15 research outputs found

    E-wymiar sprawiedliwości w sprawach cywilnych jako przykład rozwoju nowych technologii w sferze publicznej

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    The Author discusses the foundations of informatization as a process of creating a modern civil judiciary. In this regard, of particular importance are solutions improving the organization of the system of justice and introducing interactive forms of information about the law and jurisprudence of common courts. While, an example of solutions directly relating to the recognition and settlement of civil disputes in the telecommunication system is an electronic writ, regarded as a pilot proceeding, which is a first step to the introduction of the new procedures, both of examination, and executive nature. The Author also points to the prospects of inforrnatization of civil procedure, and opportunities and risks present in this area, associated primarily with the incompleteness of some solutions

    Mandatory Representation by an Attorney or Legal Counsel and Access to the Courts in Civil Cases

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    The text discusses the problem of mandatory representation by a lawyer as one of the legal solutions that are crucial for access to courts. The starting point for the author’s deliberations is the analysis of the institution of legal aid of a professional representative in litigation, which – along with other constructions – constitutes a guarantee of effective implementation of the right to court in civil matters. Against the background of these considerations, the author presents the construction of mandatory representation by a lawyer in the Polish legal system, with particular emphasis on its subjective and objective scope. These considerations are complemented by de lege ferenda conclusions, relating, among other things, to projects considered in the Polish doctrine concerning the extension of the scope of application of mandatory representation to proceedings before the court of second instance

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Out-Of-Court Resolution of Civil Disputes

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    Artykuł omawia zakres i sposoby zastosowania sztucznej inteligencji w pozasądowym rozwiązywaniu sporów cywilnym. Autorka poddaje analizie obszary, w których AI może znaleźć zastosowanie, począwszy od gromadzenia i przetwarzania danych na potrzeby procesu decyzyjnego, poprzez wspieranie mediatorów (koncyliatorów) albo arbitrów w toku postępowania, aż po rolę o wysokim stopniu samodzielności, odnoszącą się do proponowania stronom możliwych rozwiązań w toku postępowań o charakterze koncyliacyjnym, a nawet rozstrzygania sporów poprzez wydanie wiążącego strony orzeczenia w arbitrażu. W opracowaniu wskazano nie tylko szanse związane z uzupełniającą rolą AI wobec działania człowieka w tym obszarze, ale również problemy i zagrożenia dotyczące przede wszystkim słabości AI w zakresie analizy ludzkich zachowań i niuansów związanych z emocjami i motywacją człowieka w sprawach o charakterze cywilnym.The article elaborates upon the extent and ways of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the out-of-court resolution of civil disputes. The author analyses the areas in which AI may be used, ranging from collecting data and related processing for the needs of the decision-making process, through supporting mediators (conciliators) or arbitrators in the course of proceedings, to the role with a high degree of independence, referring to proposing possible solutions to the parties in the course of conciliation proceedings and even dispute settlement by issuing an arbitration binding on the parties. The study indicates not only the opportunities related to the complementary role of AI in relation to human activity in this area, but also the problems and threats related primarily to AI’s weaknesses in the scope of the analysis of human behaviour and nuances related to human emotions and motivation in civil cases

    Postępowanie odwoławcze w sprawie odwołania komornika sądowego w świetle ochrony prawa do sądu w sprawach cywilnych

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    The study presents considerations relating to the protection of the right to court of court bailiffs dismissed by decisions of the Minister of Justice pursuant to art. 19 of the Act on court bailiffs. The author presents the premises for changing the current regulation, according to which the decision to dismiss a court bailiff is appealed against to the administrative court, which, as a rule, adjudicates on the basis of the legality criterion, which limits the scope of the evidentiary proceedings. Due to the “economic” nature of the effects of a court bailiff’s dismissal, similarly to the expulsion from service on the basis of a final disciplinary decision, in this case a system of appealing against the decision of the Minister of Justice to a common court should be introduced.W opracowaniu przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące ochrony prawa do sądu komorników sądowych odwołanych w drodze decyzji Ministra Sprawiedliwości w trybie art. 19 ustawy o komornikach sądowych. Autorka omawia przesłanki zmiany obecnie obowiązującej regulacji, zgodnie z którą decyzję o odwołaniu komornika sądowego zaskarża się do sądu administracyjnego, orzekającego co do zasady w oparciu kryterium legalności, co ogranicza zakres prowadzonego postępowania dowodowego. Z uwagi na „ekonomiczny” charakter skutków odwołania komornika sądowego, podobnie jak jest to przewidziane w odniesieniu do wydalenia ze służby na podstawie prawomocnego orzeczenia dyscyplinarnego, w tym przypadku powinien zostać wprowadzony również system zaskarżenia decyzji Ministra Sprawiedliwości do sądu powszechnego

    Speed, efficiency and effectiveness of civil proceedings – basic issues

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    Autorka przedstawiła trzy podstawowe pojęcia odnoszące się do prakseologicznych aspektów przebiegu postępowania cywilnego. Pierwszym pojęciem jest szybkość postępowania jako postulat przeciwdziałania przewlekłości postępowania. Drugim pojęciem jest sprawność rozumiana jako połączenie szybkości i odpowiedniego zorganizowania czynności w toku postępowania dążącego do celu, jakim jest trafne rozstrzygnięcie sądu. Trzecim pojęciem jest efektywność, co do której zasadnicze znaczenie ma optymalne osiągnięcie tego celu przy zaangażowaniu odpowiednich kosztów.The Author presented three basic concepts related to the praxeological aspects of the course of civil proceedings. The first concept is the speed of the proceedings as a postulate counteracting the excessive length of the proceedings. The second concept is the efficiency understood as a combination of speed and proper organization of activities in the course of the proceedings aiming at a correct decision of the court. The third concept is the effectiveness, for which it is essential to achieve the goal optimally with the involvement of appropriate costs

    The state’s policy with regard to prevention of legal exclusion based on administration of justice in civil cases – selected issues

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    The Author devoted her treatise to issues of social policy in the areas of combatting legal exclusion, restricting the discussion to justice in civil matters. The Author pointed out the essence of this exclusion understood as a kind of legal exclusion and also characterized its scope in the case of the right to present one’s plea in court in civil cases. Indicating the reasons for the legal exclusion the Author pointed out the relationship between this kind of exclusion and poverty. The final element of the treatise was the analysis of solutions used by democratic countries in the fight against legal restrictions on access to court as a key example of legal exclusion

    Obligation of the debtor to disclose information about actions done with detriment to creditors

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationAutorka omawia nową konstrukcję art. 913 § 1 k.p.c., w której wprowadzono – obok obowiązku wyjawienia składników majątkowych – obowiązek informacyjny dłużnika mający podnieść efektywność dochodzenia roszczeń przez wierzycieli. W nowej treści wskazanego przepisu ustawodawca określił uprawnienie wierzyciela w zakresie żądania ujawnienia przez dłużnika informacji o odpłatnych i nieodpłatnych czynnościach prawnych dokonanych na rzecz osób trzecich, o określonej przez ustawodawcę wartości, w okresie pięcioletnim poprzedzającym wszczęcie egzekucji, w wyniku których stał się niewypłacalny albo stał się niewypłacalny w wyższym stopniu niż był przed dokonaniem czynności. Autorka dokonuje uporządkowania kwestii terminologicznych oraz wskazuje na problemy interpretacyjne, które mogą mieć znaczenie dla praktyki egzekwowania tego obowiązku.Th e Author discusses the new construction of Art. 913 section 1 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure, which introduced – apart from the obligation to disclose the assets – information obligation of the debtor to increase the eff ectiveness of pursuing claims by creditors. In the new content of this provision, the legislator defi ned the creditor’s right to request the debtor to disclose information about paid and free legal actions done to third parties with a value determined by the legislator during the fi ve year period preceding the initiation of the execution which resulted in him or her becoming insolvent or becoming insolvent to a greater degree than he or she was before the action. Th e Author arranges terminological issues and points to interpretative problems that may be relevant to the practice of enforcing this obligation

    Selected aspects of informatisation of judicial enforcement proceedings

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    Objectives The aim of the study is to present an advanced process of informatisation of court enforcement proceedings, which is a derivative of the progressive computerisation of social life. As part of the considerations presented, not only the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure relating directly to enforcement actions carried out in enforcement proceedings, but also the provisions of laws governing the profession of bailiff, will be analysed. Material and methods The study uses a dogmatic method, which is the analysis of legal texts and interpretation of the obtained legal norms to the extent necessary to determine the fundamental interpretative problems in the area of informatisation of enforcement proceedings. In turn, the analytical method refers to the examination of the achievements of civil procedural law doctrine and the case-law of the courts in relation to the solutions transferring enforcement proceedings to IT systems. Results An analysis of the current statutory provisions relating to the informatisation of judicial enforcement proceedings shows that this is a process in statu nascendi, because the instruments introduced in this regard only to a certain extent implement the postulate of optimising the use of new technologies in order to improve the efficiency of proceedings. The lack of sufficient solutions to tackle digital exclusion, with the simultaneous use of hybrid solutions, contributes to weakening trends in the deployment of new technologies. Conclusions In judicial enforcement proceedings, the informatisation of procedural and enforcement actions is introduced, both directly in relation to enforcement proceedings, as well as in the sphere of communication between the authority and participants. This makes it possible to speed up and increase the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings

    Civil and Procedural Instruments of the Consumer Protection on the Retail Electricity Market—Original Polish Model

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    In the article, the authors present the specificity of the Polish retail electricity market, shaped to a considerable extent by the provisions of European Union law. The main feature of this market is granting special legal protection to individual final customers (referred to by the legislator as “household customers”) who have obtained the status of consumers in the Polish legal system. The essence of the study is not only to analyze the subjective and quantitative aspects of this market, but, above all, to analyze the civil law measures protecting these electricity consumers. These aspects constitute a unique legal structure, which is a continuation of the administrative proceedings before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (regulatory entity). The Court of Competition and Consumer Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Court of Protection) is a specialized civil court that hears appeals against decisions of the regulatory entity, the subjects of which are actions or omissions of professional participants of the retail electricity market, which infringe the collective interests of consumers (“household customers”) as individual final customer on this market