15 research outputs found

    Simple Guidelines for Deciding When Soil Variability Does – and Doesn’t – Matter for Rangeland Management and Restoration

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    “Rangelands in most parts of the world are relatively homogenous and can be managed uniformly at the landscape scale” or “rangelands are extremely diverse and require different approaches even at the landscape scale.” Both statements are made frequently by rangelands scientists and managers. Both are correct. Whether or not it is worthwhile to consider soil variability when planning management and restoration at the landscape scale depends on objectives, location, and the management or restoration strategies under consideration. Together these factors determine whether outcomes are likely to be different at different locations in the landscape, and whether those outcomes can be significantly improved by varying management across the landscape. In this paper we present simple guidelines for deciding whether soil variability should be taken into account when planning management and restoration projects. We conclude by providing a few suggestions on how to decide whether existing soil maps are adequate where soil information is required, and suggestions for how to quickly field-check soil map accuracy

    Factors influencing use of multipurpose trees and shrubs in arid and semiarid lands of Kenya

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    Multipurpose trees and shrubs are vital components of arid and semiarid ecosystems. They offer both regulatory and production services, yet there is inadequate information on their actual use and factors affecting utilization of these plant resources. A study was carried out in three agroecological zones (counties) of southeastern Kenya: Machakos (subhumid zone), Kajiado (semiarid zone), and Kitui (arid zone). The research objective was to assess the local uses of multipurpose trees and shrubs and determine how socioeconomic factors (gender, type of occupation, and education level) influenced their use. A field survey was conducted along a 324-km transect across the three agroecological zones. Data were collected from 196 respondents using focus group discussions, key informants, and individual household questionnaires. A total of 86 plant species belonging to 47 plant families were recorded. The Mann-Whitney U-test revealed that women significantly used a higher number of different plant species than men (P < 0.05). The level of education and type of occupation also significantly affected plant use (P < 0.05), with subsistence farmers having primary or no formal education, reporting the highest number of species. Fifteen plant-use categories comprising production and service provision were identified. Plant species use-value index (UVI) revealed 10 indigenous and wild woody species of high value in the study area. Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne had the highest UVI of 0.33, followed by Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. (0.17), Terminalia brownii Fres. (0.13), and Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. (0.12). There was a significant positive correlation between the reporting frequency for woody species and the overall UVI (P < 0.05). Economic development, climate change, and land use changes jeopardize distribution, utilization, and knowledge preservation of multipurpose woody species. There is a need for monitoring and adoption of gender-sensitive strategies for their sustainable utilization in order to safeguard these unique plant resources from degradation and overexploitation

    Two New Mobile Apps for Rangeland Inventory and Monitoring by Landowners and Land Managers

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    Opportunities for rangeland inventory and monitoring have been transformed by innovations in both indicator and methods standardization and new technologies. These technologies make it easier to collect, store, access, and interpret inventory and monitoring data. The Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) platform and apps help users with little or no soils knowledge to describe their soil, and for those with little botanical knowledge to monitor key shifts in the relative dominance of plant structural groups. The system also allows users to easily share and compare their data with others. © 2017The Rangelands archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information

    Factors Affecting Students Poor Preference of Music as a Course of Study of Secondary School Students in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

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