thus contributes to a higher public health burden per individual, and early-onset cases are the most devastating at the level of the individual and their families. In this review, we compare and contrast the clinical, neuropsychological, imaging, genetic, biomarker, and pathological features of these two arbitrary groups. Finally, we discuss the ethical dilemma of non-abandonment and justice as it pertains to exclusion of the early-onset AD patients from clinical trials

    Ontologies for the study of neurological disease

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    We have begun work on two separate but related ontologies for the study of neurological diseases. The first, the Neurological Disease Ontology (ND), is intended to provide a set of controlled, logically connected classes to describe the range of neurological diseases and their associated signs and symptoms, assessments, diagnoses, and interventions that are encountered in the course of clinical practice. ND is built as an extension of the Ontology for General Medical Sciences — a high-level candidate OBO Foundry ontology that provides a set of general classes that can be used to describe general aspects of medical science. ND is being built with classes utilizing both textual and axiomatized definitions that describe and formalize the relations between instances of other classes within the ontology itself as well as to external ontologies such as the Gene Ontology, Cell Ontology, Protein Ontology, and Chemical Entities of Biological Interest. In addition, references to similar or associated terms in external ontologies, vocabularies and terminologies are included when possible. Initial work on ND is focused on the areas of Alzheimer’s and other diseases associated with dementia, multiple sclerosis, and stroke and cerebrovascular disease. Extensions to additional groups of neurological diseases are planned. The second ontology, the Neuro-Psychological Testing Ontology (NPT), is intended to provide a set of classes for the annotation of neuropsychological testing data. The intention of this ontology is to allow for the integration of results from a variety of neuropsychological tests that assay similar measures of cognitive functioning. Neuro-psychological testing is an important component in developing the clinical picture used in the diagnosis of patients with a range of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis, and following stroke or traumatic brain injury. NPT is being developed as an extension to the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations

    A pécsi világörökségi területekhez kapcsolódó közterek rehabilitációja

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    A Világörökségi helyszínek fejlesztése program keretén belül tervezésre kerül a pécsi „Világörökségi Negyed”. A fejlesztés koncepcionális síkon a látogatottság növelése érdekében a Világörökségi területekhez tartozó közterek rehabilitációját kiemelt szinten kezeli. A tanulmány a programban megjelölt terület egy részét körbe ölelő várfal és a hozzá kapcsolódó várfalsétány folyamatossá tételére és az Ókeresztény Mauzóleum előtti tér rendezésére fókuszál

    Rehabilitation of Public Squares Connected to The World Heritage Areas of Pécs

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    The World Heritage Square at Pécs is to be constructed in the framework of a program dedicated to developing the locations of the World Heritage. The aim is to rehabilitate the squares belonging to the World Heritage in the hope of increasing the attendance on a conceptual thinking. The study focuses on the marked areas with the purpose of connecting the Castle Wall and its walkway. The rehabilitation even extends to redesign the area in front of the Old Christian Mausoleum

    A pécsi világörökségi helyszínek fejlesztése

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    A harmadlagos kőolajkitermelés során keletkező főleg O/V (olaj a vízben típusú) emulziók olajtartalmának kinyerése céljából a demulgeálás folyamatának hatékonysága kulcsfontosságú. Következésképp a harmadlagos kőolajkitermelés során keletkezett emulziós rendszerek szétválasztásának vizsgálata, és a kolloid rendszer olajtartalmának a lehető legnagyobb arányú kinyerése fontos szerepet játszik a kőolajiparban. Az így keletkezett emulziók stabilitását számos tényező befolyásolja. A demulgeálás hatékonyságának vizsgálata során a J.L. Salager által kidolgozott HLD (Hidrofil-Lipofil Eltérés) egyenletet alkalmaztuk. Megvizsgáltuk, hogy a Salager által kidolgozott egyenlet alkalmas-e kőolaj-ipari emulziók stabilitásának nyomon követésére

    The Development of The Unesco World Heritage Area in Pécs

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    The World Heritage of Pécs is the most valuable historical relic in the city. The conservation, presentation and continuous development is significant. The significant parts of the area are: the Cella Septichora, the Old Christian Mausoleum and the crypts in Apáca Street. Through the design process our prime task is the restoration and expansion of the former development in 2006. The study focuses on creating the Cella Septichora concept

    Az utcáinkban megbúvó török

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    Magyarország történelme kezdetétől sok nép otthona. Ennek eredményeképpen épített örökségünket olyan épületek alkotják, melyeket fennállásuk során különböző népcsoportok építettek, használtak és alakítottak. A tanulmány Pécs belvárosában vizsgálja az épített örökség sokszínűségét, az építészeti és társadalmi multikulturalizmust

    Turkish Secrets Hidden in Our Streets

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    Hungary has been the home of many peoples from the beginnings of its history. As a result, our accumulated heritage is made up of buildings which were built, used and formed by different peoples during their lifetimes. This study investigates the diversity of the built heritage, the architectural and social multiculturalism in the city centre of Pécs