23 research outputs found

    A Novel CLEIA for FGF23

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    Introduction: Measurement of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) has been reported to be clinically useful for the differential diagnosis of chronic hypophosphatemia. However, assays for research use only are available in Japan. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the clinical utility of a novel and automated chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for the measurement of FGF23. Materials and Methods: Participants were recruited from July 2015 to January 2017 at six facilities in Japan. Thirty-eight patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH; 15 males, 23 females, age 0–66 years), five patients with tumour-induced osteomalacia (TIO; 3 males, 2 females, age 60–73 years), and twenty-two patients with hypophosphatemia (11 males, 11 females, age 1–75 years) caused due to other factors participated in this study. Results: With the clinical cut-off value of FGF23 at 30.0 pg/mL indicated in the Diagnostic Guideline of Rickets/Osteomalacia in Japan, the sensitivity and specificity of FGF23-related hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia without vitamin D deficiency (disease group-1) were 100% and 81.8%, respectively, which distinguished it from non-FGF23-related hypophosphatemia (disease group-2). Furthermore, the diagnostic sensitivity of FGF23-related hypophosphatemia with vitamin D deficiency remained at 100%. Among the four patients with FGF23 levels ≥ 30.0 pg/mL in disease group-2, two patients with relatively higher FGF23 values were suspected to have genuine FGF23-related hypophosphatemia, due to the ectopic production of FGF23 in pulmonary and prostate small cell carcinomas. Conclusion: The novel FGF23 assay tested in this study is useful for the differential diagnosis of hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia in a clinical setting


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    Effect of oral administration of sodium bicarbonate on surface EMG activity during repeated cycling sprints

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of oral administration of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on surface electromyogram (SEMG) activity from the vastus lateralis (VL) during repeated cycling sprints (RCS). Subjects performed two RCS tests (ten 10-s sprints) interspersed with both 30-s and 360-s recovery periods 1 h after oral administration of either NaHCO3 (RCSAlk) or CaCO3 (RCSPla) in a random counterbalanced order. Recovery periods of 360 s were set before the 5th and 9th sprints. The rate of decrease in plasma HCO3− concentration during RCS was significantly greater in RCSAlk than in RCSPla, but the rates of decline in blood pH during the two RCS tests were similar. There was no difference between change in plasma lactate concentration in RCSAlk and that in RCSPla. Performance during RCSAlk was similar to that during RCSPla. There were no differences in oxygen uptake immediately before each cycling sprint (preVO2) and in SEMG activity between RCSAlk and RCSPla. In conclusion, oral administration of NaHCO3 did not affect SEMG activity from the VL. This suggests that the muscle recruitment strategy during RCS is not determined by only intramuscular pH

    A 350-s recovery period does not necessarily allow complete recovery of peak power output during repeated cycling sprints

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether a 350-s recovery period allows recovery of peak power output (PPO) to its initial value under the condition of a blood lactate (La) concentration higher than 10 mmol·L-1 during repeated cycling sprints (RCS). RCS (10×10-s cycling sprints) were performed under two conditions. Under one condition, the recovery period of RCS was fixed at 35 s (RCS35), and under the other condition, a 350-s recovery period was set before the 5th and 9th sets, and a 35-s recovery period was set before the other sets (RCScomb). In RCScomb, PPO in the 5th set recovered to that in the 1st set, but PPO in the 9th set did not. Under both conditions, blood La concentration progressively increased and reached approximately 14 mmol·L-1 at the end of the RCS. In RCScomb, VO2 immediately before the 5th set was not significantly different from that immediately before the 9th set. Mean power frequency (MPF) values estimated by a surface electromyogram from the vastus lateralis in the 5th and 9th sets were significantly higher in RCScomb than in RCS35. In conclusion, a 350-s recovery period does not allow recovery of PPO to its initial value under the condition of a blood La concentration of 14 mmol·L-1 during RCS

    Effects of heat exposure in the absence of hyperthermia on power output during repeated cycling sprints

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of heat exposure in the absence of hyperthermia on power output during repeated cycling sprints. Seven males performed four 10-s cycling sprints interspersed by 30 s of active recovery on a cycle ergometer in hot-dry and thermoneutral environments. Changes in rectal temperature were similar under the two ambient conditions. The mean 2-s power output over the 1st–4th sprints was significantly lower under the hot-dry condition than under the thermoneutral condition. The amplitude of the electromyogram was lower under the hot-dry condition than under the thermoneutral condition during the early phase (0–3 s) of each cycling sprint. No significant difference was observed for blood lactate concentration between the two ambient conditions. Power output at the onset of a cycling sprint during repeated cycling sprints is decreased due to heat exposure in the absence of hyperthermia

    Improvement of HI concentration performance for hydrogen production iodine-sulfur process using crosslinked cation-exchange membrane

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