14 research outputs found

    Genomic signature of trait-­associated variants

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    Genome-­‐wide association studies have been used extensively to study hundreds of phenotypes and have determined thousands of associated SNPs whose underlying biology and causation is as yet largely unknown. Many previous studies attempted to clarify the causal biology by investigating overlaps of trait-­‐ associated variants with functional annotations, but lacked statistical rigor and examined incomplete subsets of available functional annotations. Additionally, it has been difficult to disentangle the relative contributions of different annotations that may show strong correlations with one another. In this thesis, we address these shortcomings and strengthen and extend the obtained results. Two methods, permutations and logistic regression, are applied in statistically rigorous analyses of genomic annotations and their observed enrichment or depletion of trait-­‐associated SNPs. The genomic annotations range from genic regions and regulatory features to measures of conservation and aspects of chromatin structure. Logistic regressions in a number of trait-­‐specific subsets identify genomic annotations influencing SNPs associated with both normal variation (e.g., eye or hair colour) and diseases, suggesting some generalities in the biological underpinnings of phenotypes. SNPs associated with phenotypes of the immune system are investigated and the results highlight the distinct aetiology for this subset. Despite the heterogeneity of the studied cancers, SNPs associated to different cancers are particularly enriched for conserved regions, unlike all other trait-­‐subsets. Nonetheless, chromatin states are, perhaps surprisingly, among the most influential genomic annotations in all trait-­‐ subsets. Evolutionary conserved regions are rarely within the top genomic annotations despite their widespread use in prioritisation methods for follow-­‐ up studies. We identify a common set of enriched or depleted genomic annotations that significantly influence all traits, but also highlight trait-­‐specific differences. These annotations may be used for the computational prioritisation of variants implicated in phenotypes of interest. The approaches developed for this thesis are further applied to studies of a specific human complex trait (height) and gene expression in atherosclerosis

    Internetbezogene Störungen im Jugendalter : Diagnosen, Risiken und Hilfsangebote

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    Mit der zunehmenden Relevanz des Internets in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten geht auch die Gefahr einer dysfunktionalen, suchtartigen Nutzung von verschiedenen Internetanwendungen und insbesondere von digitalen Spielen einher. Jugendliche sind von Internetbezogenen Störungen (IbS) in besonderem Maße betroffen. Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet in vier Einzelstudien einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung offener Forschungsfragen auf dem Gebiet der IbS. Studie 1 setzt sich damit auseinander, ob und inwiefern die Aufnahme der „Gaming Disorder“ in die Neuauflage der internationalen Klassifikation der Krankheiten der WHO (ICD-11) gerechtfertigt ist und kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die neue Diagnose sowohl fĂŒr die Forschung als auch fĂŒr die klinische Praxis mehr Vor- als Nachteile bietet. Der Gefahr einer Überpathologisierung und Stigmatisierung kann durch eine grĂŒndliche Diagnosestellung durch geschulte Fachpersonen begegnet werden. Studie 2 untersucht schulbezogene Risikofaktoren von IbS. Dazu wurden N=418 Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im Alter von 11 bis 21 Jahren, die vorab auf ein erhöhtes Risiko fĂŒr IbS gescreent wurden, per Fragebogen nach ihrem Internetnutzungsverhalten, nach IbS-Symptomen, nach Schulnoten und Fehltagen, nach ihrem Lern- und Sozialverhalten sowie nach Prokrastinationstendenzen befragt. Die Daten entstammen dem ersten Messzeitpunkt der PROTECT-Studie (Professioneller Umgang mit technischen Medien). Aufgrund der hierarchischen Datenstruktur wurde zur Analyse ein Mehrebenenansatz gewĂ€hlt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Online-Zeit, vermehrtes Gaming und Prokrastination auf der Individualebene sowie Sozialverhalten auf der Schulebene Symptome einer IbS vorhersagen. Studie 3 und Studie 4 befassen sich mit der PrĂ€vention von IbS. Studie 3 gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber den internationalen Stand der Forschung im Bereich der PrĂ€vention und FrĂŒhintervention und stellt die derzeit verfĂŒgbaren deutschsprachigen PrĂ€ventionsprogramme vor. WĂ€hrend in den westlichen LĂ€ndern vor allem gruppenbasierte, verhaltensorientierte Programme zur Anwendung kommen, werden im ostasiatischen Raum auch verhĂ€ltnisprĂ€ventive Maßnahmen eingesetzt, wie etwa SpielzeitbeschrĂ€nkungen fĂŒr MinderjĂ€hrige. In Deutschland sind derzeit 12 PrĂ€ventionsprogramme fĂŒr IbS verfĂŒgbar. FĂŒr zwei dieser Programme wurde die Wirksamkeit in randomisiert-kontrollierten Studien nachgewiesen. Studie 4 ist eine dieser Untersuchungen. Sie stellt die Ergebnisse der WirksamkeitsprĂŒfung fĂŒr das von unserer Arbeitsgruppe entwickelte PROTECT-PrĂ€ventionsprogramm dar. Dazu wurden N=422 SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler, die vorab auf ein erhöhtes Risiko fĂŒr IbS gescreent wurden, nach Clustern (Schulen) randomisiert in eine Interventions- und eine Beobachtungsgruppe eingeteilt. WĂ€hrend in der Interventionsgruppe das kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisch orientierte 4-wöchige PROTECT-Programm in Kleingruppen durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, fĂŒllten die Teilnehmenden der Beobachtungsgruppe lediglich zu vier Messzeitpunkten (vor und nach der Intervention, nach 4 Monaten und nach 12 Monaten) diagnostische Fragebögen zur Soziodemografie, zur Internetnutzung, zur IbS-Symptomatik, zu komorbiden psychischen Störungen, zur Emotionsregulation, zum Sozial- und Lernverhalten, zu Prokrastinationstendenzen sowie zum SelbstwertgefĂŒhl aus. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen eine Reduktion der IbSSymptomatik in beiden Gruppen. Die Reduktion ist jedoch in der Interventionsgruppe signifikant stĂ€rker, was fĂŒr die Wirksamkeit des PROTECT-Programms spricht. Die Ergebnisse von Studie 1-4 ergĂ€nzen bisherige Forschungsbefunde zu IbS im Bereich der Diagnostik, Entstehung und PrĂ€vention

    School-Related Risk Factors of Internet Use Disorders

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    A growing body of research focusing on the risk factors of Internet use disorder (IUD) underlines the effect of sociodemographic variables like age and gender or comorbid mental disorders on IUD symptoms. The relation between IUD symptoms and school-related variables has to date been insufficiently studied. The present study closes this gap by investigating the relation between school-relevant factors such as absenteeism, school grades, procrastination, school-related social behavior, and learning behavior and IUD symptoms in a high-risk sample. n = 418 students between 11 and 21 years of age (M = 15.10, SD = 1.97), screened for elevated risk of IUD, participated in the study. Sociodemographic data, school grades and absent days, Internet use variables (time spent online and gaming), as well as school-related psychological variables (procrastination, learning behavior, and social behavior) were assessed via self-report questionnaires. IUD symptoms were assessed with an adapted version of the German Video Game Dependency Scale (CSAS), which is based on the 9 criteria for Internet gaming disorder in the DSM-5. The instrument was adapted to include the assessment of non-gaming IUD symptoms. Taking the hierarchical structure of the data into account, a multilevel modeling approach was used to analyze the data. Procrastination, time spent online, and gaming were significant predictors of IUD symptoms at the individual level, whereas social behavior significantly predicted symptoms of IUD at the school level. In addition to previous findings on risk factors of IUD, this study indicates the importance of school-related factors in the development of IUD, especially psychological factors that play a role in the school setting. The early age of IUD onset and the high relevance of prevention of IUD at the school age underline the relevance of this finding

    Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy-based intervention in preventing gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder in adolescents: a cluster randomized clinical trial.

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    Question: Is manualized cognitive behavioral therapy–based indicated prevention effective in reducing symptoms of gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder and rates of these disorders in at-risk high school students? Findings: In this cluster randomized clinical trial of 422 at-risk adolescents with gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder, the PROTECT (Professioneller Umgang mit technischen Medien [Professional Use of Technical Media]) intervention group had a significantly greater reduction in symptoms over 12 months compared with the assessment-only control group (39.8% vs 27.7%). Differences in incidence rates did not reach significance. Meaning: Findings of this trial indicate that the PROTECT intervention in high schools is effective in reducing symptoms of gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder

    Vcam‐1 target in non‐invasive imaging for the detection of atherosclerotic plaques

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    Atherosclerosis is a progressive chronic arterial disease characterised by atheromatous plaque formation in the intima of the arterial wall. Several invasive and non‐invasive imaging techniques have been developed to detect and characterise atherosclerosis in the vessel wall: anatomic/structural imaging, functional imaging and molecular imaging. In molecular imaging, vascular cell adhesion molecule‐1 (VCAM‐1) is a promising target for the non‐invasive detection of atherosclerosis and for the assessment of novel antiatherogenic treatments. VCAM‐1 is an adhesion molecule expressed on the activated endothelial surface that binds leucocyte ligands and therefore promotes leucocyte adhesion and transendothelial migration. Hence, for several years, there has been an increase in molecular imaging methods for detecting VCAM‐1 in MRI, PET, SPECT, optical imaging and ultrasound. The use of microparticles of iron oxide (MPIO), ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO), microbubbles, echogenic immunoliposomes, peptides, nanobodies and other nanoparticles has been described. However, these approaches have been tested in animal models, and the remaining challenge is bench-to‐bedside development and clinical applicability.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    CELEB : une batterie d'évaluation de la reconnaissance des visages célÚbres et de l'accÚs aux noms propres

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    Dans cet article, nous proposons un nouvel outil de diagnostic des troubles de reconnaissance des visages et de dĂ©nomination des noms propres. L’objectif de cette batterie est triple : 1) fournir un outil d’évaluation permettant de calculer un score de reconnaissance visuelle et un score de dĂ©nomination qui soient indĂ©pendants l’un de l’autre et donc d’obtenir un profil diffĂ©renciĂ© de performances ; 2) Ă©laborer une Ă©preuve qui prenne en compte les connaissances mĂ©diatiques des participants ; 3) mettre Ă  disposition un outil informatisĂ© facile d’utilisation et qui enregistre les temps de rĂ©ponse des participants. Nous prĂ©sentons la procĂ©dure d’élaboration et de passation de l’outil ainsi que les rĂ©sultats de la normalisation sur un Ă©chantillon de 240 participants. Par ailleurs, des analyses complĂ©mentaires dĂ©montrent que l’outil peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© dans toute la francophonie (Belgique, France, Suisse) et que celui-ci est sensible dans le diagnostic clinique de patients cĂ©rĂ©bro-lĂ©sĂ©s

    Infiltration of FoxP3+ Regulatory T Cells is a Strong and Independent Prognostic Factor in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas (HNSCC) are characterized by a large heterogeneity in terms of the location and risk factors. For a few years now, immunotherapy seems to be a promising approach in the treatment of these cancers, but a better understanding of the immune context could allow to offer a personalized treatment and thus probably increase the survival of HNSCC patients. In this context, we evaluated the infiltration of FoxP3+ Tregs on 205 human formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded HNSCC and we assessed its prognostic value compared to other potential prognostic factors, including HPV infection. First, we found a positive correlation of FoxP3+ Treg infiltration between the intra-tumoral (IT) and the stromal (ST) compartments of the tumors (p < 0.0001). A high infiltration of these cells in both compartments was associated with longer recurrence-free (ST, RFS, p = 0.007; IT, RFS, p = 0.019) and overall survivals (ST, OS, p = 0.002; ST, OS, p = 0.002) of HNSCC patients. Early tumor stage (OS, p = 0.002) and differentiated tumors (RFS, p = 0.022; OS, p = 0.043) were also associated with favorable prognoses. Multivariate analysis revealed that FoxP3+ Treg stromal infiltration, tumor stage and histological grade independently influenced patient prognosis. In conclusion, the combination of these three markers seem to be an interesting prognostic signature for HNSCC