84 research outputs found

    Magnons and electromagnons in a spin-lattice-coupled frustrated magnet CuFeO2 as seen via inelastic neutron scattering

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    We have investigated spin-wave excitations in a four-sublattice (4SL) magnetic ground state of a frustrated magnet CuFeO2, in which `electromagnon' (electric-field-active magnon) excitation has been discovered by recent terahertz time-domain spectroscopy [Seki et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 097207 (2010)]. In previous study, we have identified two spin-wave branches in the 4SL phase by means of inelastic neutron scattering measurements under applied uniaxial pressure. [T. Nakajima et al. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 014714 (2011) ] In the present study, we have performed high-energy-resolution inelastic neutron scattering measurements in the 4SL phase, resolving fine structures of the lower-energy spin-wave branch near the zone center. Taking account of the spin-driven lattice distortions in the 4SL phase, we have developed a model Hamiltonian to describe the spin-wave excitations. The determined Hamiltonian parameters have successfully reproduced the spin-wave dispersion relations and intensity maps obtained in the inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The results of the spin-wave analysis have also revealed physical pictures of the magnon and electromagnon modes in the 4SL phase, suggesting that collinear and noncollinear characters of the two spin-wave modes are the keys to understand the dynamical coupling between the spins and electric dipole moments in this system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Roentgenographic Study of the Chest of the Aged: special reference to "senile lung" and the paraspinal line

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    The characteristics of the changes of "senile lung" and normal values of the width of the paraspinal shadows on the chest roentgenographs were studied among 235 subjects aged from 70 to 97 without frank chest diseases. The ratio of upper transverse diameter (at the level of posterior 6th rib) to lower transverse diameter (at the top of right hemidiaphragm) on the frontal radiographs was significantly higher over the age of 85 than under 84, only in the female subjects. However, a lack of differences could be found in males. Therefore, "senile lung" was considered to be characteristic of the aging process, only for women. The width of the paraspinal shadow over the age of 70 was estimated to be normal in up to 19.9mm, and the index divided by the distance of descending aorta was up to 0.61, obtained from the value of 99% confidence limits

    High-field phase diagram of a chiral-lattice antiferromagnet Sr(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4

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    High-field phase diagram of a chiral-lattice antiferromagnet Sr(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 is studied by means of the ultrasound, dielectric, and magnetocaloric-effect measurements. These experimental techniques reveal two new phase transitions at high fields, which have not been resolved by the previous magnetization experiments. Specifically, the c66 acoustic mode shows drastic changes with hysteresis with applied fields along the c axis, indicating a strong magneto-elastic coupling. Combined with the cluster mean-field theory, we discuss the origins of these phase transitions. By considering the chiral-twist effect of Cu4O12 cupola units, which is inherent to the chiral crystal structure, the phase diagram is reasonably reproduced. The agreement between the experiment and theory suggests that this material is a unique quasi two-dimensional spin system with competing exchange interactions and chirality, leading to the rich phase diagram.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Kannattavuuden arviointi yksityismetsätaloudessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kannattavuuden arviointi esimerkkitilalla metsätalouden ohjelmistoja hyödyntäen ja arvioida ohjelmistojen soveltuvuutta yksityismetsätalouden käyttöön. Työn teoriaosuuteen perehdyttiin tutustumalla Suomen metsävaroihin ja metsänomistajarakenteeseen. Met-sätalouden kannattavuuden perustana olivat teoriapohja liittyen metsätalouden tuloihin, menoihin ja verotukseen. Työssä aineistona käytettiin vuonna 2015 laadittua metsäsuunnitelmaa. Tutkimusmenetelminä olivat esimerkkitilan kannattavuuden arviointi Metsätalouden kannattavuuslaskuria ja Motti-ohjelmistoa hyödyntäen. Metsätalouden kannattavuuslaskurin avulla laadittiin yhteenveto metsätilan taloudellisista tunnusluvuista, taselaskelmasta, tuloslaskelmasta ja kassavirran kehityksestä. Motti-ohjelmistolla laadittiin esimerkkitilan edustaville kuvioille kehitysennusteet ja selvitettiin erilaisten metsänkäsittelytoimenpiteiden taloudellista kannattavuutta. Keskimääräinen liiketulos metsätilalla oli 10 073 euroa vuodessa. Metsätilan hehtaarikohtainen liiketulos oli 45 euroa vuodessa. Metsätilan kirjanpidon tulos säilyi positiivisena lukuun ottamatta tarkastelujakson viimeistä vuotta, jolle ei ajoittunut metsäsuunnitelman mukaisia hakkuita. Esimerkkitilalla kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa tekemällä osa metsänhoitotöistä omatoimisesti ostopalvelun sijasta. Metsätalouden kannattavuuslaskurin todettiin soveltuvan kannattavuuden tarkasteluun tilatasolla. Metsätalouslaskurin edellyttämä metsäsuunnitelma mahdollistaa mahdollisimman luotettavan kannattavuuden arvioinnin. Epävarmuustekijöinä laskelmissa on rahavirtojen perustuminen pitkän ajan indekseihin. Motti-ohjelmisto soveltuu erilaisten metsänkäsittelyvaihtoehtojen vertailuun ja niistä aiheutuvien kustannusten arviointiin kuviotasolla. Motti-ohjelman epävarmuustekijänä on puuttuva mahdollisuus simuloida luonnon tai ihmisten aiheuttamien tuhojen vaikutusta metsikön kasvuun.The purpose of this thesis was to estimate profitability in a certain forest holding using silvicultural softwares and evaluate their suitability for use in forestry. The theory part handles Finnish forest resources and forest ownership structure. The profitability of forest holdings was based on the theory in incomes, expenses and taxes. The material for the thesis was a forest management plan that was made in 2015. The thesis consisted of the evaluation of the profitability in one forest holding using a profitability calculation programme and Motti-software. With the profitability calculation programme a summary of the financial figures, balance sheets, income statements and cash flow developments in forest holdings was done. Motti-software was used to make development predictions in the representative compartments and estimate the economic viability of silvicultural works. The average business result in the forest holding was 10 073 euros per year. The average business result per hectare was 45 euros. The turnover of the forest holdings remained positive in the whole period expect the last year, because there were no fellings according to the forest management plan. The profitability of the forest holdings can be improved by making part of the silvicultural work on your own instead of buying the service. The Profitability calculation programme was suitable for examining the profitability at the forest holding level. Because the software requires a forest management plan, the profitability can be estimated as reliably as possible. The uncertainty in the calculations is based on long term esti-mates in cash flows. Motti-software is suitable for comparing silvicultural works and fellings at a compartment level. Motti-software does not have an option to simulate natural or human damage to the development of a forest stand

    A Case of Acquired Leucoderma, Associated with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

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    A 67-year-old female diagnosed as Hashimoto's thyroiditis in company with acquired leucoderma was reported. She first noticed the enlarged thyroid at the age of 36, and thereafter leucoderma made its appearance 30 years later. Though a significant association between these two diseases has been found in the literature thus far and they are considered to be of autoimmune origin, their coexistence is not so common clinically. In spite of PUVA treatment, a benefit effect was not obtained completely