38 research outputs found

    Religion and the Attentional Blink: Depth of Faith Predicts Depth of the Blink

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    Religion is commonly defined as a set of rules, developed as part of a culture. Here we provide evidence that practice in following these rules systematically changes the way people allocate their attention, as indicated by the attentional blink (AB), a deficit in reporting the second of two target stimuli presented in close succession in a rapid sequence of distracters. We provide evidence that Dutch Calvinists and Atheists, brought up in the same country and culture and controlled for race, intelligence, mood, personality traits, and age, differ with respect to the amount of resources invested into processing AB targets. Calvinists showed a larger AB than Atheists, which is consistent with the notion that people's attentional processing style reflects biases rewarded by their religious beliefs

    Altering stimulus timing via fast rhythmic sensory stimulation induces STDP-like recall performance in human episodic memory

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    Episodic memory provides humans with the ability to mentally travel back to the past,1 where experiences typically involve associations between multimodal information. Forming a memory of the association is thought to be dependent on modification of synaptic connectivity.2,3 Animal studies suggest that the strength of synaptic modification depends on spike timing between pre- and post-synaptic neurons on the order of tens of milliseconds, which is termed “spike-timing-dependent plasticity” (STDP).4 Evidence found in human in vitro studies suggests different temporal scales in long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD), compared with the critical time window of STDP in animals.5,6 In the healthy human brain, STDP-like effects have been shown in the motor cortex, visual perception, and face identity recognition.7,8,9,10,11,12,13 However, evidence in human episodic memory is lacking. We investigated this using rhythmic sensory stimulation to drive visual and auditory cortices at 37.5 Hz with four phase offsets. Visual relative to auditory cued recall accuracy was significantly enhanced in the 90° condition when the visual stimulus led at the shortest delay (6.67 ms). This pattern was reversed in the 270° condition when the auditory stimulus led at the shortest delay. Within cue modality, recall was enhanced when a stimulus of the corresponding modality led the shortest delay (6.67 ms) compared with the longest delay (20 ms). Our findings provide evidence for STDP in human episodic memory, which builds an important bridge from in vitro studies in animals to human memory behavior

    Functional imaging reveals working memory and attention interact to produce the attentional blink

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    Copyright @ 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology PressIf two centrally presented visual stimuli occur within approximately half a second of each other, the second target often fails to be reported correctly. This effect, called the attentional blink (AB; Raymond, J. E., Shapiro, K. L., & Arnell, K. M. Temporary suppression of visual processing in an RSVP task: An attentional blink? Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, 18, 849-860, 1992], has been attributed to a resource "bottleneck," likely arising as a failure of attention during encoding into or retrieval from visual working memory (WM). Here we present participants with a hybrid WM-AB study while they undergo fMRI to provide insight into the neural underpinnings of this bottleneck. Consistent with a WM-based bottleneck account, fronto-parietal brain areas exhibited a WM load-dependent modulation of neural responses during the AB task. These results are consistent with the view that WM and attention share a capacity-limited resource and provide insight into the neural structures that underlie resource allocation in tasks requiring joint use of WM and attention.This research was supported by a project grant (071944) from the Wellcome Trust to Kimron Shapiro

    Interaction between theta phase and spike timing-dependent plasticity simulates theta-induced memory effects

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    Rodent studies suggest that spike timing relative to hippocampal theta activity determines whether potentiation or depression of synapses arise. Such changes also depend on spike timing between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons, known as spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP). STDP, together with theta phase-dependent learning, has inspired several computational models of learning and memory. However, evidence to elucidate how these mechanisms directly link to human episodic memory is lacking. In a computational model, we modulate long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of STDP, by opposing phases of a simulated theta rhythm. We fit parameters to a hippocampal cell culture study in which LTP and LTD were observed to occur in opposing phases of a theta rhythm. Further, we modulated two inputs by cosine waves with 0° and asynchronous phase offsets and replicate key findings in human episodic memory. Learning advantage was found for the in-phase condition, compared with the out-of-phase conditions, and was specific to theta-modulated inputs. Importantly, simulations with and without each mechanism suggest that both STDP and theta phase-dependent plasticity are necessary to replicate the findings. Together, the results indicate a role for circuit-level mechanisms, which bridge the gap between slice preparation studies and human memory

    Electrophysiological measurement of the effect of inter-stimulus competition on early cortical stages of human vision

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    AbstractCompetition between inputs in early visual cortex has been established as a key determinant in perception through decades of animal single cell and human fMRI research. We developed a novel ERP paradigm allowing this competition to be studied in humans, affording an opportunity to gain further insight into how competition is reflected at the neural level. Checkerboard stimuli were presented to elicit C1 (indexing processing in V1), C2 (hypothesized to reflect V1 after extrastriate feedback), and P1 (extrastriate) components. Stimuli were presented in three randomized conditions: single stimulus, near proximity pairs and far proximity pairs. Importantly, near stimuli (0.16° visual angle apart) were positioned to compete in primary visual cortex, whereas far stimuli (2° apart) were positioned to compete in extrastriate visual areas.As predicted, the degree and spatial range of competition increased from the C1 component to the C2 and P1 components. Specifically, competitive interactions in C1 amplitude were modest and present only for near-proximity pairs, whereas substantial competition was present for the P1, even for far-proximity pairs. To our knowledge, this is the first study to measure how competition unfolds over time in human visual cortex. Importantly, this method provides an empirical means of measuring competitive interactions at specific stages of visual processing, rendering it possible to rigorously test predictions about the effects of competition on perception, attention, and working memory

    Frontal and parietal theta burst TMS impairs working memory for visual-spatial conjunctions

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Under a Creative Commons license Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant number 077185/Z/05/Z) and the Welsh Assembly Government through the Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Rhythmic sensory stimulation as a noninvasive tool to study plasticity mechanisms in human episodic memory

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    In recent years, research in animals has increasingly focused on understanding the role of precise neural timing in inducing synaptic plasticity (the strengthening or weakening of synaptic connections). Human episodic memory is thought to depend on such plasticity. Animal studies have provided valuable insights into mechanisms such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity and theta-phase-dependent plasticity, highlighting the importance of coordinated timing between neural inputs for synaptic changes to occur. Building upon these findings, recent studies employing rhythmic sensory stimulation and electromagnetic stimulation in humans have attempted to link these mechanisms to episodic memory formation. These studies have revealed that memory consolidation relies on the precise co-ordination of timing between neural inputs, particularly in the gamma and theta frequency ranges. This body of work represents a crucial bridge between our understanding of cellular-level mechanisms in animal models and the complex processes underlying human memory

    Working memory load for faces modulates P300, N170, and N250r

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    We used event-related potential (ERP) methodology to examine neural activity associated with visual working memory (WM) for faces. There were two main goals. First, to extend previous findings of P300 load modulation to WM for faces. Second, to examine whether N170 and N250r are also influenced by WM load. Between one and four unfamiliar faces were simultaneously presented for memory encoding. After a 1-sec delay, a target whether this face was part of the previous face array. P300 amplitude decreased as WM load increased, and this P300 suppression was observed at both encoding and retrieval. WM load was also found to modulate other ERPs. The amplitude of the N170 elicited by the target face decreased with load, and this N170 decrease leveled off at load 2, reflecting the behavioral WM capacity of around two faces. In addition, the N250r, observed as an ERP difference for target faces that were present in the encoding array relative to target faces that were absent, was also reduced for higher WM loads. These findings extend previous work by showing that P300 modulation by WM load also occurs for faces. Furthermore, we show, for the first time, that WM load affects the N250r and the early visual N170 component. This suggests that higher visual areas play an important role in WM for faces