4,034 research outputs found

    Improving the Functional Control of Aged Ferroelectrics using Insights from Atomistic Modelling

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    We provide a fundamental insight into the microscopic mechanisms of the ageing processes. Using large scale molecular dynamics simulations of the prototypical ferroelectric material PbTiO3, we demonstrate that the experimentally observed ageing phenomena can be reproduced from intrinsic interactions of defect-dipoles related to dopant-vacancy associates, even in the absence of extrinsic effects. We show that variation of the dopant concentration modifies the material's hysteretic response. We identify a universal method to reduce loss and tune the electromechanical properties of inexpensive ceramics for efficient technologies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Demonstration of Robust Quantum Gate Tomography via Randomized Benchmarking

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    Typical quantum gate tomography protocols struggle with a self-consistency problem: the gate operation cannot be reconstructed without knowledge of the initial state and final measurement, but such knowledge cannot be obtained without well-characterized gates. A recently proposed technique, known as randomized benchmarking tomography (RBT), sidesteps this self-consistency problem by designing experiments to be insensitive to preparation and measurement imperfections. We implement this proposal in a superconducting qubit system, using a number of experimental improvements including implementing each of the elements of the Clifford group in single `atomic' pulses and custom control hardware to enable large overhead protocols. We show a robust reconstruction of several single-qubit quantum gates, including a unitary outside the Clifford group. We demonstrate that RBT yields physical gate reconstructions that are consistent with fidelities obtained by randomized benchmarking

    Doing gender locally: The importance of ‘place’ in understanding marginalised masculinities and young men’s transitions to ‘safe’ and successful futures

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    Observable anxieties have been developing about the position of boys and young men in contemporary society in recent years. This is expressed as a crisis of masculinity, in which place is often implicitly implicated, but is rarely considered for its role in the shaping of young men’s practices, trajectories and aspirations. Drawing on research conducted with young people who accessed a range of social care support services, this article argues that transition means different things for young men in different locales and that local definitions of masculinity are required to better understand young men’s lives and the opportunities available to them. The authors argue that home life, street life, individual neighbourhoods, regions and nations all shaped the young men’s identities and the practices they (and the staff working with them) drew on in order to create successful futures and ‘safe’ forms of masculinity. It is suggested that this place-based approach has the potential to re-shape the ‘crisis’ discourse surrounding masculinity and the anxieties associated with young men

    Polynomial growth in age-dependent branching processes with diverging reproductive number

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    We study the spreading dynamics on graphs with a power law degree distribution p_k ~ k^-gamma with 2<gamma<3, as an example of a branching process with diverging reproductive number. We provide evidence that the divergence of the second moment of the degree distribution carries as a consequence a qualitative change in the growth pattern, deviating from the standard exponential growth. First, the population growth is extensive, meaning that the average number of vertices reached by the spreading process becomes of the order of the graph size in a time scale that vanishes in the large graph size limit. Second, the temporal evolution is governed by a polynomial growth, with a degree determined by the characteristic distance between vertices in the graph. These results open a path to further investigation on the dynamics on networks.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Advanced wet-dry cooling tower concept

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    Thesis. 1977. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.The purpose of this years' work has been to test and analyze the new dry cooling tower surface previously developed. The model heat transfer test apparatus built last year has been instrumented for temperature, humidity and flow measurement and performance has been measured under a variety of operating conditions. Tower Tests showed approximately 40-50% of the total energy transfer as taking place due to evaporation. This can be compared to approximately 80 to 85% for a conventional wet cooling tower. Comparison of the model tower test results with those of a computer simulation has demonstrated the validity of that simulation and its use as a design tool. Computer predictions have been made for a full-size tower system operating at several locations. Experience with this counterflow model tower has suggested that several design problems may be avoided by blowing the cooling air horizontally through the packing section. This crossflow concept was built from the previous counterflow apparatus and included the design and fabrication of new packing plates. Instrumentation and testing of the counterflow model produced data with an average experimental error of 10%. These results were compared to the predictions of a computer model written for the crossflow configuration. In 14 test runs the predicted total heat transfer differed from the measured total heat transfer by no more than 8% with most runs coming well within 5%. With the computer analogy's validity established, it may now be used to help predict the performance of fullscale wet-dry towers

    Level Set Segmentation with Shape and Appearance Models Using Affine Moment Descriptors

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    We propose a level set based variational approach that incorporates shape priors into edge-based and region-based models. The evolution of the active contour depends on local and global information. It has been implemented using an efficient narrow band technique. For each boundary pixel we calculate its dynamic according to its gray level, the neighborhood and geometric properties established by training shapes. We also propose a criterion for shape aligning based on affine transformation using an image normalization procedure. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of the our approach on the liver segmentation from CT images

    Recovering Quantum Gates from Few Average Gate Fidelities

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    Characterizing quantum processes is a key task in the development of quantum technologies, especially at the noisy intermediate scale of today’s devices. One method for characterizing processes is randomized benchmarking, which is robust against state preparation and measurement errors and can be used to benchmark Clifford gates. Compressed sensing techniques achieve full tomography of quantum channels essentially at optimal resource efficiency. In this Letter, we show that the favorable features of both approaches can be combined. For characterizing multiqubit unitary gates, we provide a rigorously guaranteed and practical reconstruction method that works with an essentially optimal number of average gate fidelities measured with respect to random Clifford unitaries. Moreover, for general unital quantum channels, we provide an explicit expansion into a unitary 2-design, allowing for a practical and guaranteed reconstruction also in that case. As a side result, we obtain a new statistical interpretation of the unitarity—a figure of merit characterizing the coherence of a process
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