209 research outputs found

    Object Detection by Relative Motion in Freely Flying Flies

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    Status of the CRESST Dark Matter Search

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    The CRESST experiment aims for a detection of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. These particles are expected to scatter elastically off the nuclei of a target material, thereby depositing energy on the recoiling nucleus. CRESST uses scintillating CaWO4 crystals as such a target. The energy deposited by an interacting particle is primarily converted to phonons which are detected by transition edge sensors. In addition, a small fraction of the interaction energy is emitted from the crystals in the form of scintillation light which is measured in coincidence with the phonon signal by a separate cryogenic light detector for each target crystal. The ratio of light to phonon energy permits the discrimination between the nuclear recoils expected from WIMPs and events from radioactive backgrounds which primarily lead to electron recoils. CRESST has shown the success of this method in a commissioning run in 2007 and, since then, further investigated possibilities for an even better suppression of backgrounds. Here, we report on a new class of background events observed in the course of this work. The consequences of this observation are discussed and we present the current status of the experiment.Comment: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Composite CaWO4 Detectors for the CRESST-II Experiment

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    CRESST-II, standing for Cryogenic Rare Events Search with Superconducting Thermometers phase II, is an experiment searching for Dark Matter. In the LNGS facility in Gran Sasso, Italy, a cryogenic detector setup is operated in order to detect WIMPs by elastic scattering off nuclei, generating phononic lattice excitations and scintillation light. The thermometers used in the experiment consist of a tungsten thin-film structure evaporated onto the CaWO4 absorber crystal. The process of evaporation causes a decrease in the scintillation light output. This, together with the need of a big-scale detector production for the upcoming EURECA experiment lead to investigations for producing thermometers on smaller crystals which are glued onto the absorber crystal. In our Run 31 we tested composite detectors for the first time in the Gran Sasso setup. They seem to produce higher light yields as hoped and could provide an additional time based discrimination mechanism for low light yield clamp events.Comment: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors 4 pages, 9 figure

    Basic principles of stable isotope analysis in humanitarian forensic science.

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    While the identity of a victim of a localized disaster – such as a train or bus crash – may be established quickly through personal effects, fingerprints, dental records, and a comparison of decedent DNA to family reference specimen DNA, a different scenario presents itself in mass disasters, such as the Asian Tsunami of 2004. In the aftermath of the tsunami, visual appearance was initially used to assign “foreign” or “indigenous” classifications to the remains of thousands of victims. However, this visual identification approach was undermined by the speed with which bodies deteriorated under the hot and humid conditions. Time was spent populating ante-mortem DNA databases for different nationalities, which led to problems when creating a post-mortem DNA database because recovery of viable DNA was compromised due to rapid decomposition. As a consequence, only 1.3% of victims were identified by DNA; in contrast, 61% were identified based on dental examination, although this process took several months and a significant number of deceased from the 2004 Asian Tsunami still remain to be identified

    Distributed Dendritic Processing Facilitates Object Detection: A Computational Analysis on the Visual System of the Fly

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    Hennig P, Möller R, Egelhaaf M. Distributed Dendritic Processing Facilitates Object Detection: A Computational Analysis on the Visual System of the Fly. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(8): e3092.Background: Detecting objects is an important task when moving through a natural environment. Flies, for example, may land on salient objects or may avoid collisions with them. The neuronal ensemble of Figure Detection cells (FD-cells) in the visual system of the fly is likely to be involved in controlling these behaviours, as these cells are more sensitive to objects than to extended background structures. Until now the computations in the presynaptic neuronal network of FD-cells and, in particular, the functional significance of the experimentally established distributed dendritic processing of excitatory and inhibitory inputs is not understood. Methodology/Principal Findings: We use model simulations to analyse the neuronal computations responsible for the preference of FD-cells for small objects. We employed a new modelling approach which allowed us to account for the spatial spread of electrical signals in the dendrites while avoiding detailed compartmental modelling. The models are based on available physiological and anatomical data. Three models were tested each implementing an inhibitory neural circuit, but differing by the spatial arrangement of the inhibitory interaction. Parameter optimisation with an evolutionary algorithm revealed that only distributed dendritic processing satisfies the constraints arising from electrophysiological experiments. In contrast to a direct dendro-dendritic inhibition of the FD-cell (Direct Distributed Inhibition model), an inhibition of its presynaptic retinotopic elements (Indirect Distributed Inhibition model) requires smaller changes in input resistance in the inhibited neurons during visual stimulation. Conclusions/Significance: Distributed dendritic inhibition of retinotopic elements as implemented in our Indirect Distributed Inhibition model is the most plausible wiring scheme for the neuronal circuit of FD-cells. This microcircuit is computationally similar to lateral inhibition between the retinotopic elements. Hence, distributed inhibition might be an alternative explanation of perceptual phenomena currently explained by lateral inhibition networks

    Acute Modulation of Adipose Tissue Lipolysis by Intravenous Estrogens

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether intravenous (IV) conjugated estrogens (EST) acutely enhance the suppression of whole-body or regional subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) lipolysis by insulin in postmenopausal women. Research Methods and Procedures: We assessed whole-body lipolysis by [2H5]glycerol rate of appearance (GlycRA) and abdominal and femoral SAT lipolysis (interstitial glycerol; GlycIS) by subcutaneous microdialysis. Postmenopausal women (n = 12) were studied on two occasions, with IV EST or saline control (CON), under basal conditions and during a 3-stage (4, 8, and 40 mU/m2/ min) hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp. Ethanol outflow/inflow ratio and recovery of [13C] glycerol during microdialysis were used to assess blood flow changes and interstitial glycerol concentrations, respectively. Results: Compared with CON, EST did not affect systemic basal or insulin-mediated suppression of lipolysis (GlycRA) or SAT nutritive blood flow. Basal GlycIS in SAT was reduced on the EST day. However, insulin-mediated suppression of lipolysis in SAT was not significantly influenced by EST. Discussion: These findings suggest that estrogens acutely reduce basal lipolysis in SAT through an unknown mechanism but do not alter whole-body or SAT suppression of lipolysis by insulin. Originally published Obesity (Silver Spring), Vol. 14, No. 12, Dec 200

    Discrimination of Recoil Backgrounds in Scintillating Calorimeters

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    The alpha decay of \n{{}^{210}Po} is a dangerous background to rare event searches. Here, we describe observations related to this alpha decay in the Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers (CRESST). We find that lead nuclei show a scintillation light yield in our \n{CaWO_4} crystals of 0.0142±0.00130.0142\pm0.0013 relative to electrons of the same energy. We describe a way to discriminate this source of nuclear recoil background by means of a scintillating foil, and demonstrate its effectiveness. This leads to an observable difference in the pulse shape of the light detector, which can be used to tag these events. Differences in pulse shape of the phonon detector between lead and electron recoils are also extracted, opening the window to future additional background suppression techniques based on pulse shape discrimination in such experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure