637 research outputs found

    Deviation of Atmospheric Mixing from Maximal and Structure in the Leptonic Flavor Sector

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    I attempt to quantify how far from maximal one should expect the atmospheric mixing angle to be given a neutrino mass-matrix that leads, at zeroth order, to a nu_3 mass-eigenstate that is 0% nu_e, 50% nu_mu, and 50% nu_tau. This is done by assuming that the solar mass-squared difference is induced by an "anarchical" first order perturbation, an approach than can naturally lead to experimentally allowed values for all oscillation parameters. In particular, both |cos 2theta_atm| (the measure for the deviation of atmospheric mixing from maximal) and |U_e3| are of order sqrt(Delta m^2_sol/Delta m^2_atm) in the case of a normal neutrino mass-hierarchy, or of order Delta m^2_sol/Delta m^2_atm in the case of an inverted one. Hence, if any of the textures analyzed here has anything to do with reality, next-generation neutrino experiments can see a nonzero cos 2theta_atm in the case of a normal mass-hierarchy, while in the case of an inverted mass-hierarchy only neutrino factories should be able to see a deviation of sin^2 2theta_atm from 1.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, references and acknowledgments adde

    Constraints on Natural MNS Parameters from |U_e3|

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    The MNS matrix structure emerging as a result of recent neutrino measurements strongly suggests two large mixing angles (solar and atmospheric) and one small angle (|U_e3| << 1). Especially when combined with the neutrino mass hierarchy, these values turn out to impose rather stringent constraints on possible flavor models connecting the three active fermion generations. Specifically, we show that an extremely small value of |U_e3| would require fine tuning of Majorana mass matrix parameters, particularly in the context of seesaw models.Comment: 21 pages, ReVTeX, 2 .eps figure files, updated references and acknowledgment

    Energy Independent Solution to the Solar Neutrino Anomaly including the SNO data

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    The global data on solar neutrino rates and spectrum, including the SNO charged current rate, can be explained by LMA, LOW or the energy independent solution -- corresponding to near-maximal mixing. All the three favour a mild upward renormalisation of the Cl rate. A mild downward shift of the BB neutrino flux is favoured by the energy independent and to a lesser extent the LOW solution, but not by LMA. Comparison with the ratio of SK elastic and SNO charged current scattering rates favours the LMA over the other two solutions, but by no more than 1.5σ1.5\sigma.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Regulatory T cells reduce acute lung injury fibroproliferation by decreasing fibrocyte recruitment

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    Acute lung injury (ALI) causes significant morbidity and mortality. Fibroproliferation in ALI results in worse outcomes, but the mechanisms governing fibroproliferation remain poorly understood. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are important in lung injury resolution. Their role in fibroproliferation is unknown. We sought to identify the role of Tregs in ALI fibroproliferation, using a murine model of lung injury. Wild-type (WT) and lymphocyte-deficient Rag-1-/- mice received intratracheal LPS. Fibroproliferationwascharacterizedby histology and the measurement of lung collagen. Lung fibrocytes were measured by flow cytometry. To dissect the role of Tregs in fibroproliferation, Rag-1-/- mice received CD4 +CD25+ (Tregs) or CD4+ CD25- Tcells (non-Tregs) at the time of LPS injury. To define the role of the chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 (CXCL12)-CXCR4 pathway in ALI fibroproliferation, Rag-1-/- mice were treated with the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 to block fibrocyte recruitment. WT and Rag-1-/- mice demonstrated significant collagen deposition on Day 3 after LPS. WT mice exhibited the clearance of collagen, but Rag-1-/- mice developed persistent fibrosis. This fibrosis was mediated by the sustained epithelial expression of CXCL12 (or stromal cell-derived factor 1 [SDF-1]) that led to increased fibrocyte recruitment. The adoptive transfer of Tregs resolved fibroproliferation by decreasing CXCL12 expression and subsequent fibrocyte recruitment. Blockade of the CXCL12-CXCR4 axis with AMD3100 also decreased lung fibrocytes and fibroproliferation. These results indicate a central role for Tregs in the resolution of ALI fibroproliferation by reducing fibrocyte recruitment along the CXCL12-CXCR4 axis. A dissection of the role of Tregs in ALI fibroproliferation may inform the design of new therapeutic tools for patients with ALI

    Lepton Flavor Violation and the Origin of the Seesaw Mechanism

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    The right--handed neutrino mass matrix that is central to the understanding of small neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism can arise either (i) from renormalizable operators or (ii) from nonrenormalizable or super-renormalizable operators, depending on the symmetries and the Higgs content of the theory beyond the Standard Model. In this paper, we study lepton flavor violating (LFV) effects in the first class of seesaw models wherein the \nu_R Majorana masses arise from renormalizable Yukawa couplings involving a B-L = 2 Higgs field. We present detailed predictions for \tau -> \mu + \gamma and \mu -> e + \gamma branching ratios in these models taking the current neutrino oscillation data into account. Focusing on minimal supergravity models, we find that for a large range of MSSM parameters suggested by the relic abundance of neutralino dark matter and that is consistent with Higgs boson mass and other constraints, these radiative decays are in the range accessible to planned experiments. We compare these predictions with lepton flavor violation in the second class of models arising entirely from the Dirac Yukawa couplings. We study the dependence of the ratio r \equiv B(\mu -> e+\gamma)/B(\tau ->\mu +\gamma) on the MSSM parameters and show that measurement of r can provide crucial insight into the origin of the seesaw mechanism.Comment: 20 pages, Revtex, 7 figure

    Regulatory T cell DNA methyltransferase inhibition accelerates resolution of lung inflammation

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common and often fatal inflammatory lung condition without effective targeted therapies. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) resolve lung inflammation, but mechanisms that enhance Tregs to promote resolution of established damage remain unknown. DNA demethylation at the forkhead box protein 3 (Foxp3) locus and other key Treg loci typify the Treg lineage. To test how dynamic DNA demethylation affects lung injury resolution, we administered the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (DAC) to wild-type (WT) mice beginning 24 hours after intratracheal LPS-induced lung injury. Mice that received DAC exhibited accelerated resolution of their injury. Lung CD4+CD25hi Foxp3+ Tregs from D AC-treated WT mice increased in number and displayed enhanced Foxp3 expression, activation state, suppressive phenotype, and proliferative capacity. Lymphocyte-deficient recombinase activating gene-1-null mice and Treg-depleted (diphtheria toxin-treated Foxp3DTR) mice did not resolve their injury in response to DAC. Adoptive transfer of 2 ×105 DAC-treated, but not vehicle-treated, exogenous Tregs rescued Treg-deficient mice from ongoing lung inflammation. In addition, in WT mice with influenza-induced lung inflammation, DAC rescue treatment facilitated recovery of their injury and promoted an increase in lung Treg number. Thus, DNA methyltransferase inhibition, at least in part, augments Treg number and function to accelerate repair of experimental lung injury. Epigenetic pathways represent novel manipulable targets for the treatment of ARDS

    Leptogenesis and Neutrino Oscillations Within A Predictive G(224)/SO(10)-Framework

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    A framework based on an effective symmetry that is either G(224)= SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R xSU(4)^c or SO(10) has been proposed (a few years ago) that successfully describes the masses and mixings of all fermions including neutrinos, with seven predictions, in good accord with the data. Baryogenesis via leptogenesis is considered within this framework by allowing for natural phases (~ 1/20-1/2) in the entries of the Dirac and Majorana mass-matrices. It is shown that the framework leads quite naturally, for both thermal as well as non-thermal leptogenesis, to the desired magnitude for the baryon asymmetry. This result is obtained in full accord with the observed features of the atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations, as well as with those of the quark and charged lepton masses and mixings, and the gravitino-constraint. Hereby one obtains a unified description of fermion masses, neutrino oscillations and baryogenesis (via leptogenesis) within a single predictive framework.Comment: Efficiency factor updated, some clarifications and new references added. 19 page

    Macrophage A2A adenosinergic receptor modulates oxygen-induced augmentation of murine lung injury

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) causes significant morbidity and mortality. Exacerbating factors increasing the risk of ARDS remain unknown. Supplemental oxygen is oftennecessary inbothmild and severe lung disease. The potential effects of supplemental oxygen may include augmentation of lung inflammation by inhibiting antiinflammatory pathways in alveolar macrophages. We sought to determine oxygen- derived effects on the anti-inflammatory A2A adenosinergic (ADORA2A) receptor in macrophages, and the role of the ADORA2A receptor in lung injury. Wild-type (WT) and ADORA2A-/- mice received intratracheal lipopolysaccharide (IT LPS), followed 12 hours later by continuous exposure to 21% oxygen (control mice) or 60% oxygenfor1to3days. Wemeasuredthephenotypic endpoints of lung injury and the alveolarmacrophage inflammatory state.We tested an ADORA2A-specific agonist, CGS-21680 hydrochloride, in LPS plus oxygen-exposed WT and ADORA2A-/- mice. We determined the specific effects of myeloid ADORA2A, using chimera experiments. Compared with WT mice, ADORA2A-/- mice exposed to IT LPS and 60%oxygen demonstrated significantly more histologic lung injury, alveolar neutrophils, and protein. Macrophages from ADORA2A-/- mice exposedto LPS plus oxygen expressed higher concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines and cosignaling molecules. CGS- 21680 prevented the oxygen-induced augmentation of lung injury after LPS only in WT mice. Chimera experiments demonstrated that the transfer of WT but not ADORA2A-/- bone marrow cells into irradiated ADORA2A-/- mice reduced lung injury after LPS plus oxygen, demonstrating myeloid ADORA2A protection. ADORA2A is protective against lung injury after LPS and oxygen. Oxygen after LPS increases macrophage activation to augment lung injury by inhibiting the ADORA2A pathway

    Phenomenology of flavor-mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    The phenomenology of a new economical SUSY model that utilizes dynamical SUSY breaking and gauge-mediation (GM) for the generation of the sparticle spectrum and the hierarchy of fermion masses is discussed. Similarities between the communication of SUSY breaking through a messenger sector, and the generation of flavor using the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism are exploited, leading to the identification of vector-like messenger fields with FN fields, and the messenger U(1) as a flavor symmetry. An immediate consequence is that the first and second generation scalars acquire flavor-dependent masses, but do not violate FCNC bounds since their mass scale, consistent with effective SUSY, is of order 10 TeV. We define and advocate a minimal flavor-mediated model (MFMM), recently introduced in the literature, that successfully accommodates the small flavor-breaking parameters of the standard model using order one couplings and ratios of flavon field vevs. The mediation of SUSY breaking occurs via two-loop log-enhanced GM contributions, as well as several one-loop and two-loop Yukawa-mediated contributions for which we provide analytical expressions. The MFMM is parameterized by a small set of masses and couplings, with values restricted by several model constraints and experimental data. The next-to-lightest sparticle (NLSP) always has a decay length that is larger than the scale of a detector, and is either the lightest stau or the lightest neutralino. Similar to ordinary GM models, the best collider search strategies are, respectively, inclusive production of at least one highly ionizing track, or events with many taus plus missing energy. In addition, D^0 - \bar{D}^0 mixing is also a generic low energy signal. Finally, the dynamical generation of the neutrino masses is briefly discussed.Comment: 54 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure

    Measurement of the Charged Multiplicities in b, c and Light Quark Events from Z0 Decays

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    Average charged multiplicities have been measured separately in bb, cc and light quark (u,d,su,d,s) events from Z0Z^0 decays measured in the SLD experiment. Impact parameters of charged tracks were used to select enriched samples of bb and light quark events, and reconstructed charmed mesons were used to select cc quark events. We measured the charged multiplicities: nˉuds=20.21±0.10(stat.)±0.22(syst.)\bar{n}_{uds} = 20.21 \pm 0.10 (\rm{stat.})\pm 0.22(\rm{syst.}), nˉc=21.28±0.46(stat.)−0.36+0.41(syst.)\bar{n}_{c} = 21.28 \pm 0.46(\rm{stat.}) ^{+0.41}_{-0.36}(\rm{syst.}) nˉb=23.14±0.10(stat.)−0.37+0.38(syst.)\bar{n}_{b} = 23.14 \pm 0.10(\rm{stat.}) ^{+0.38}_{-0.37}(\rm{syst.}), from which we derived the differences between the total average charged multiplicities of cc or bb quark events and light quark events: Δnˉc=1.07±0.47(stat.)−0.30+0.36(syst.)\Delta \bar{n}_c = 1.07 \pm 0.47(\rm{stat.})^{+0.36}_{-0.30}(\rm{syst.}) and Δnˉb=2.93±0.14(stat.)−0.29+0.30(syst.)\Delta \bar{n}_b = 2.93 \pm 0.14(\rm{stat.})^{+0.30}_{-0.29}(\rm{syst.}). We compared these measurements with those at lower center-of-mass energies and with perturbative QCD predictions. These combined results are in agreement with the QCD expectations and disfavor the hypothesis of flavor-independent fragmentation.Comment: 19 pages LaTex, 4 EPS figures, to appear in Physics Letters
