36,274 research outputs found

    Electric field emissions of FPGA chip based on gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cell modeling and measurements

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    Modern integrated circuits (ICs) are significant sources of undesired electromagnetic wave. Therefore, characterization of chip-level emission is essential to comply with EMC tests at the product level. A Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell is a common test instrument used to measure IC radiated emission and the test cost is relatively low. Regular IC radiated emission measurements using GTEM tend to neglect some significant emission sources. Thus, this research proposed an alternative methodology to perform field measurement of the IC inside the GTEM cell in order to optimize the field measurements. This research study also attempted analysis of the overall GTEM cell performance using transmission line theory. An FPGA chip was adopted as the IC under test because of its flexibility in configuration to any digital circuit. The investigations discovered that the impact of the FPGA board supporting components and interconnection cables can be significantly reduced with appropriate shielding and grounding. The electric field predict a far distance from the FPGA chip was carried out based on the dipole moment technique. In particular, the dipole moment model emphasizing the tiny horizontal and vertical radiation elements inside the FPGA chip as Hertzian antenna and small current loop. Equations to predict the horizontal and vertical electric field were developed based on Hertzian antenna and small current loop which relate the tiny radiation sources to electric and magnetic dipole moments. The prediction was validated with 3-meter field measurements in a semi-anechoic chamber. On top of that, a spiral-like pattern was developed to obtain a correction factor for further improvement of the correlation between prediction and SAC measurement. The results revealed that the correction factor effectively reduced the gap between the prediction and measurement fields and boosted the correlation coefficient by 44%. The difference of peak values also has limited to less than 0dB after correction. These results suggest a promising finding for a future EMI test of ICs with a cheaper GTEM cell

    An Empirical Study of the Fisher Effect and the Dynamic Relation Between Nominal Interest Rate and Inflation in Singapore

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    The Fisher effect postulated that real interest rate is constant, and that nominal interest rate and expected inflation move one-for-one together. This paper employs Johansen’s method to investigate for the existence of a long-run Fisher effect in the Singapore economy over the period 1976 to 2006, and finds evidence of a positive relationship between nominal interest rate and inflation rate while rejecting the notion of a full Fisher Effect. The dynamic relationship between nominal interest rate and inflation rate is also examined from the error-correction models derived, and the analysis is extended to investigate the impulse response functions of inflation and nominal interest rates where we discover the presence of the Price Puzzle in the Singapore market.Fisher effect; Price puzzle; Singapore; interest rate; inflation; cointegration; impulse response function

    Retail Minority Shareholders and Corporate Reputation as Determinant of Dividend Policy in Australia

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    This paper investigates the influence of retail minority shareholders in the determination of corporate dividend policies of Australian companies. While retail investors are typically also minority shareholders and therefore perceived in academic literature to have limited influence on corporate dividend decisions, casual empiricism suggests the contrary. We hypothesise that corporate reputation serves as a device aligning managers’ incentives with retail minority shareholder interests, and that the propensity to manage for corporate reputation is positively related to the degree of retail shareholder base. We find empirical evidence of managers of Australian companies catering to the retail investors’ preference for dividends when setting dividend policy, even when they are minority shareholders, so long as the proportion of these retail shareholders relative to the total shareholder base is high. Our results are robust when controlled for the factors of size, profitability, financial leverage, signalling, agency costs and franking credits.Dividend policy, retail shareholders, minority shareholders, Australia, catering theory, corporate reputation

    An Empirical Study of Dividend Payout and Future Earnings in Singapore

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    This paper applies Johansen’s vector error-correction model (VECM) to investigate for the existence of the dividend signalling effect in the Singapore aggregate market through impulse response analysis, forecast error variance decomposition and granger-causality test. Our findings show that a unit shock increase in dividend payout leads to a permanent increase in future earnings over time, thus supporting the existence of informational/signalling content in dividend payout in the Singapore market over the long run. We further find that at least half of the forecast error variance in earnings can be accounted for by innovations in the dividend payout, while the payout ratio is also shown to granger-cause earnings in the Singapore market.Dividend payout, future earnings, dividend signalling, Singapore, impulse response function

    Assessing Destination Competitiveness: An Application to the Hot Springs Tourism Sector

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    This paper proposes a model to identify the factors determining the competitiveness of the hot springs tourism sector, with particular application to Taiwan. The proposed conceptual framework brings together two approaches, namely the theories of industry organization (10) and the resource-based view (RBV). The proposition underlying this framework is that destination competitiveness is achieved by the adoption of policies and strategies aligned with market opportunities, drawing upon the unique or distinctive tourism features offered by the destination. It is proposed that three major influences are evident in the case of hot springs tourism, namely Tourism Destination Resources and Attractors, Tourism Destination Strategies and Tourism Destination Environments. An evaluation is provided of the administration of a three-round Delphi survey, which was intended to validate the determinants of destination competitiveness that were derived from the literature. Drawing upon the results of the pilot study it is concluded that the development of a sector-specific model of destination competitiveness is capable of capturing the nature and characteristics of the hot springs tourism sector

    Zero-energy edge states and chiral symmetry breaking at edges of graphite sheets

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    Two-dimensional graphite sheets with a certain type of edges are known to support boundary states localized near the edges. Forming a flat band with a sharp peak in the density of states at the Fermi energy, they can trigger a magnetic instability or a distortion of the lattice in the presence of electron-electron or electron-phonon interactions. We shall discuss a relationship between chiral symmetry, which is the origin of the zero-energy edge states, and several types of induced orders such as spin density waves or lattice distortions. We also investigate electron correlation effects on the edge states for a wrapped quasi one-dimensional geometry, i.e., carbon nanotube, by means of the renormalization group and the open boundary bosonization.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of EP2DS1

    Talon cusp affecting primary dentition in two siblings: a case report

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    The term talon cusp refers to a rare developmental dental anomaly characterized by a cusp-like structure projecting from the cingulum area or cement-enamel junction. This condition can occur in the maxillary and mandibular arches of the primary and permanent dentitions. The purpose of this paper is to report on the presence of talon cusps in the primary dentition of two southern Chinese siblings. The 4 years and 2 months old girl had a talon cusp on her maxillary right primary central incisor, while her 2 years and 9 months old brother had bilateral talon cusps on the maxillary primary central incisors. The presence of this rare dental anomaly in two siblings has scarcely been reported in the literature and this may provide further evidence of a hereditary etiology.Article Link: http://www.rjme.ro/RJME/resources/files/540113211213.pd
