67 research outputs found

    Geotechnical Properties of Kanto Alluvial Soils based on Geochemical Survey

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    Chemical properties of pore water in soils have a great influence on interparticle bonding among clayey particles and, as a result, not only on their soil structure but also on their geotechnical properties. In this study, we analyzed ionic compositions in pore water extracted from alluvial soils deposited under different sedimentary environments in Kanto lowland area, Japan, and investigated the effect of the chemical compositions of pore water on the geotechnical properties such as compressibility and sensitivity. The following results were obtained: The ion concentrations of pore water measured by different extraction methods showed that the concentration of Na+ by the dilution method was higher than that by the centrifugation method, while the concentrations of Ca2+, Cl- and SO42- by the dilution method are significantly smaller than those by centrifugation method. The centrifugation method was recommended for evaluating geochemistry of the soils since the rotation speeds in the centrifugation method did not significantly affect the pore-water compositions. The geotechnical properties were highly related to the ion concentrations of pore water. Higher compression index and sensitivity were observed for the alluvial soils with higher monovalent/divalent ion ratio. In addition, more strong dependency of monovalent/divalent ion ratio on geotechnical properties was obtained for the alluvial soils with plasticity index larger than 30


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    【目的】車椅子利用者の安楽に及ぼす影響の1つとして「声かけ」に注目して,バリアが車椅子利用者の体感にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを知ることとを目的とした研究を行った. 【方法】対象者は,20歳代女性の看護学生で,車椅子利用時の体感に体重が影響することを考慮し標準体重に近い者を選定した.路面の状態については,観察,自走介助兼用車椅子に装着した振動計,座席用振動ピックアップを用い客観的測定を行った.声かけによる路面の状態による主観的反応の相違は,対象者60人を無作為にA群の「声かけあり群(n=30)」と,B群の「声かけなし群(n=30)」の2群に分けて把握した. 【倫理的配慮】対象者に本研究の目的及び方法を説明し,同意書に署名してもらった. 【分析方法】アンケート調査結果について2群を比較した.ゆれ・恐怖感・乗り心地の段階評価においてはウィルコクソンの符号順位和検定を行った. 【結果および考察】路面の見かけと振動値は概ね一致していたが,見かけは平らであっても振動値は高い場所もあった.路面に対する反応は以下の通りである. 1.振動が大きいところでは対象者の全身に振動を与え,不快をもたらしていた. 2.傾斜があるところでは対象者に恐怖感をもたらしていた. 3.声かけは対象者が振動を予測して,態勢を整えることに役立っていた. 4.声かけは安心感や気分転換等にもつながっていた. 以上のことから,車椅子利用者の介助に当たって声かけをすることは重要であることが明らかになった.また,多様な路面の性状下でも快適な車椅子利用ができるような介助の方法を探究していきたい.さらに,今回の結果は,車椅子以外にもシルバーカーや自走車椅子利用者の支援のあり方を示唆するものと考えられる.Aim : A research was conducted to investigate the influence by barriers of road surface on the bodily sensation of wheelchair users, while paying attention to “calling” as a factor influencing the comfort of the users. Method : The subjects were chosen from student nurses in their twenties. The objective measurement of the conditions of road surface was carried out through the use of observation, a vibrograph equipped on wheelchairs designed for both self-propelling and attendant-propelling, and a vibration pickup set on the seat of the wheelchairs. In order to grasp the differences emerged from calling in the subjective responses to road surface conditions, the 60 subjects were divided randomly into 2 groups of A and B, the former was “the group with calling(n=30)” whereas the latter was “the group without calling(n=30)”. Ethical consideration : The subjects were explained about the aim and method of the research, and requested to sign the agreement of participation. Analysis method : A comparison between the two groups on the results of the questionnaire was carried out. For the stage assessment of the vibration, fear and feeling of using a wheelchair, the Wilcoxon signedrank test was performed. Results and Discussion : There was a general concordance between the appearance of the road surface and the vibration level, but there were some spots where the vibrational levels were high although the surface appeared to be flat. The followings were the responses to the road surface. 1. Where the vibration levels were high, shakes were caused to the subjects’ bodies and made them feel uncomfortable. 2. Besides vibration, slopes on the road also caused the feeling of fear to the subjects. 3. Calling helped the subjects to predict a vibration and to be ready for it. 4. Calling related to the feeling of relief and mood changes, as well. From those findings, it has been clarified that calling is essential in assisting a wheelchair user. Also, it is a future theme to search for a way to assist in a comfortable use of wheelchairs under various conditions of the road surface


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    【目的】車椅子利用者の安楽に及ぼす影響の1つとして「声かけ」に注目して,バリアが車椅子利用者の体感にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを知ることとを目的とした研究を行った. 【方法】対象者は,20歳代女性の看護学生で,車椅子利用時の体感に体重が影響することを考慮し標準体重に近い者を選定した.路面の状態については,観察,自走介助兼用車椅子に装着した振動計,座席用振動ピックアップを用い客観的測定を行った.声かけによる路面の状態による主観的反応の相違は,対象者60人を無作為にA群の「声かけあり群(n=30)」と,B群の「声かけなし群(n=30)」の2群に分けて把握した. 【倫理的配慮】対象者に本研究の目的及び方法を説明し,同意書に署名してもらった. 【分析方法】アンケート調査結果について2群を比較した.ゆれ・恐怖感・乗り心地の段階評価においてはウィルコクソンの符号順位和検定を行った. 【結果および考察】路面の見かけと振動値は概ね一致していたが,見かけは平らであっても振動値は高い場所もあった.路面に対する反応は以下の通りである. 1.振動が大きいところでは対象者の全身に振動を与え,不快をもたらしていた. 2.傾斜があるところでは対象者に恐怖感をもたらしていた. 3.声かけは対象者が振動を予測して,態勢を整えることに役立っていた. 4.声かけは安心感や気分転換等にもつながっていた. 以上のことから,車椅子利用者の介助に当たって声かけをすることは重要であることが明らかになった.また,多様な路面の性状下でも快適な車椅子利用ができるような介助の方法を探究していきたい.さらに,今回の結果は,車椅子以外にもシルバーカーや自走車椅子利用者の支援のあり方を示唆するものと考えられる.Aim : A research was conducted to investigate the influence by barriers of road surface on the bodily sensation of wheelchair users, while paying attention to “calling” as a factor influencing the comfort of the users. Method : The subjects were chosen from student nurses in their twenties. The objective measurement of the conditions of road surface was carried out through the use of observation, a vibrograph equipped on wheelchairs designed for both self-propelling and attendant-propelling, and a vibration pickup set on the seat of the wheelchairs. In order to grasp the differences emerged from calling in the subjective responses to road surface conditions, the 60 subjects were divided randomly into 2 groups of A and B, the former was “the group with calling(n=30)” whereas the latter was “the group without calling(n=30)”. Ethical consideration : The subjects were explained about the aim and method of the research, and requested to sign the agreement of participation. Analysis method : A comparison between the two groups on the results of the questionnaire was carried out. For the stage assessment of the vibration, fear and feeling of using a wheelchair, the Wilcoxon signedrank test was performed. Results and Discussion : There was a general concordance between the appearance of the road surface and the vibration level, but there were some spots where the vibrational levels were high although the surface appeared to be flat. The followings were the responses to the road surface. 1. Where the vibration levels were high, shakes were caused to the subjects’ bodies and made them feel uncomfortable. 2. Besides vibration, slopes on the road also caused the feeling of fear to the subjects. 3. Calling helped the subjects to predict a vibration and to be ready for it. 4. Calling related to the feeling of relief and mood changes, as well. From those findings, it has been clarified that calling is essential in assisting a wheelchair user. Also, it is a future theme to search for a way to assist in a comfortable use of wheelchairs under various conditions of the road surface

    Development of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a patient with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia/lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma: clonal identity between two B-cell neoplasms

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    Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM)/ lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) is an indolent mature B-cell neoplasm. In rare cases of WM/LPL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) develops as a result of histologic transformation. In this report, we present a case of DLBCL developing in a patient with WM/LPL. Combination chemotherapy for DLBCL was effective and complete remission was eventually achieved. We attempted to determine the clonal relatedness between WM/LPL and DLBCL in the patient by analyzing complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) in the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. A common CDR3 sequence was found in tumor cells of DLBCL and those of WM/LPL, indicating that tumor cells of DLBCL are clonally identical to those of WM/LPL. Therefore, in the present case, DLBCL is developed from WM/LPL cells by clonal evolution

    Traditional Japanese Formula Kigikenchuto Accelerates Healing of Pressure-Loading Skin Ulcer in Rats

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    We evaluated the effect of kigikenchuto (KKT), a traditional Japanese formula, in a modified rat pressure-loading skin ulcer model. Rats were divided into three groups, KKT extract orally administered (250 or 500 mg/kg/day for 35 days) and control. KKT shortened the duration until healing. Immunohistochemically, KKT increased CD-31-positive vessels in early phase and increased α-smooth muscle actin-(α-SMA-) positive fibroblastic cells in early phase and decreased them in late phase of wound healing. By Western blotting, KKT showed the potential to decrease inflammatory cytokines (MCP-1, IL-1β, and TNF-α) in early phase, decrease vascular endothelial growth factor in early phase and increase it in late phase, and modulate the expression of extracellular protein matrix (α-SMA, TGF-β1, bFGF, collagen III, and collagen I). These results suggested the possibility that KKT accelerates pressure ulcer healing through decreases of inflammatory cytokines, increase of angiogenesis, and induction of extracellular matrix remodeling

    聾に自閉症を合併した一重複障害児の発達上の問題 : 聾単独例との比較

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    We researched the developmental problems on a case of deaf child with autism, and compared his development with a case of deaf-single child. We followed the cases through the training in our clinic since age of 3 to the age of 6, and assessed them by the developmental test of Enjhoji, and Tanaka-Binet intelligence Scale, and we also assessed them by WISC-III for reference at finally. In the case-B; the deaf-single child, he could catch up with the normal level on all developmental abilities assessed by these tests. In the case-A; the deaf child with autism, it was remarkable that the retardation of the abilities of transferable-movement, the emotional development, the verbal-intelligence. It was suggested that such retardations of case-A were mainly caused by the autism, in spite of he had started wearing hearing-aids from age of 1

    SLE の治療経過中にステロイド糖尿病を発症した患者の病気の受けとめ,セルフケアの実施内容と困難及びセルフケアのプロセス

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    【目的】全身性エリテマトーデス(以下SLEと略す)の治療経過中にステロイド糖尿病を発症した患者の病気の受け止め,セルフケアの実施内容と困難及びセルフケアのプロセスを明らかにし,ステロイド糖尿病患者への看護を検討することである.【方法】1. 研究デザイン 事例研究 2. 対象 SLEの治療経過中にステロイド糖尿病を発症した外来通院中の患者で,研究への協力に同意が得られた者.3. データ収集内容と方法 対象属性,糖尿病とSLEのとらえ,セルフケアの実施内容と困難について,半構成面接を実施した.5. 分析方法 対象の語りから,病気の受けとめ,セルフケアの実施内容,セルフケアの困難に関する箇所を抽出し,質的帰納的に分析した.セルフケアのプロセスについては,抽出されたサブカテゴリーを経時的に整理した.6. 倫理的配慮 獨協医科大学生命倫理審査委員会の生命倫理審査委員会の承認を得た.【結果】対象は,A 氏,50 代,女性,SLE歴36 年.SLE発症34 年目にステロイド糖尿病の診断を受け,インスリン導入となったが,ステロイド剤減量後,血糖値が安定し,発症35年目に経口血糖降下剤に変更した.以下,カテゴリーを【 】で記す.A 氏の語りから,病気の受けとめについて,【病気を受け入れるしかないと諦めている】など7 つ, セルフケアの実施内容について,【SLEの再燃を予防する】,【血糖値が高くならない程度に間食をする】など7 つ,セルフケアの困難について,【SLEの症状による苦痛がある】,【糖尿病のセルフケアに伴う困難がある】など4 つのカテゴリーが抽出された.【考察】看護師は,原病であるSLEによるセルフケアの困難に加え,糖尿病,ステロイド剤の副作用による困難が加わるというセルフケアのプロセスを知り,患者の病気の受けとめ,セルフケアの困難を理解し,SLEと糖尿病に対する包括的なセルフケアへの援助が必要であることが示唆された