1,485 research outputs found

    Bourgeois community.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. Thesis. 1972. M.Arch.MICROFICHE COPY ALSO AVAILABLE IN ROTCH LIBRARY.M.Arch

    Diraya.media—learning media literacy with and from media activists

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    Taking stock of media activist initiatives in the Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region, this article discusses findings from case study research informing the media education platform “diraya.media.” Through participatory methodology, the case studies and the bilingual (Arabic/English) website aim to analyze and strengthen local media literacy pedagogies by learning with and from media activists in the region. This article reports on six case studies of SWANA-based media activist organizations and pedagogical material for the media literacy classroom. The goal is to reflect and discuss the methodological and theoretical ramifications of Diraya as a pedagogical space for reflection and knowledge exchange between media activists and other learners in the region and beyond. Drawing on the participating activists’ experiences, Diraya is embedded in the turn toward radical media education and civic media literacies, contributing to (1) de-Westernizing media literacy education, (2) creating more learning materials based on local activist knowledge as important resources to increase media literacy, and (3) enabling of long-term collaborations by archiving and making public experiences from SWANA-based media activists

    Magnetically driven preparation of 1-D nano-necklaces capable of MRI relaxation enhancement

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    We report a novel magnetically-facilitated approach to produce 1-D ‘nano-necklace’ arrays composed of 0-D magnetic nanoparticles, which are assembled and coated with an oxide layer to produce semiflexible core@shell type structures. These ‘nano-necklaces’ demonstrate good MRI relaxation properties despite their coating and permanent alignment, with low field enhancement due to structural and magnetocrystalline anisotropy

    Working Toward Social Justice: Center for Research on Minority Health Summer Workshop on Health Disparities

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    Health disparities research encompasses a complex web of areas of cross-disciplinary expertise from fields such as health policy, public health, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, communications, genetics, biology, environmental science, ethics, and law. Dissemination of health disparities research is paramount to educating and training professionals, academics, community leaders, students and others about the subject area, and providing them with the necessary tools to affect change and eliminate health disparities. This paper chronicles the development of a unique health disparities and social justice research educational program held annually by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Center for Research on Minority Health. The program is composed of a college semester course and summer workshop, which in the past five years, has become a preeminent program in the United States. The program's impetus, premise, evaluation, and future directions are discussed

    Collaboration for the Internationalization of Research and Development: Opportunities for Colombia in the Post-Pandemic Term

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    Within the new world scenario, the internationalization of science, technology and innovation represents a fast track for the development of nations and the solution of the global challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda. The above reflects on the importance of science and technology as determining factors to promote sustainable development and especially to overcome any scenario of health and economic crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has promoted the creation of programs that are in favor of investment in human resources and infrastructure to strengthen local capacities, long-term financing for the development of scientific and technological projects, as well as the implementation of new mechanisms that favor the institutionalization of science, technology and innovation policies

    Estado del arte de la movilidad académica estudiantil internacional en las instituciones del Nodo Caribe de la Red Colombiana para la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior

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    El presente artículo compila los resultados de una encuesta sobre movilidad académica estudiantil internacional entrante y saliente realizada en instituciones adscritas al Nodo Caribe de la Red Colombiana para la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior (RCI). La encuesta tuvo como finalidad recopilar información relevante sobre la movilidad académica internacional de los estudiantes en las Instituciones en la Región Caribe Colombiana. Esta encuesta se realizó en el marco de una estrategia de identificación de fortalezas, debilidades, tendencias, incentivos y potencialidades del Nodo Caribe de la RCI, con fines de autoevaluación y mejoramiento del proceso de movilidad académica estudiantil. Se analiza igualmente la estructura de gestión que apoya los procesos de movilidad al interior de las instituciones. Palabras clave: movilidad académica internacional, buenas prácticas de movilidad, incentivos de movilidad académica

    Factors affecting consistency and accuracy in identifying modern macroperforate planktonic foraminifera

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    Planktonic foraminifera are widely used in biostratigraphic, palaeoceanographic and evolutionary studies, but the strength of many study conclusions could be weakened if taxonomic identifications are not reproducible by different workers. In this study, to assess the relative importance of a range of possible reasons for among-worker disagreement in identification, 100 specimens of 26 species of macroperforate planktonic foraminifera were selected from a core-top site in the subtropical Pacific Ocean. Twenty-three scientists at different career stages – including some with only a few days experience of planktonic foraminifera – were asked to identify each specimen to species level, and to indicate their confidence in each identification. The participants were provided with a species list and had access to additional reference materials. We use generalised linear mixed-effects models to test the relevance of three sets of factors in identification accuracy: participant-level characteristics (including experience), species-level characteristics (including a participant’s knowledge of the species) and specimen-level characteristics (size, confidence in identification). The 19 less experienced scientists achieve a median accuracy of 57 %, which rises to 75 % for specimens they are confident in. For the 4 most experienced participants, overall accuracy is 79 %, rising to 93 % when they are confident. To obtain maximum comparability and ease of analysis, everyone used a standard microscope with only 35× magnification, and each specimen was studied in isolation. Consequently, these data provide a lower limit for an estimate of consistency. Importantly, participants could largely predict whether their identifications were correct or incorrect: their own assessments of specimen-level confidence and of their previous knowledge of species concepts were the strongest predictors of accuracy

    Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for the Cape Gooseberry Physalis peruviana

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    Physalis peruviana, commonly known as Cape gooseberry, is an Andean Solanaceae fruit with high nutritional value and interesting medicinal properties. In the present study we report the development and characterization of microsatellite loci from a P. peruviana commercial Colombian genotype. We identified 932 imperfect and 201 perfect Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) loci in untranslated regions (UTRs) and 304 imperfect and 83 perfect SSR loci in coding regions from the assembled Physalis peruviana leaf transcriptome. The UTR SSR loci were used for the development of 162 primers for amplification. The efficiency of these primers was tested via PCR in a panel of seven P. peruviana accessions including Colombia, Kenya and Ecuador ecotypes and one closely related species Physalis floridana. We obtained an amplification rate of 83% and a polymorphic rate of 22%. Here we report the first P. peruviana specific microsatellite set, a valuable tool for a wide variety of applications, including functional diversity, conservation and improvement of the species