1,315 research outputs found
Introduction: The Relative Role of the EU Nation States Vis a Vis the EU Compared to the Roles of States/Provinces in U.S./Canada Vis a Vis Federal Governments
European Union and nation states, federalism--Canada, federalism--United State
Without Nuremberg—What?
One of the difficulties in comparing Nuremberg to its modern descendents is that the Nuremberg Trials were conducted under ideal conditions. Germany and Italy had unconditionally surrendered and the defendants were already in the custody of and under the control of the victorious powers, as was the enormous amount of incriminating documentary evidence. The world’s nation states as a whole endorsed the trials, and the daily press coverage made its proceedings transparent to and understandable by the general public, including the Germans.
The modern war crimes tribunals have not been conducted under the same ideal circumstances. Major powers on the United Nations (“U.N.”) Security Council have not given their unstinted support, particularly when they deem their self-interests are at stake. Financial short-falls have hampered the gathering of evidence and the apprehension of indicted defendants, both tasks which have been made even more difficult by uncooperative local governments. And sparse media coverage, with the exception of “superstar” defendants like Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein, has resulted in apathy, misunderstandings, opposition, and proceedings wholly unknown to the victims. Still, these courts have implemented the Nuremberg principles and have even expanded on the crimes over which they have jurisdiction to now include rape, sexual violence, and the forced use of children as soldiers. In spite of the imperfections, they are carrying on the legacy of Nuremberg.
Nuremberg was designed to replace the Law of Force with the Force of Law. This was, indeed, a revolutionary concept
Introduction: Comparative Tax Aspects of Technological Change in the Canda/U.S. Context: The Total Tax Burden on People and Corporations: U.S. Vis-a-Vis Canada
The Impact of Technological Change in the Canada/U.S. Contex
Opening Remarks
TesisHuarazEscuela Académico Profesional de AdministraciónGestión de OrganizacionesLa investigación tiene por finalidad: Determinar la relación que existe entre la entre la
gestión administrativa y las contrataciones públicas de ejecución de obras de la
Municipalidad Provincial Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald – 2018, dentro de los lineamientos del
método científico se encuentra dentro del enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental –
Correlacional y de alcance temporal transversal. Trabajo con una población censal
conformada por 30 trabajadores, obtenida mediante un muestreo no probabilístico, a quienes
se les aplico la técnica de la encuesta y su instrumento el cuestionario, relacionado a las
variables en investigación, las cuales tuvieron que pasar por un proceso de validez y
confiabilidad antes de su aplicación, llegando a concluir: La gestión administrativa se
relaciona de manera significativa (r = 0.728; sig. = 0.000) con las contrataciones públicas de
ejecución de obras de la Municipalidad Provincial Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald – 2018, dando
a conocer que la gestión administrativa que se realiza por parte de la municipalidad tiene
mucho que ver con la capacidad para contratar y ejecutar obras, por otro lado, se logró
comprobar la hipótesis de investigación y se rechazó la hipótesis nula
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