21 research outputs found

    Interaksi Masyarakat Keturunan Arab dengan Masyarakat Setempat di Pekalongan

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    Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengeksplorasi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat di Kelurahan Klego Kota Pekalongan serta mengetahui faktor pendorong dan penghambat terjadinya interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat dengan intensitas dan kegiatan kebudayaan tertentu. Faktor pendukung terjadinya interaksi adalah adanya perkawinan campuran, terutama pada masyarakat keturunan Arab non-sayyid, dengan masyarakat setempat serta adanya kerjasama dalam bidang perdagangan. Sedangkan faktor penghambat terjadinya proses interaksi adalah adanya prasangka dan stereotip pada masyarakat keturunan Arab yang merasa masyarakat setempat kurang Islami, sebaliknya masyarakat setempat merasa masyarakat keturunan Arab itu sombong. Keturunan Arab yang tinggal di Kelurahan Klego terdiri dari golongan sayyid dan golongan non-sayyid. Keturunan Arab dari golongan non-sayyid sudah dapat berbaur dengan masyarakat setempat sedangkan keturunan Arab dari golongan sayyid belum berbaur dengan masyarakat non-Arab. Masyarakat keturunan Arab memiliki simbol-simbol seperti bahasa, pakaian, bangunan yang sangat mempengaruhi interaksi antara masyarakat keturunan Arab dengan masyarakat setempat. In this study, the author explores the interaction between people of Arab descent and the local people in the village of Klego Pekalongan city and also the factors that drive and inhibit the interaction between them. This study uses qualitative methods. The technique of collecting data are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results show that there is a pattern of interaction between people of Arab descent with the local people. Factors supporting the occurrence of interactions are the presence of mixed marriages, especially in the Arab non-sayyid descent, with the local community as well as the cooperation in the field of trade. While the factors inhibiting the interaction process is the existence of prejudice and stereotypes of people of Arab descent at a local community as less Islami. On the other hand, the local people feel that people of Arab descent are exclusive. The Arab descent living in the Village Klego consists of groups and classes of non-sayyid and sayyid. Arab descent from the class of non-sayyid are able to mingle with the local people, whereas Arab descent of sayyid cannot mingle with non-Arab communities. Society of Arab descent has symbols such as language, clothing, and building that strongly influence the interaction of people of Arab descent with the local community

    The Role of Spiritual Care Toward Motivation of Healing to Elderly Patients

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    Elderly age is a person or population aged 60 years and over. Elderly undergo a process of decline of the body functions either biological, psychological and social functions, so that that condition may cause various problems, one of those problem is decreasing function of the body. During suffering illness, elderly patients in hospiritualtal need to get the attention not only on the biological aspect, but also the other aspects. The interventions that can be given to elderly patients in hospiritualtals to achieve the optimal quality of life by giving motivation of healing through spiritual care by the spiritualritual officers. The objective of this research was to analyze the correlation between the role of spiritual care and motivation of healing to elderly patients at Ward Kediri Baptist Hospiritualtal. The design used in this research was cross sectional. The populations were all employees of the spiritual department in hospiritualtal and elderly patients at ward kediri baptist hospiritualtal. The samples were 80 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The independent variable in this research was the role of spiritual care, and the dependent variable was the motivation of healing. The data was collected using observation and questionnaire to elderly patients as respondents, then analyzed using Spearman\u27s Rho test with significance level Ī± ā‰¤ 0,05. The result of this research showed that statistical test of Spearman\u27s Rho got value Ļ = 0.000 which means that ho was rejected and ha was accepted with correlation coefficient 0.574. The conclusion of the research, there was the correlation between the role of spiritual care and motivation of healing to elderly patients at Ward Kediri Baptist Hospiritualtal

    Pengaruh Suhu Vulkanisasi Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Vulkanisat Karet Alam Dan Karet Akrilonitril-butadiena

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    Natural and acrylonitrile-butadiene rubbers possess different vulcanization characteristics. Selection of the vulcanization system and temperature affects the mechanical properties of vulcanized natural rubber (NR) and acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR). In the present work, the effect of vulcanization temperature (150, 160, 170 and 180oC) on the mechanical properties of NR and NBR vulcanizates was studied. The effect of different vulcanization system (semi efficient, efficient and sulfur donor) was studied in NR blends, while the effect of different acrylonitrile content (26, 28 and 33 wt %) was studied in NBR blends. The NBR curing characteristics and mechanical properties data showed that vulcanization at low temperature (150oC) was suitable for low acrylonitrile-NBR, whereas that at high temperature (170oC) was suitable for high acrylonitrile-NBR. In addition, the semi efficient system at low temperature vulcanization (150oC) was suitable for natural rubber

    Pengaruh Frekuensi Penyemprotan dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair pada Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh frekuensi penyemprotan pupuk organik cair pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat, mengetahui pengaruh pemberian konsentrasi pupuk organik cair pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat, dan mengetahui interaksi antara frekuensi penyemprotan dan pemberian konsentrasi pupuk organik cair pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jatiagung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dari bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2012. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan kelompok teracak sempurna (RKTS) yang disusun secara faktorial (3Ɨ3) dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah frekuensi penyempotan pupuk organik cair yang terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu empat hari sekali, tujuh hari sekali, dan sepuluh hari sekali. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi pupuk oganik cair yang terdiri dari 1 ml l-1 air, 5 ml l-1 air dan 9 ml l-1 air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi penyemprotan pupuk organik cair tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap semua variabel pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat, pemberian pupuk organik cair dengan konsentrasi 5 ml l-1 air lebih meningkatkan bobot buah per tanaman, bobot buah per petak, jumlah buah per tanaman, dan jumlah buah per petak, dan tidak terdapat interaksi antara frekuensi penyemprotan dan pemberian konsentrasi pupuk organik cair terhadap variabel pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tomat

    TRUE SHALLOT ( Allium cepa var ascalonicum ) SEED PRODUCTION DURING OFF SEASON

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    The application of seed for true shallot cultivation is an alternative of the more common cultivation practice, in which 30% of harvested tubers used for cultivation purposes. The seed production of this temperate tuber, in the tropical region, is quite challenging due to low flowers and seed formation. Several studies showed that vernalization (cold induction) and application of Benzil Amino Purin (BAP) could be applied to improve flowering and seed production. However, such studies were conducted during the best cultivation period for about 3 months and thus, limit the production period of seeds. This study was conducted to observe the effect of both methods outside cultivation periods to flower and capsule numbers, fruit set, and weight of 100 seeds compared with common cultivation. In this study, bulbs of onion vernalized at 10oC for 30 days then became subjected to synthetic hormone (BAP) prior planted while control group The results showed that BAP treated shallot group has the lowest values for all observed parameters (1552.67, 312.11, 22.5%, 0.2244 gram) compared to those vernalization treated group (1592.44, 623, 30.5%; 0.2261 gram) and control group (6774.67; 3898.44; 57.06%; 0.3304 gram). Based on this study, it could be concluded that common cultivation is a better method to produce true shallot seeds during the offseason

    The Scarecrow

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    Currently, the development of technology is already quite rapidly with many new discoveries were found, but of the many technologies invented yet applied or utilized for agriculture. Technology expulsion of rice pests automatically environmentally friendly (solar powered) with high efficiency is needed to save money, energy and time. In the study conducted to optimize the testing tool carefully gradually from the collection of materials and materials, design tools and programs, making tools, testing tools, data analysis and conclusions. To support this process and get the appropriate calculation is done using the first simulation software simulator with high accuracy. With the establishment of rice pest repellent technology automatically solar powered, could create an automated tool to repel pests of rice, rice pest population control, energy saving, power, cost, time, effective, practical, environmentally friendly and has a high efficiency in its use, so that farming communities can develop their business evolve towards better and produce maximum production of agricultural products


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    The natural climate of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) is dry all the year. However, prior to wet season, the region will suffer from cold weather, particularly in August. Ume kbubu and ume naek, both are traditional houses of Timorese especially for those who come from Mollo. Ume kbubu is used as a kitchen and barn, while ume naek is used for shelter and receiving guests. This paper will explain the functional change of ume kbubu during cold weather. The research took place at Binaus village, Timor Tengah Selatan district in August 2016 using observation to monitor the peopleā€™s activity. Measurement of the temperature was conducted for 24 hours. At night the temperature outside might reach 20Ā°C, and 22Ā°C in ume naek, while in ume kbubu, it can reach 35 - 37Ā°C. The low temperature, both outside and in ume naek, causing the residents to  replace their activities in the warm ume kbubu. By evening, the people are usually sleeping in ume naek, but in cold weather, they sleep at ume kbubu. The conclusion of this research is there was a functional change of ume kbubu in the community activity during cold weathe